Εμφάνιση Καταχωρισμένων Συμφωνιών Erasmus+

ΟνοματεπώνυμοΣχολή/Τμήμα ΑΠΘΠανεπιστήμιοErasmus CodeSubject AreasStart yearEnd yearFact SheetContract page
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversity of PécsHU PECS0101 - Education20142029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversitatea de Vest din TimişoaraRO TIMISOA0101 - Education20142018Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyLinköpings universitetS LINKOPI0101 - Education20142020Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE0101 - Education20142022Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversität BielefeldD BIELEFE0101 - Education20142020Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyTampere UniversitySF TAMPERE1701 - Education20142029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyTallinna ÜlikoolEE TALLINN0501 - Education20142029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversitatea din PitestiRO PITESTI0101 - Education20142018Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA0101 - Education20142018Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyOpen University of CyprusCY LEFKOSI0101 - Education20142018Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversität Duisburg-EssenD ESSEN0401 - Education20142029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA1601 - Education20142029Contract
Kesidou AnastasiaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversität RegensburgD REGENSB0101 - Education20142029Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationFrederick University, CyprusCY NICOSIA2301 - Education20142029Contract
Papandreou MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO1201 - Education20142029Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversität BielefeldD BIELEFE0101 - Education20142029Contract
Hatzinikolaou KorniliaSchool of Early Childhood EducationJohn von Neumann UniversityHU KECSKEM0201 - Education20142018Contract
Vouyoukas ConstantinosSchool of Early Childhood EducationPedagogical University of CracowPL KRAKOW0501 - Education20142029Contract
Vouyoukas ConstantinosSchool of Early Childhood EducationInstituto Politécnico de BragançaP BRAGANC0101 - Education20142022Contract
Hatzinikolaou KorniliaSchool of Early Childhood EducationInstituto Politécnico do PortoP PORTO0501 - Education20142016Contract
Gkeka MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID0301 - Education20142026Contract
Vouyoukas ConstantinosSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversity of ChesterUK CHESTER0101 - Education20142021Contract
Varsamidou AthinaSchool of French Language and LiteratureAix-Marseille UniversitéF MARSEIL8401 - Education20142029Contract
Christou KonstantinosSchool of Early Childhood EducationCelal Bayar ÜniversitesiTR MANISA0101 - Education20142029Contract
Birbili MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversity of NicosiaCY NICOSIA1401 - Education20142029Contract
Marvakis AthanasiosSchool of Primary EducationInstituto Politécnico de LisboaP LISBOA0501 - Education20142029Contract
Theodosiadou SofiaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA0101 - Education20142029Contract
Kanatsouli MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationBahçeşehir UniversityTR ISTANBU0801 - Education20142022Contract
Foukas VasileiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversità degli Studi di FoggiaI FOGGIA0301 - Education20142022Contract
Karagianni PanagiotaSchool of Primary EducationUniwersytet JagiellońskiPL KRAKOW0101 - Education20142029Contract
Karagianni PanagiotaSchool of Primary EducationUniversidad de SalamancaE SALAMAN0201 - Education20142029Contract
Marvakis AthanasiosSchool of Primary EducationRoskilde UniversitetDK ROSKILD0101 - Education20152028Contract
Bonidis KyriakosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyKaradeniz Teknik ÜniversitesiTR TRABZON0101 - Education20152018Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA0101 - Education20152029Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationKirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/KremsA WIEN1001 - Education20152029Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationKirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Graz-SeckauA GRAZ0801 - Education20152029Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationPädagogische Hochschule Salzburg "Stefan Zweig"A SALZBUR0301 - Education20152029Contract
Vouyoukas ConstantinosSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA0101 - Education20162028Contract
Bonidis KyriakosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyNecmettin Erbakan ÜniversitesiTR KONYA0401 - Education20162018Contract
Papageorgiou NikiSchool of TheologyUniversity of OstravaCZ OSTRAVA0201 - Education20172029Contract
Koutsogiannis DimitriosSchool of PhilologySheffield Hallam UniversityUK SHEFFIE0201 - Education20172021Contract
Aggelaki Triantafilia-RosySchool of Early Childhood EducationUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN0101 - Education20172029Contract
Zachos DimitriosSchool of Primary EducationEötvös Loránd TudományegyetemHU BUDAPES0101 - Education20172029Contract
Kesidou AnastasiaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversity of Humanistic StudiesNL UTRECHT3401 - Education20172029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyMasaryk UniversityCZ BRNO0501 - Education20182029Contract
Dogani KonstantinaSchool of Early Childhood EducationLeuphana Universität LüneburgD LUNEBUR0101 - Education20182028Contract
Kesidou AnastasiaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyBath Spa UniversityUK BATH0201 - Education20182021Contract
Panteliadou SouzanaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA2401 - Education20182029Contract
Kesidou AnastasiaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO0101 - Education20182028Contract
Marvakis AthanasiosSchool of Primary EducationUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA0101 - Education20192028Contract
Kakana DomnaSchool of Early Childhood EducationJohn von Neumann UniversityHU KECSKEM0301 - Education20182023Contract
GINOU ELENILanguage CenterInstitut Supérieur de Formation de l'Enseignement catholiqueF BORDEAU5501 - Education20202023Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyPädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg - Heidelberg University of EducationD HEIDELB0201 - Education20212029Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO0101 - Education20232024Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationFrederick University, CyprusCY NICOSIA2301 - Education20242029Contract
Zachos DimitriosSchool of Primary EducationUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ0101 - Education20242029Contract
Koliouli FloraSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversité Toulouse - Jean JaurèsF TOULOUS0201 - Education20242029Contract
Zachos DimitriosSchool of Primary EducationPedagogical University of CracowPL KRAKOW0501 - Education20252028Contract
Gioti LabrinaSchool of Primary EducationUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA0101 - Education20252028Contract
Zachos DimitriosSchool of Primary EducationUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW0101 - Education20252027Contract
Dounavi KaterinaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyAKADEMIA ZAMOJSKAPL ZAMOSC0301 - Education20252027Contract
Gkeka MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationCY Cergy Paris UniversityF CERGY-P1101 - Education20252029Contract
Aggelaki Triantafilia-RosySchool of Early Childhood EducationMalmö UniversityS MALMO0101 - Education20252028Contract
Dounavi KaterinaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUNIVERSIDAD DE CORDOBAE CORDOBA0101 - Education20252029Contract
Dounavi KaterinaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversidad de la LagunaE TENERIF0101 - Education20252029Contract
Paleologos KonstantinosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de MálagaE MALAGA0102 - Arts and humanities20142029Contract
Litsardaki MariaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversidade do PortoP PORTO0202 - Arts and humanities20142023Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologySveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB0102 - Arts and humanities20142029Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyUniwersytet WrocławskiPL WROCLAW0102 - Arts and humanities20142027Contract
Naoum IoannaSchool of PhilologyLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München D MUNCHEN0102 - Arts and humanities20142029Contract
Naoum IoannaSchool of PhilologyUniversität WienA WIEN0102 - Arts and humanities20142029Contract
Simelidis ChristosSchool of PhilologyCentral European UniversityHU BUDAPES4702 - Arts and humanities20152022Contract
Botonaki EffrosyniSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ0102 - Arts and humanities20152029Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyUniversidad Autónoma de MadridE MADRID0402 - Arts and humanities20152029Contract
Semoglou AthanasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaE BARCELO0202 - Arts and humanities20162029Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversität der Künste BerlinD BERLIN0302 - Arts and humanities20152025Contract
Paleologos KonstantinosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de HuelvaE HUELVA0102 - Arts and humanities20162029Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO4802 - Arts and humanities20172028Contract
Papadopoulou PagonaSchool of History and ArchaeologyMimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU0602 - Arts and humanities20182029Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureQueen's University BelfastUK BELFAST0102 - Arts and humanities20182019Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureVilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)LT VILNIUS0202 - Arts and humanities20192024Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA0102 - Arts and humanities20192028Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW0102 - Arts and humanities20202028Contract
Semoglou AthanasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity of OstravaCZ OSTRAVA0202 - Arts and humanities20202029Contract
Kaklamanidou DespoinaSchool of Film StudiesDebreceni EgyetemHU DEBRECE0102 - Arts and humanities20202029Contract
Oikonomou MariaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität zu KölnD KOLN0102 - Arts and humanities20212023Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi della TusciaI VITERBO01 02 - Arts and humanities20222029Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversité de NantesF NANTES0102 - Arts and humanities20222029Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversité d'Avignon et des Pays de VaucluseF AVIGNON0102 - Arts and humanities20222029Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de OviedoE OVIEDO0102 - Arts and humanities20222029Contract
Liani TatianaSchool of DramaUniversität der Künste BerlinD BERLIN0302 - Arts and humanities20222029Contract
Liani TatianaSchool of DramaUniversität WienA WIEN0102 - Arts and humanities20222029Contract
Liani TatianaSchool of DramaUniversidade do MinhoP BRAGA0102 - Arts and humanities20222029Contract
Antoniadis TheodorosSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di SienaI SIENA0102 - Arts and humanities20222024Contract
Liani TatianaSchool of DramaNorges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige UniversitetN TRONDHE0102 - Arts and humanities20222029Contract
Gyioka CharikleiaSchool of ArchitectureAccademia di Belle Arti di RomaI ROMA0602 - Arts and humanities20242029Contract
Andreou GeorgiosSchool of Political SciencesCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA0703 - Social sciences, journalism and information20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA0103 - Social sciences, journalism and information20152029Contract
Veglis AndreasSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA2403 - Social sciences, journalism and information20152023Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesHaute École Provinciale de Hainaut - CondorcetB MONS2303 - Social sciences, journalism and information20182029Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesKES CollegeCY NICOSIA2503 - Social sciences, journalism and information20182023Contract
Chatzipantelis TheodorosSchool of Political SciencesHochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Kehl / University of Applied Sciences KehlD KEHL0103 - Social sciences, journalism and information20182029Contract
Chatzipantelis TheodorosSchool of Political SciencesUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA0103 - Social sciences, journalism and information20182029Contract
Chatzipantelis TheodorosSchool of Political SciencesUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN0103 - Social sciences, journalism and information20182029Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesCollege of Europe PL WARSZAW9003 - Social sciences, journalism and information20202023Contract
Charalampous Chara-Myrto-agapiSchool of MathematicsUniversità degli Studi di GenovaI GENOVA0105 - Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics20142029Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringAGH University of Science and TechnologyPL KRAKOW0207 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142029Contract
Chatziathanasiou VasileiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité Paris Est Créteil – Val de MarneF PARIS01207 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142020Contract
Efstathiou KyriakosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO0207 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142023Contract
Papakostas KonstantinosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversitatea 'Stefan Cel Mare' din SuceavaRO SUCEAVA0107 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversité Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1F GRENOBL0107 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142016Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversité de LiègeB LIEGE0107 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142029Contract
Tika TheodoraSchool of Civil EngineeringInstitut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de LyonF LYON1207 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142029Contract
Papakostas KonstantinosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din IaşiRO IASI0507 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142029Contract
Seferlis PanagiotisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversität PaderbornD PADERBO0107 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142029Contract
Mylopoulos IoannisSchool of Civil EngineeringMontanuniversität LeobenA LEOBEN0107 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142018Contract
Panagiotidou SofiaSchool of Mechanical EngineeringWestsächsische Hochschule ZwickauD ZWICKAU0107 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversité Grenoble Alpes (UGA)F GRENOBL5507 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20162029Contract
Tsioukas VasileiosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO0207 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction20172029Contract
Chatzidimitriou EffimiaSchool of ChemistryUniversité de Bordeaux SegalenF BORDEAU0208 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary20142016Contract
Kovaios DimitriosSchool of AgricultureCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO0208 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary20152029Contract
Moschou DimitriosSchool of AgricultureUniversidad Politécnica de MadridE MADRID0508 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary20152029Contract
Chatzidimitriou EffimiaSchool of ChemistryUniversité de BordeauxF BORDEAU5808 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary20162023Contract
Koukounaras AthanasiosSchool of AgricultureUniversidad de Santiago de CompostelaE SANTIAG0108 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary20182029Contract
Koukounaras AthanasiosSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi della TusciaI VITERBO01 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary20182029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineUTP University of Science and Technology in BydgoszczPL BYDGOSZ0208 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary20202023Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyKarl-Franzens-Universität GrazA GRAZ0110 - Services20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversiteit UtrechtNL UTRECHT0110 - Services20142029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyMiddle East Technical UniversityTR ANKARA04011 - Education20142022Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyHumboldt-Universität zu BerlinD BERLIN13011 - Education20142022Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversity of Lower SilesiaPL WROCLAW14011 - Education20142019Contract
Tsokalidou PetroulaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversity of HelsinkiSF HELSINK01011 - Education20142022Contract
Gkeka MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversité de Cergy-PontoiseF CERGY07011 - Education20142023Contract
Gkeka MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationInstituto Politécnico de ViseuP VISEU01011 - Education20142022Contract
Hatzinikolaou KorniliaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA01011 - Education20142016Contract
Papadopoulou EleniSchool of Early Childhood EducationSofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA06011 - Education20142022Contract
Papandreou MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA07011 - Education20152029Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationFriedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-NürnbergD ERLANGE01011 - Education20142028Contract
Marvakis AthanasiosSchool of Primary EducationPamukkale UniversitesiTR DENIZLI01011 - Education20142022Contract
Marvakis AthanasiosSchool of Primary EducationMaltepe ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU18011 - Education20142029Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationUppsala universitetS UPPSALA01011 - Education20142018Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO01011 - Education20142015Contract
Pavli Korre MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H01011 - Education20142015Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA01011 - Education20142015Contract
Dogani KonstantinaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversität WienA WIEN01011 - Education20142015Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01011 - Education20142015Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ01011 - Education20142015Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS01011 - Education20142015Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationEuropos Humanitarinis UniversitetasLT VILNIUS20011 - Education20142015Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversità degli Studi di Milano-BicoccaI MILANO16011 - Education20152022Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité du LuxembourgLUX LUX-VIL01011 - Education20152029Contract
Bonidis KyriakosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyPädagogische Hochschule FreiburgD FREIBUR02011 - Education20152018Contract
Fragkiadaki GlykeriaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversité de Bretagne OccidentaleF BREST01011 - Education20152029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA01011 - Education20152018Contract
Mouratidou AikateriniSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Pädagogische Hochschule WeingartenD WEINGAR01011 - Education20162018Contract
Vouyoukas ConstantinosSchool of Early Childhood EducationInstituto Politécnico do PortoP PORTO05011 - Education20172029Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN01011 - Education20172029Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA01011 - Education20172028Contract
Mouratidou AikateriniSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Pädagogische Hochschule WeingartenD WEINGAR01011 - Education20182029Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationUniversidad Isabel IE BURGOS20011 - Education20182029Contract
Kesidou AnastasiaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversity of HelsinkiSF HELSINK01011 - Education20182022Contract
Chatzidimou KonstantinosSchool of German Language and LiteraturePädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg - Heidelberg University of EducationD HEIDELB02011 - Education20192029Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationUppsala universitetS UPPSALA01011 - Education20192029Contract
Marvakis AthanasiosSchool of Primary EducationPädagogische Hochschule FreiburgD FREIBUR02011 - Education20202029Contract
Sarakinioti AntigoniSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyKarl-Franzens-Universität GrazA GRAZ01011 - Education20222029Contract
Gkeka MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationCY Cergy Paris UniversityF CERGY-P11011 - Education20232029Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ01021 - Arts20142029Contract
Mantaka ChrysanthiSchool of DramaUniversità IUAV di VeneziaI VENEZIA02021 - Arts20142029Contract
Alexandru MariaSchool of Music StudiesUniversitatea de Arte 'George Enescu' din IaşiRO IASI01021 - Arts20142020Contract
Lavva StellaSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversität HildesheimD HILDESH01021 - Arts20142028Contract
Nomidou EvangeliaSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsThe E.Geppert Academy of Art and Design in WrocławPL WROCLAW07021 - Arts20142029Contract
Venetis ChristosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti di FrosinoneI FROSINO01021 - Arts20142029Contract
Zografos VasiliosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversitat Politècnica de València E VALENCI02021 - Arts20142029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsHochschule für bildende Künste HamburgD HAMBURG04021 - Arts20142015Contract
Semoglou AthanasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologySveučilište u RijeciHR RIJEKA01021 - Arts20142029Contract
Avgita LouizaSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsEcole Supérieure des Beaux Arts de NîmesF NIMES15021 - Arts20152029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsHochschule für bildende Künste HamburgD HAMBURG04021 - Arts20152016Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti di VeneziaI VENEZIA03021 - Arts20162028Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsHochschule für bildende Künste HamburgD HAMBURG04021 - Arts20162017Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsInstituto Politécnico de LisboaP LISBOA05021 - Arts20162029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsHochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSBI)D BIELEFE02021 - Arts20172022Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsÉcole Supérieure d'Art & de Communication CambraiF CAMBRAI05021 - Arts20172019Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti di CatanzaroI CATANZA03021 - Arts20172023Contract
Venetis ChristosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti di BariI BARI02021 - Arts20172029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti di BreraI MILANO08021 - Arts20172029Contract
Regkakos AntoniosSchool of PhilologyUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142022Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyLunds universitetS LUND01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Rassidakis AlexandraSchool of German Language and LiteratureHeinrich-Heine-Universität DüsseldorfD DUSSELD01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Rassidakis AlexandraSchool of German Language and LiteratureRuhr-Universität BochumD BOCHUM01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Athanasiadou-Gerothanasi AngelikiSchool of English Language and LiteratureBangor UniversityUK BANGOR01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142021Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142023Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi della BasilicataI POTENZA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142023Contract
Zografidou ZografiaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di SienaI SIENA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142016Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversity of DundeeUK DUNDEE01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142021Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureKırklareli ÜniversitesiTR KIRKLAR01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Botonaki EffrosyniSchool of English Language and LiteratureIstanbul Kültür ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU19022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Ploumistaki KalliopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Rennes 2F RENNES02022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Stavrakaki StavroulaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversity College LondonUK LONDON029022 - Humanities (except languages)20142017Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di FoggiaI FOGGIA03022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"I NAPOLI02022 - Humanities (except languages)20142028Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Mousouri EvangeliaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Stendhal - Grenoble 3F GRENOBL03022 - Humanities (except languages)20142016Contract
Bozinis KonstantinosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyChristian-Albrechts-Universität zu KielD KIEL01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyUniversity College LondonUK LONDON029022 - Humanities (except languages)20142021Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversità degli Studi di MilanoI MILANO01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversity College CorkIRLCORK01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Manta EleftheriaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142015Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142015Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142015Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesEuropos Humanitarinis UniversitetasLT VILNIUS20022 - Humanities (except languages)20142015Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesTallinna TehnikaúlikoolEE TALLINN04022 - Humanities (except languages)20142015Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20142015Contract
Kalokairinou EleniSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20152022Contract
Plastira-Valkanou MariaSchool of PhilologyUniversity of LeedsUK LEEDS01022 - Humanities (except languages)20152021Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaD JENA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20172029Contract
Zachou AikateriniSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität PotsdamD POTSDAM01022 - Humanities (except languages)20172029Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi del MoliseI CAMPOBA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20172029Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversidad CEU San PabloE MADRID21022 - Humanities (except languages)20172023Contract
Zografidis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniwersytet SzczecińskiPL SZCZECI01022 - Humanities (except languages)20182029Contract
Voutyras EmmanouilSchool of History and ArchaeologyEuropos Humanitarinis UniversitetasLT VILNIUS20022 - Humanities (except languages)20182018Contract
Karamanidou AnnaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversità Ca' Foscari VeneziaI VENEZIA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20182025Contract
Kesidou AnastasiaSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA07022 - Humanities (except languages)20182029Contract
Karamanidou AnnaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20182019Contract
Tsioumis KonstantinosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL02022 - Humanities (except languages)20242029Contract
Penolidis TheodorosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyFERNUNIVERSITAT IN HAGEND HAGEN01022 - Humanities (except languages)20242029Contract
Arampatzis ChristosSchool of TheologyEcole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris (EHESS)F PARIS057022 - Humanities (except languages)20242029Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversity of MaltaMT MALTA01022 - Humanities (except languages)20252027Contract
Zachou AikateriniSchool of German Language and LiteratureFRANKFURT UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCESD FRANKFU04022 - Humanities (except languages)20242025Contract
Andreou GeorgiosSchool of Political SciencesUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA01031 - Social and behavioural sciences20142023Contract
Stilianou AristotelisSchool of Political SciencesUniversity of Lower SilesiaPL WROCLAW14031 - Social and behavioural sciences20142019Contract
Xanthopoulou DespoinaSchool of PsychologyUniversity of East AngliaUK NORWICH01031 - Social and behavioural sciences20142017Contract
Karampela SofiaSchool of EconomicsEMUNI UniversitySI PORTORO03031 - Social and behavioural sciences20142029Contract
Kavala MariaSchool of Political SciencesUniversitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din GalaţiRO GALATI01031 - Social and behavioural sciences20182029Contract
Xanthopoulou DespoinaSchool of PsychologyUniversity of East AngliaUK NORWICH01031 - Social and behavioural sciences20182021Contract
Xanthopoulou DespoinaSchool of PsychologyUniversität MünsterD MUNSTER01031 - Social and behavioural sciences20202029Contract
Georgaca EugenieSchool of PsychologyUniversity of South-Eastern NorwayN KONGSBE02031 - Social and behavioural sciences20202029Contract
Teperoglou EftychiaSchool of Political SciencesUniversität des SaarlandesD SAARBRU01031 - Social and behavioural sciences20242029Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversité Paul Sabatier - Toulouse IIIF TOULOUS03032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID03032 - Journalism and information20142028Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesNHL HogeschoolNL LEEUWAR01032 - Journalism and information20152016Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO02032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesFrederick University, CyprusCY NICOSIA23032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesThe Hague University of Applied SciencesNL S-GRAVE13032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesKøbenhavns UniversitetDK KOBENHA01032 - Journalism and information20142019Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversität TrierD TRIER01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzD MAINZ01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversidad de Santiago de CompostelaE SANTIAG01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversidad CEU Cardenal HerreraE VALENCI08032 - Journalism and information20142023Contract
Ververopoulou ZoiSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-DenisF PARIS008032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesÖrebro universitetS OREBRO01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversitatea din OradeaRO ORADEA01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniwersytet WrocławskiPL WROCLAW01032 - Journalism and information20142028Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversity of Lower SilesiaPL WROCLAW14032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversità degli Studi di TeramoI TERAMO01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Dekoulou ParaskeviSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversité Libre de BruxellesB BRUXEL04032 - Journalism and information20142028Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesDanmarks Medie- og JournalisthøjskoleDK ARHUS10032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Veglis AndreasSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesIstanbul Bilgi University TR ISTANBU11032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Skamnakis AntonisSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversität WienA WIEN01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tsingilis NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesSofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA06032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Skamnakis AntonisSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesRīgas Stradiņa UniversitāteLV RIGA03032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Skamnakis AntonisSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesVilniaus UniversitetasLT VILNIUS01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tsingilis NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversidade Fernando PessoaP PORTO26032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesMarmara ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU05032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesAnadolu UniversitesiTR ESKISEH01032 - Journalism and information20142029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media Studiesİzmir Ekonomi ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR04032 - Journalism and information20142022Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesSelcuk UniversitesiTR KONYA01032 - Journalism and information20142022Contract
Deligianni ElisavetSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversité Lumière Lyon 2F LYON02032 - Journalism and information20142015Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesOsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (former Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences)N OSLO60032 - Journalism and information20152029Contract
Veglis AndreasSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesTampere UniversitySF TAMPERE17032 - Journalism and information20152029Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesHøgskulen i VoldaN VOLDA01032 - Journalism and information20152029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversidad San JorgeE ZARAGOZ07032 - Journalism and information20152029Contract
Ververopoulou ZoiSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversité Lumière Lyon 2F LYON02032 - Journalism and information20152028Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversidad de NavarraE PAMPLON01032 - Journalism and information20152029Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR01032 - Journalism and information20162020Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesNHL Stenden University of Applied SciencesNL LEEUWAR03032 - Journalism and information20162029Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesHochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien HannoverD HANNOVE04032 - Journalism and information20172029Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN01032 - Journalism and information20172029Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesKocaeli ÜniversitesiTR KOCAELI02032 - Journalism and information20172029Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR01032 - Journalism and information20172029Contract
Ververopoulou ZoiSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversité Rennes 2F RENNES02032 - Journalism and information20172029Contract
Ververopoulou ZoiSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesAix-Marseille UniversitéF MARSEIL84032 - Journalism and information20182029Contract
Paschalidis GrigoriosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversity of MaltaMT MALTA01032 - Journalism and information20192023Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesKøbenhavns UniversitetDK KOBENHA01032 - Journalism and information20192022Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesFAKULTETA ZA MEDIJESI LJUBLJA20032 - Journalism and information20202023Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniverza v MariboruSI MARIBOR01032 - Journalism and information20242028Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversity of SplitHR SPLIT01032 - Journalism and information20252028Contract
Tsipouridou MariaSchool of EconomicsJan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad LabemCZ USTINAD01041 - Business and administration20142029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsHochschule PforzheimD PFORZHE01041 - Business and administration20142023Contract
Tsipouridou MariaSchool of EconomicsUniversity of GävleS GAVLE01041 - Business and administration20142029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsKU Leuven B LEUVEN01041 - Business and administration20142029Contract
Papadopoulos ChrysoleonSchool of EconomicsWestsächsische Hochschule ZwickauD ZWICKAU01041 - Business and administration20142029Contract
Karatzas KonstantinosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringWSB University in GdańskPL GDANSK08041 - Business and administration20172029Contract
Karavokyris GeorgiosSchool of LawUniversidad de Castilla-La ManchaE CIUDA-R01042 - Law20142029Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversité Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1F GRENOBL01042 - Law20142016Contract
Deliyanni-Dimitrakou ChristinaSchool of LawUniversity of East AngliaUK NORWICH01042 - Law20142021Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawMiskolci EgyetemHU MISKOLC01042 - Law20142029Contract
Karavokyris GeorgiosSchool of LawVrije Universiteit BrusselB BRUSSEL01042 - Law20142028Contract
Archimandritou MariaSchool of LawLapin YliopistoSF ROVANIE01042 - Law20142020Contract
Konsta Anna-MariaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di TrentoI TRENTO01042 - Law20142029Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawÖrebro universitetS OREBRO01042 - Law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA01042 - Law20142029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO48042 - Law20142028Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawRadboud Universiteit NijmegenNL NIJMEGE01042 - Law20142026Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawRijksuniversiteit GroningenNL GRONING01042 - Law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversität BremenD BREMEN01042 - Law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di SienaI SIENA01042 - Law20142029Contract
Zerdelis DimitriosSchool of LawChristian-Albrechts-Universität zu KielD KIEL01042 - Law20142029Contract
Zerdelis DimitriosSchool of LawUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG01042 - Law20142029Contract
Zerdelis DimitriosSchool of LawUniversität KonstanzD KONSTAN01042 - Law20142029Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01042 - Law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING01042 - Law20142029Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversità degli Studi "Magna Graecia" di CatanzaroI CATANZA02042 - Law20142022Contract
Papakonstaninou KalliopiSchool of LawUniversità del SalentoI LECCE01042 - Law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversité de Caen NormandieF CAEN01042 - Law20142022Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR01042 - Law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA01042 - Law20142015Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversiteit AntwerpenB ANTWERP01042 - Law20142022Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO01042 - Law20142023Contract
Apalagaki CharikleiaSchool of LawUniversité de BourgogneF DIJON01042 - Law20142029Contract
Apalagaki CharikleiaSchool of LawUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG01042 - Law20142029Contract
Gklavinis PanagiotisSchool of LawHáskólinn á BifröstIS BORGARN01042 - Law20152022Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversitatea din CraiovaRO CRAIOVA01042 - Law20152022Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawDeMontfort UniversityUK LEICEST02042 - Law20152019Contract
Kaiafa-Gbandi MariaSchool of LawQueen Mary University of LondonUK LONDON031042 - Law20152021Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H01042 - Law20152022Contract
Ktenidis IosifSchool of LawSofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA06042 - Law20152029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversität BayreuthD BAYREUT01042 - Law20162029Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawAltınbaş Üniversitesi (İstanbul Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi)TR ISTANBU38042 - Law20162029Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawMasaryk UniversityCZ BRNO05042 - Law20162029Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawNeapolis University PafosCY PAFOS01042 - Law20162022Contract
Giovannopoulos RigasSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di SalernoI SALERNO01042 - Law20162029Contract
Zerdelis DimitriosSchool of LawPhilipps-Universität MarburgD MARBURG01042 - Law20162029Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawYeni Yüzyil ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU35042 - Law20162022Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di TriesteI TRIESTE01042 - Law20162029Contract
Archimandritou MariaSchool of LawUniversity of West BohemiaCZ PLZEN01042 - Law20162029Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawVelikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i MetodiiBG VELIKO01042 - Law20162029Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawUniversité du LuxembourgLUX LUX-VIL01042 - Law20162029Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversité Grenoble Alpes (UGA)F GRENOBL55042 - Law20162022Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversité de MontpellierF MONTPEL54042 - Law20162027Contract
Chatzikostas KonstantinosSchool of LawUniversity of NicosiaCY NICOSIA14042 - Law20172029Contract
Apalagaki CharikleiaSchool of LawUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID03042 - Law20172028Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversité Paris Ouest Nanterre La DéfenseF PARIS010042 - Law20172029Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawUniversitetet i BergenN BERGEN01042 - Law20172029Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawErasmus Universiteit RotterdamNL ROTTERD01042 - Law20172028Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawUniversité Paris Est Créteil – Val de MarneF PARIS012042 - Law20172029Contract
Giovannopoulos RigasSchool of LawBurgas Free UniversityBG BOURGAS01042 - Law20172029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA01042 - Law20172029Contract
Karavokyris GeorgiosSchool of LawUniversité de LorraineF NANCY43042 - Law20172029Contract
Tellis NikolaosSchool of LawStockholms universitetS STOCKHO01042 - Law20172018Contract
Nouskalis GeorgiosSchool of LawUniversity of LimerickIRLLIMERIC01042 - Law20172029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA109042 - Law20182027Contract
Karavokyris GeorgiosSchool of LawSyddansk UniversitetDK ODENSE01042 - Law20182029Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawUniversité Jean Moulin Lyon 3F LYON03042 - Law20192029Contract
Kaiafa-Gbandi MariaSchool of LawKøbenhavns UniversitetDK KOBENHA01042 - Law20202023Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA01042 - Law20212029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversität TrierD TRIER01042 - Law20222029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di FerraraI FERRARA01042 - Law20222029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawHochschule Fulda-University of Applied SciencesD FULDA01042 - Law20222028Contract
Kamtsidou IfigeneiaSchool of LawEötvös Loránd TudományegyetemHU BUDAPES01042 - Law20222028Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawUniversitat de GironaE GIRONA02042 - Law20232027Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA16042 - Law20232029Contract
Kamtsidou IfigeneiaSchool of LawUniversité Catholique de LyonF LYON10042 - Law20232029Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL02042 - Law20242029Contract
Zervogianni EleniSchool of LawUniversite Savoie Mont Blanc, IUT Annecy F CHAMBER01042 - Law20242029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ01042 - Law20252028Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawArtesis Plantijn Hogeschool AntwerpenB ANTWERP62042 - Law20252028Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawHumboldt-Universität zu BerlinD BERLIN13042 - Law20252027Contract
Rokas KonstantinosSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi dell'InsubriaI VARESE02042 - Law20252029Contract
Kamtsidou IfigeneiaSchool of LawUniversite de NamurB NAMUR01042 - Law20242025Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawPamukkale UniversitesiTR DENIZLI01042 - Law20252029Contract
Vlahos KonstantinosSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro'I BARI01042 - Law20252029Contract
Sachoulidou AthinaSchool of LawUniversidade Nova de LisboaP LISBOA03042 - Law20252027Contract
Sachoulidou AthinaSchool of LawUniversidade Nova de LisboaP LISBOA03042 - Law20252027Contract
Damialis AthanasiosSchool of BiologyWest Pomeranian University of Technology SzczecinPL SZCZECI02051 - Biological and related sciences20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidad Autónoma de MadridE MADRID04051 - Biological and related sciences20142029Contract
Sagonas KonstantinosSchool of BiologyUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO01051 - Biological and related sciences20142029Contract
Stavridou EvangeliaSchool of BiologyUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA16051 - Biological and related sciences20142029Contract
Kalogianni-Dimitriadi MarthaSchool of BiologyUniversité de Rennes 1F RENNES01051 - Biological and related sciences20142023Contract
Sagonas KonstantinosSchool of BiologyUniversidade dos AçoresP ACORES01051 - Biological and related sciences20142029Contract
Lagopodi AnastasiaSchool of AgricultureUniversidad de MálagaE MALAGA01051 - Biological and related sciences20142022Contract
Panteris EmmanuelSchool of BiologyUniversité de RouenF ROUEN01051 - Biological and related sciences20152029Contract
Vlachonasios KonstantinosSchool of BiologySzegedi TudományegyetemHU SZEGED01051 - Biological and related sciences20152029Contract
Vlachonasios KonstantinosSchool of BiologyTechnische Universität MünchenD MUNCHEN02051 - Biological and related sciences20152029Contract
Gkelis SpyridonSchool of BiologyIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU03051 - Biological and related sciences20152029Contract
Vlachonasios KonstantinosSchool of BiologyNamik Kemal ÜniversitesiTR TEKIRDA01051 - Biological and related sciences20152020Contract
Gkelis SpyridonSchool of BiologyCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO02051 - Biological and related sciences20162029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyThe Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics - Cyprus School of Molecular MedicineCY NICOSIA29051 - Biological and related sciences20172022Contract
Drouzas AndreasSchool of BiologyUniversità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo BoI URBINO01051 - Biological and related sciences20202029Contract
Drouzas AndreasSchool of BiologyUniversidad de SalamancaE SALAMAN02051 - Biological and related sciences20202029Contract
Drouzas AndreasSchool of BiologyUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA01051 - Biological and related sciences20212029Contract
Drouzas AndreasSchool of BiologyPhilipps-Universität MarburgD MARBURG01051 - Biological and related sciences20242029Contract
Paloura EleniSchool of PhysicsTechnische Universität BerlinD BERLIN02053 - Physical sciences20182022Contract
Papathanasiou GeorgiosSchool of GeologyTechnische Universität BerlinD BERLIN02053 - Physical sciences20182029Contract
Nikolaidis SpyridonSchool of PhysicsTechnical University of SofiaBG SOFIA16053 - Physical sciences20202029Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsUniversität StuttgartD STUTTGA01054 - Mathematics and statistics20142022Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsTechnische Universität WienA WIEN02054 - Mathematics and statistics20142023Contract
Farmakis NikolaosSchool of MathematicsKatholische Universität Eichstätt-IngolstadtD EICHSTA01054 - Mathematics and statistics20142022Contract
Charalampous Chara-Myrto-agapiSchool of MathematicsUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES09054 - Mathematics and statistics20142029Contract
Kappos EfthimiosSchool of MathematicsGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING01054 - Mathematics and statistics20142029Contract
Karampetakis NikolaosSchool of MathematicsCity University of LondonUK LONDON083054 - Mathematics and statistics20142021Contract
Tsaklidis GeorgiosSchool of MathematicsUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01054 - Mathematics and statistics20142029Contract
Tsaklidis GeorgiosSchool of MathematicsUniversité de Technologie de CompiègneF COMPIEG01054 - Mathematics and statistics20142029Contract
Stamelos IoannisSchool of InformaticsUniversitatea din PitestiRO PITESTI01054 - Mathematics and statistics20182029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad Carlos III de MadridE MADRID14061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20142029Contract
Miliou AmaliaSchool of InformaticsTechnische Universität MünchenD MUNCHEN02061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20142023Contract
Angelis EleftheriosSchool of InformaticsBlekinge Tekniska HögskolaS KARLSKR01061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20142027Contract
Karatzas KonstantinosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO12061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20142029Contract
Miliou AmaliaSchool of InformaticsUniversidad Politécnica de MadridE MADRID05061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20152029Contract
Theocharis IoannisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA01061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20152022Contract
Tsitsas NikolaosSchool of InformaticsAalto-yliopistoSF ESPOO12061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20152029Contract
Politis DionysiosSchool of InformaticsUniversity of NicosiaCY NICOSIA14061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20162029Contract
Vakali AthinaSchool of InformaticsOtto-Von-Guericke-Universität MagdeburgD MAGDEBU01061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20172022Contract
Sevastiadis ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringPolitechnika GdańskaPL GDANSK02061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20172029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA01061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20182029Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA01061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20182029Contract
Nikolaidis SpyridonSchool of PhysicsFriedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-NürnbergD ERLANGE01061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20192028Contract
Sevastiadis ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringGdynia Maritime UniversityPL GDYNIA01061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20202029Contract
Sevastiadis ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringLublin University of TechnologyPL LUBLIN03061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20202029Contract
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-KonstantinosSchool of InformaticsKTH Royal Institute of TechnologyS STOCKHO04061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20202023Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE103061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20212028Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsInstitut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de RennesF RENNES10061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20212029Contract
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-KonstantinosSchool of InformaticsUniversitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB)RO BUCURES11061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20242029Contract
Kotsopoulos ThomasSchool of AgricultureDanmarks Tekniske UniversitetDK LYNGBY01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142019Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringPolitecnico di MilanoI MILANO02071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142029Contract
Kugiumtzis DimitriosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité de Technologie de CompiègneF COMPIEG01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringVilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)LT VILNIUS02071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142027Contract
Papaefstathiou IoannisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringInstitut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA) de StrasbourgF STRASBO31071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142029Contract
Kalfas AnestisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringCranfield UniversityUK CRANFIE01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142018Contract
Kalfas AnestisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringLeibniz Universität HannoverD HANNOVE01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142029Contract
Kiratzi AnastasiaSchool of GeologyBogaziçi ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142027Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité de LorraineF NANCY43071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142022Contract
Georgiadis PatroklosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversité de LorraineF NANCY43071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142021Contract
Kolokytha Elpida-KleanthiSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di BresciaI BRESCIA01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142029Contract
Savvaidis GeorgiosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringFrederick University, CyprusCY NICOSIA23071 - Engineering and engineering trades20142029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20152029Contract
Chatziathanasiou VasileiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20152022Contract
Vlachos DimitriosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringYaşar ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR05071 - Engineering and engineering trades20152018Contract
Seferlis PanagiotisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversité de LiègeB LIEGE01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20152029Contract
Seferlis PanagiotisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringKTH Royal Institute of TechnologyS STOCKHO04071 - Engineering and engineering trades20152021Contract
Chatziathanasiou VasileiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité Nice Sophia AntipolisF NICE01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20152022Contract
Kalfas AnestisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringMälardalens högskolaS VASTERA01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20162029Contract
Karatzas KonstantinosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringCentraleSupélecF GIF-YVE03071 - Engineering and engineering trades20172029Contract
Katsogiannis IoannisSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi dell'InsubriaI VARESE02071 - Engineering and engineering trades20172029Contract
Kugiumtzis DimitrisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20182029Contract
Vlachos DimitriosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringYaşar ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR05071 - Engineering and engineering trades20182029Contract
Noulis ThomasSchool of PhysicsUniversitatea 'Transilvania' din BrasovRO BRASOV01071 - Engineering and engineering trades20222029Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité Côte d’AzurF NICE42071 - Engineering and engineering trades20222029Contract
Kontaxakis DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureHochschule KoblenzD KOBLENZ01073 - Architecture and construction20142029Contract
Kontaxakis DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureNeapolis University PafosCY PAFOS01073 - Architecture and construction20142029Contract
Loukogeorgaki EvangeliaSchool of Civil EngineeringIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU04073 - Architecture and construction20142022Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI01073 - Architecture and construction20142020Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureCzech Technical University in PragueCZ PRAHA10073 - Architecture and construction20142029Contract
Kalfopoulos ApostolosSchool of ArchitectureUniversidade Lusíada de LisboaP LISBOA12073 - Architecture and construction20142028Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitecturePolitecnico di MilanoI MILANO02073 - Architecture and construction20142029Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureYildiz Teknik UniversitesiTR ISTANBU07073 - Architecture and construction20142029Contract
Kalfopoulos ApostolosSchool of ArchitectureTechnische Hochschule KölnD KOLN04073 - Architecture and construction20142028Contract
Gyioka CharikleiaSchool of ArchitectureStaatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste StuttgartD STUTTGA04073 - Architecture and construction20142029Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA01073 - Architecture and construction20142028Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitectureUniversitat Politècnica de CatalunyaE BARCELO03073 - Architecture and construction20142023Contract
Fragkos FrangosSchool of ArchitectureÉcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de NormandieF ROUEN19073 - Architecture and construction20142028Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringNorwegian University of Life SciencesN AS03073 - Architecture and construction20172029Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureBahçeşehir UniversityTR ISTANBU08073 - Architecture and construction20182029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli)I NAPOLI09073 - Architecture and construction20182029Contract
Paka AlkminiSchool of ArchitecturePolitechnika GdańskaPL GDANSK02073 - Architecture and construction20212023Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitectureTampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu OySF TAMPERE06073 - Architecture and construction20222029Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitectureUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA01073 - Architecture and construction20242029Contract
Kontaxakis DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureInstituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes -- COFACP PORTIMA02073 - Architecture and construction20242025Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitectureUniversità IUAV di VeneziaI VENEZIA02073 - Architecture and construction20252029Contract
Manos VasileiosSchool of AgricultureUniversitat Politècnica de València E VALENCI02081 - Agriculture20142029Contract
Bournaris ThomasSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA01081 - Agriculture20142029Contract
Karpouzos DimitriosSchool of AgricultureInstituto Politécnico de BragançaP BRAGANC01081 - Agriculture20142022Contract
Lagopodi AnastasiaSchool of AgricultureAgraren Universitet - PlovdivBG PLOVDIV01081 - Agriculture20142018Contract
Nikita - Martzopoulou ChrysoulaSchool of AgricultureUniversidade de EvoraP EVORA01081 - Agriculture20142029Contract
Nikita - Martzopoulou ChrysoulaSchool of AgricultureCzech University of Life Sciences PragueCZ PRAHA02081 - Agriculture20142029Contract
Karpouzos DimitriosSchool of AgricultureUniversitatea 'Lucian Blaga' din SibiuRO SIBIU01081 - Agriculture20142022Contract
Dordas ChristosSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA01081 - Agriculture20142022Contract
Nikita - Martzopoulou ChrysoulaSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA01081 - Agriculture20142028Contract
Michailidis AnastasiosSchool of AgricultureUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaE MURCIA04081 - Agriculture20142029Contract
Katis NikolaosSchool of AgricultureNamik Kemal ÜniversitesiTR TEKIRDA01081 - Agriculture20142022Contract
Chatzilazarou StefanosSchool of AgricultureUniversitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" din IaşiRO IASI03081 - Agriculture20142022Contract
Menkissoglu-Spiroudi OuraniaSchool of AgricultureUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - MilanoI MILANO03081 - Agriculture20142020Contract
Avdi MelpomeniSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi del MoliseI CAMPOBA01081 - Agriculture20142015Contract
Moschou DimitriosSchool of AgricultureNamik Kemal ÜniversitesiTR TEKIRDA01081 - Agriculture20152022Contract
Kotsopoulos ThomasSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di MilanoI MILANO01081 - Agriculture20152029Contract
Mamolos AndreasSchool of AgricultureJustus-Liebig-Universität GiessenD GIESSEN01081 - Agriculture20182029Contract
Karamanoli AikateriniSchool of AgricultureRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN01081 - Agriculture20202029Contract
Molasiotis AthanasiosSchool of AgricultureGoethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainD FRANKFU01081 - Agriculture20222028Contract
Vryzas ZisisSchool of AgricultureUNIVERZITET EDUCONS U SREMSKOJ KAMENICI PRIVATNE USTANOVERS NOVISAD04081 - Agriculture20252029Contract
PANTAZI XANTHOULA IRINISchool of AgricultureUniversiteit GentB GENT01081 - Agriculture20252029Contract
Doulgeraki AgapiSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI01081 - Agriculture20252029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI01084 - Veterinary20142029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineUludag ÜniversitesiTR BURSA01084 - Veterinary20142029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversiteit UtrechtNL UTRECHT01084 - Veterinary20142029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ01084 - Veterinary20142029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversidad de MurciaE MURCIA01084 - Veterinary20142029Contract
Papaioannou NikolaosSchool of Veterinary MedicineEcole Nationale Vétérinaire d'AlfortF MAISONS01084 - Veterinary20142023Contract
Papaioannou NikolaosSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA109084 - Veterinary20142015Contract
Papaioannou NikolaosSchool of Veterinary MedicineONIRIS Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'AlimentationF NANTES65084 - Veterinary20142016Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA01084 - Veterinary20142029Contract
Papaioannou NikolaosSchool of Veterinary MedicineIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU03084 - Veterinary20142018Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversità degli Studi di ParmaI PARMA01084 - Veterinary20142029Contract
Bintsis ThomasSchool of Veterinary MedicineTrakia University Stara ZagoraBG STARA-Z01084 - Veterinary20172029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicinePoznań University of Life SciencesPL POZNAN04084 - Veterinary20202029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara din Cluj-NapocaRO CLUJNAP04084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineLithuanian University of Health SciencesLT KAUNAS13084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineFirat ÜniversitesiTR ELAZIG01084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversitatea de Stiinte Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara BucurestiRO BUCURES12084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniwersytet Warminsko Mazurski w OlsztyniePL OLSZTYN01084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniwersytet Przyrodniczy w LubliniePL LUBLIN04084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineAfyon Kocatepe UniversitesiTR AFYON01084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID03084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversiteit GentB GENT01084 - Veterinary20232029Contract
Printza NikoletaMedical SchoolSlovenská Zdravotnícka UniverzitaSK BRATISL11091 - Health20142022Contract
Bamidis PanagiotisMedical SchoolKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)D KARLSRU01091 - Health20242025Contract
Papandreou MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationJyväskylän YliopistoSF JYVASKY010118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education20142019Contract
Ventouris AntoniosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità Ca' Foscari VeneziaI VENEZIA010118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education20142021Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyTurun YliopistoSF TURKU010118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education20142029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyInstituto Politécnico de LeiriaP LEIRIA060118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education20172022Contract
Papandreou MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationJyväskylän YliopistoSF JYVASKY010118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education20192029Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010111 - Education science20142029Contract
Aggelaki Triantafilia-RosySchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidade da MadeiraP FUNCHAL030111 - Education science20142029Contract
Giannakos AthanasiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversitatea Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport din BucurestiRO BUCURES060111 - Education science20152029Contract
Malandrakis GeorgiosSchool of Primary EducationKarlstad UniversityS KARLSTA010111 - Education science20192023Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010111 - Education science20202029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010111 - Education science20202029Contract
Malandrakis GeorgiosSchool of Primary EducationHOGSKOLEN I INNLANDETN ELVERUM020111 - Education science20242029Contract
Gioti LabrinaSchool of Primary EducationUniversité François Rabelais (Tours)F TOURS010111 - Education science20242029Contract
Liampas AnastasiosSchool of Primary EducationUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010111 - Education science20242029Contract
Dourouma AdamantiaSchool of Early Childhood EducationAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010111 - Education science20242028Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversidad de SevillaE SEVILLA01011 - Education science20142022Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyAarhus UniversitetDK ARHUS01011 - Education science20142028Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU03011 - Education science20142018Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyMarmara ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU05011 - Education science20142018Contract
Hatzinikolaou KorniliaSchool of Early Childhood EducationMalmö UniversityS MALMO01011 - Education science20142017Contract
Christidou VasileiaSchool of Early Childhood EducationAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of IaşiRO IASI02011 - Education science20142029Contract
Dimitriou AnastasiaSchool of Early Childhood EducationAix-Marseille UniversitéF MARSEIL84011 - Education science20142029Contract
Tsokalidou PetroulaSchool of Early Childhood EducationLe Mans UniversitéF LE-MANS01011 - Education science20142023Contract
Hatzinikolaou KorniliaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO01011 - Education science20152029Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO12011 - Education science20152018Contract
Pavli Korre MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H01011 - Education science20152029Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ01011 - Education science20152018Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationPolitechnika ŁódzkaPL LODZ02011 - Education science20152018Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationEuropos Humanitarinis UniversitetasLT VILNIUS20011 - Education science20152018Contract
Kakana DomnaSchool of Early Childhood EducationLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA01011 - Education science20152029Contract
Dogani KonstantinaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversität WienA WIEN01011 - Education science20152027Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversité de LorraineF NANCY43011 - Education science20152018Contract
Papadopoulou MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI01011 - Education science20152029Contract
Tsitouridou MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS01011 - Education science20152016Contract
Lenakakis AntoniosSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010112 - Training for pre-school teachers20142029Contract
Gregoriadis AthanasiosSchool of Early Childhood EducationFachochschule Südwestfalen, University of SüdwestfalenD ISERLOH010112 - Training for pre-school teachers20192028Contract
Marvakis AthanasiosSchool of Primary EducationUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010113 - Training for teachers without subject specialization20142029Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationUniversidad de SevillaE SEVILLA010113 - Training for teachers without subject specialization20192029Contract
Malandrakis GeorgiosSchool of Primary EducationTRABZON UNIVERSITYTR TRABZON040113 - Training for teachers without subject specialization20202029Contract
Chatzidimou KonstantinosSchool of German Language and LiteratureFriedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-NürnbergD ERLANGE010114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversidad de la LagunaE TENERIF010114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20142029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUgozapaden Universitet 'Neophit Rilski'BG BLAGOEV020114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20192029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogySofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20192029Contract
Sarakinioti AntigoniSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversität WienA WIEN010114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20222029Contract
Papadopoulos IoannisSchool of Primary EducationDebreceni EgyetemHU DEBRECE010114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20232029Contract
Stavrakaki StavroulaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureFreie Universität BerlinD BERLIN010114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20242029Contract
Ioannidou MarthaSchool of Primary EducationFreie Universität BerlinD BERLIN010114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20242029Contract
Koulountzos VasileiosSchool of Primary EducationAKSARAY UNIVERSITYTR AKSARAY010114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization20252028Contract
Venetopoulos CharalamposSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversitatea de Vest din TimişoaraRO TIMISOA010218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts20142029Contract
Venetis ChristosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti L'AquilaI L-AQUIL030218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts20142029Contract
Katsilakis ArisSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsBaşkent ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA060218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts20142029Contract
Venetopoulos CharalamposSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsCanakkale Onsekiz Mart UniversityTR CANAKKA010218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts20142029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsHochschule für Künste im Sozialen, Ottersberg D OTTERSB02 0218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts20162029Contract
Detsi ZoiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1090218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts20182029Contract
Sachinis XenofonSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsSveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB010213 - Fine arts20142022Contract
Sachinis XenofonSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsDublin Institute of TechnologyIRLDUBLIN270213 - Fine arts20142023Contract
Avgita LouizaSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsLatvijas Makslas AkademijaLV RIGA040213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Sachinis XenofonSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAcademy of Fine Arts in Katowice (ASP Katowice)PL KATOWIC080213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Liamadis GeorgiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversitatea de Arta si Design Cluj-NapocaRO CLUJNAP060213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Belimpasakis IoannisSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsTallinna ÜlikoolEE TALLINN050213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Nomidou EvangeliaSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsEcole Supérieure d'Art de Clermont MétropoleF CLERMON220213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Liamadis GeorgiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti di MacerataI MACERAT020213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Sachinis XenofonSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO010213 - Fine arts20142023Contract
Lavva StellaSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsVelikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i MetodiiBG VELIKO010213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Koupegkos StylianosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010213 - Fine arts20142016Contract
Nomidou EvangeliaSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversité de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)F AMIENS010213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Giannadakis EmmanouilSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAcademy of Fine Arts and Design in BratislavaSK BRATISL040213 - Fine arts20142023Contract
Zografos VasiliosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Zografos VasiliosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030213 - Fine arts20142027Contract
Katsilakis ArisSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti di CarraraI CARRARA010213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsÉcole Supérieure d'art du Nord-Pas de Calais Dunkerque/TourcoingF TOURCOI110213 - Fine arts20142029Contract
Katsilakis ArisSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversity of Arts in PoznańPL POZNAN120213 - Fine arts20152029Contract
Avgita LouizaSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsFrederick University, CyprusCY NICOSIA230213 - Fine arts20152029Contract
Zografos VasiliosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010213 - Fine arts20162029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversidade do PortoP PORTO020213 - Fine arts20162022Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsCentro Universitario de Artes TAI - TAI University Center for the Arts MadridE MADRID1970213 - Fine arts20172029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsHochschule für bildende Künste HamburgD HAMBURG040213 - Fine arts20172029Contract
Psyrrakis LamprosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010213 - Fine arts20202029Contract
Psyrrakis LamprosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsÉcole supérieure d'art Annecy Alpes (ESAAA)F ANNECY130213 - Fine arts20202029Contract
Belimpasakis IoannisSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAkademia Sztuki w Szczecinie PL SZCZECI150213 - Fine arts20222029Contract
Pallas AthanasiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAccademia di Belle Arti di RomaI ROMA060213 - Fine arts20232029Contract
Psyrrakis LamprosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsSatakunnan Ammattikorkeakoulu OySF PORI080213 - Fine arts20232029Contract
Stefanou DanaeSchool of Music StudiesUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-DenisF PARIS0080215 - Music and performing arts20142029Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaUniversité Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3F PARIS0030215 - Music and performing arts20142028Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaReal Escuela Superior de Arte DramaticoE MADRID190215 - Music and performing arts20142029Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaCanakkale Onsekiz Mart UniversityTR CANAKKA010215 - Music and performing arts20142018Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU030215 - Music and performing arts20142029Contract
Sakallieros GeorgiosSchool of Music StudiesEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA240215 - Music and performing arts20142029Contract
Stefanou DanaeSchool of Music StudiesUniversidade Nova de LisboaP LISBOA030215 - Music and performing arts20142027Contract
Lapidaki EleniSchool of Music StudiesUniversiteit van AmsterdamNL AMSTERD010215 - Music and performing arts20142024Contract
Kitsos TheodorosSchool of Music StudiesGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING010215 - Music and performing arts20142029Contract
Lapidaki EleniSchool of Music StudiesHøgskolen i BergenN BERGEN050215 - Music and performing arts20142017Contract
Kanellopoulos PanagiotisSchool of Music StudiesAarhus UniversitetDK ARHUS010215 - Music and performing arts20142028Contract
Tsougkras KonstantinosSchool of Music StudiesUniversity of HelsinkiSF HELSINK010215 - Music and performing arts20142021Contract
Lapidaki EleniSchool of Music StudiesUniversity of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius AcademySF HELSINK420215 - Music and performing arts20142020Contract
Detsi ZoiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversiteit AntwerpenB ANTWERP010215 - Music and performing arts20142022Contract
Chardas KonstantinosSchool of Music StudiesCardiff UniversityUK CARDIFF010215 - Music and performing arts20142021Contract
Zafranas NikolaosSchool of Music StudiesYaşar ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR050215 - Music and performing arts20142022Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaJustus-Liebig-Universität GiessenD GIESSEN010215 - Music and performing arts20142029Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaUniversità degli Studi di GenovaI GENOVA010215 - Music and performing arts20142029Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU040215 - Music and performing arts20142029Contract
Goulaki-Voutyra AlexandraSchool of Music StudiesUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010215 - Music and performing arts20142017Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesHochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien HannoverD HANNOVE040215 - Music and performing arts20152029Contract
Zafranas NikolaosSchool of Music StudiesTallinna ÜlikoolEE TALLINN050215 - Music and performing arts20152029Contract
Zafranas NikolaosSchool of Music StudiesUniversität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst WienA WIEN080215 - Music and performing arts20152016Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaNational University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale"RO BUCURES330215 - Music and performing arts20162023Contract
Stavrakopoulou AnnaSchool of DramaHochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien HannoverD HANNOVE040215 - Music and performing arts20162022Contract
Psaltopoulou TheodoraSchool of Music StudiesMaria Curie-Skłodowska University in LublinPL LUBLIN010215 - Music and performing arts20162029Contract
Zafranas NikolaosSchool of Music StudiesUniversität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst WienA WIEN080215 - Music and performing arts20162029Contract
Lapidakis MichailSchool of Music StudiesHochschule für Musik und Tanz KölnD KOLN030215 - Music and performing arts20172023Contract
Detsi ZoiSchool of English Language and LiteratureNational Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA)BG SOFIA180215 - Music and performing arts20172029Contract
Sakallieros GeorgiosSchool of Music StudiesUniversität der Künste BerlinD BERLIN030215 - Music and performing arts20172023Contract
Lapidaki EleniSchool of Music StudiesWestern Norway University of Applied SciencesN BERGEN140215 - Music and performing arts20172022Contract
Lapidakis MichailSchool of Music StudiesHochschule für Musik FreiburgD FREIBUR030215 - Music and performing arts20182029Contract
Stefanou DanaeSchool of Music StudiesUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaE BARCELO020215 - Music and performing arts20192029Contract
Giannopoulos EmmanouilSchool of Music StudiesUniversität MünsterD MUNSTER010215 - Music and performing arts20192029Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesUniversität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz / Kunstuniversität Graz (KUG) University of Music and Performing Arts GrazA GRAZ030215 - Music and performing arts20192029Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesIstanbul Bilgi University TR ISTANBU110215 - Music and performing arts20192029Contract
Maronidis DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesJazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of MusicLV RIGA050215 - Music and performing arts20192029Contract
Stefanou DanaeSchool of Music StudiesUniversitetet i OsloN OSLO010215 - Music and performing arts20202023Contract
Giannopoulos EmmanouilSchool of Music StudiesNational University of Music, BucharestRO BUCURES030215 - Music and performing arts20202029Contract
Sakallieros GeorgiosSchool of Music StudiesUNIVERZITET UMETNOSTI U BEOGRADURS BELGRAD010215 - Music and performing arts20222027Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesConservatorio Superior de Musica de MalagaE MALAGA020215 - Music and performing arts20232029Contract
Maronidis DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesLithunian Academy of Music and TheatreLT VILNIUS050215 - Music and performing arts20232029Contract
Alexandru MariaSchool of Music StudiesUniversitatea de Arte 'George Enescu' din IaşiRO IASI010215 - Music and performing arts20232029Contract
Maronidis DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesInstituto Politécnico do PortoP PORTO050215 - Music and performing arts20232029Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesUniversität der Künste BerlinD BERLIN030215 - Music and performing arts20232029Contract
Giannopoulos EmmanouilSchool of Music StudiesHacettepe ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA030215 - Music and performing arts20232029Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesAnadolu UniversitesiTR ESKISEH010215 - Music and performing arts20242029Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesConservatorio Superior de Musica "Manuel Castillo" de SevillaE SEVILLA040215 - Music and performing arts20242029Contract
Symeonidis VladimirosSchool of Music StudiesHOCHSCHULE FUR MUSIK UND THEATER FELIX MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY LEIPZIGD LEIPZIG050215 - Music and performing arts20242029Contract
Stefanou DanaeSchool of Music StudiesUniversitetet i BergenN BERGEN010215 - Music and performing arts20242029Contract
Athanasopoulou MariaSchool of DramaUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010215 - Music and performing arts20252029Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010215 - Music and performing arts20252028Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010215 - Music and performing arts20252028Contract
Papageorgiou DimitriosSchool of Music StudiesConservatorio Superior de Musica de AragonE ZARAGOZ050215 - Music and performing arts20252028Contract
Stefanou DanaeSchool of Music StudiesGustav Mahler Privatuniversitat fur MusikA KLAGENF060215 - Music and performing arts20252026Contract
Ververopoulou ZoiSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20142029Contract
Desilla LouisaSchool of English Language and LiteratureNew Bulgarian UniversityBG SOFIA020211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20142029Contract
Katsangelos GeorgiosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsIstanbul Bilgi University TR ISTANBU110211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20142022Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesInstituto Politécnico de TomarP TOMAR010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20142029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesEdge Hill UniversityUK ORMSKIR010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20152021Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesHøgskulen i VoldaN VOLDA010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20162029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesNational University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale"RO BUCURES330211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20162029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesAnadolu UniversitesiTR ESKISEH010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20162029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesTallinna ÜlikoolEE TALLINN050211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20172029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20172028Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20172029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesUniversity of SilesiaPL KATOWIC010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20172029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesCentro Universitario de Artes TAI - TAI University Center for the Arts MadridE MADRID1970211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20172029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesUniversity of WorcesterUK WORCEST010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20172021Contract
Dimoulas CharalamposSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesAalborg UniversitetDK ALBORG010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20172022Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesBahçeşehir UniversityTR ISTANBU080211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20182029Contract
Paschalidis GrigoriosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesKadir Has ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU160211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20192029Contract
Stergiaki AthanasiaSchool of Film StudiesUniversidad Miguel Hernández de ElcheE ELCHE010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20202029Contract
Stergiaki AthanasiaSchool of Film StudiesRome University of Fine ArtsI ROMA250211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20222026Contract
Stergiaki AthanasiaSchool of Film StudiesUniversitatea 'Babes-Bolyai' din Cluj-NapocaRO CLUJNAP010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20232029Contract
Stergiaki AthanasiaSchool of Film StudiesFilmova Akademie Miroslava Ondricka v Pisku, O. P. S.CZ PISEK010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20232029Contract
Stergiaki AthanasiaSchool of Film StudiesFachhochschule DortmundD DORTMUN020211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20232029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesNational Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA)BG SOFIA180211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesInstitut National Superieur des Arts du Spectacle et des Techniques de Diffusion (INSAS)B BRUXEL960211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242028Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesDun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and TechnologyIRLDUBLIN380211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesPanstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna im. Leona Schillera w LodziPL LODZ230211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesVYSOKA SKOLA MUZICKYCH UMENI V BRATISLAVESK BRATISL050211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesENS Louis-LumiereF PARIS2470211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesUniversité Toulouse - Jean JaurèsF TOULOUS020211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesSveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesFilmová a televizní fakulta, Akademie múzických umění v Praze (FAMU)CZ PRAHA040211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20242029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20252029Contract
Karakasis ApostolosSchool of Film StudiesUniversité Côte d’AzurF NICE420211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production20252029Contract
Sachinis XenofonSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsAcademia di Belle di Bologna/Fine Arts Academy of BolognaI BOLOGNA 030212 - Fashion, interior and industrial design20202023Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di TorinoI TORINO010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142015Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversity of HelsinkiSF HELSINK010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142018Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA240228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Dimitroulia XanthippiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris 13 F PARIS0130228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142023Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyTechnische Universität DresdenD DRESDEN020228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142028Contract
Dimitroulia XanthippiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et SocialesF LILLE030228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142018Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureKaunas University of TechnologyLT KAUNAS020228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142028Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyKing's College LondonUK LONDON0170228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142017Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'I ROMA020228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureNottingham Trent UniversityUK NOTTING020228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142018Contract
Kostopoulou LoukiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142028Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Matthaioudaki MarinaSchool of English Language and LiteratureCanakkale Onsekiz Mart UniversityTR CANAKKA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Matthaioudaki MarinaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Plastira-Valkanou MariaSchool of PhilologyUniversidad de MurciaE MURCIA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142022Contract
Varelas LamprosSchool of PhilologyUniversiteit GentB GENT010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Tiktopoulou AikateriniSchool of PhilologyEcole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris (EHESS)F PARIS0570228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142022Contract
Fyntikoglou VasileiosSchool of PhilologyCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologySofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142021Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyLibera Università 'Maria Ss. Assunta' (LUMSA)I ROMA040228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142023Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142028Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversität TrierD TRIER010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142018Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyEcole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - EPHEF PARIS0540228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Chasiotis LoukianosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversidad de OviedoE OVIEDO010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142022Contract
Chasiotis LoukianosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Kantirea MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20142029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20152029Contract
Ypsilantis GeorgiosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureKatholische Universität Eichstätt-IngolstadtD EICHSTA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20152029Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversiteit LeidenNL LEIDEN010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20152022Contract
Tsokalidou PetroulaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20162022Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20162028Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyTrnavská Univerzita v TrnaveSK TRNAVA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20172029Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniverzita Konštantína Filozofa v NitreSK NITRA010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20172029Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureNottingham Trent UniversityUK NOTTING020228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20182021Contract
Rontogianni AnthoulaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20182028Contract
Kostopoulou LoukiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversitat Jaume I (UJI)E CASTELL010228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities20202029Contract
Kourempeles IoannisSchool of TheologyPhilosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen Frankfurt am MainD FRANKFU060221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Kourempeles IoannisSchool of TheologyUniversitatea 'Ovidius' din ConstanțaRO CONSTAN020221 - Religion and Theology20142018Contract
Kourempeles IoannisSchool of TheologyUniversität SalzburgA SALZBUR010221 - Religion and Theology20142020Contract
Papademetriou KyriakoulaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Papademetriou KyriakoulaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversiteit van AmsterdamNL AMSTERD010221 - Religion and Theology20142025Contract
Vantsos MiltiadisSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München D MUNCHEN010221 - Religion and Theology20142022Contract
Filiotis-Vlachavas ChristosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversità degli Studi di FerraraI FERRARA010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Filiotis-Vlachavas ChristosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversité catholique de Louvain (UCL)B LOUVAIN010221 - Religion and Theology20142017Contract
Filiotis-Vlachavas ChristosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Dafni EvangeliaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversität Duisburg-EssenD ESSEN040221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Dafni EvangeliaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyPhilipps-Universität MarburgD MARBURG010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Dafni EvangeliaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyHumboldt-Universität zu BerlinD BERLIN130221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Dafni EvangeliaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Rantzou MariaSchool of TheologyUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG010221 - Religion and Theology20142022Contract
Dafni EvangeliaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München D MUNCHEN010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyKarl-Franzens-Universität GrazA GRAZ010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyKirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Graz-SeckauA GRAZ080221 - Religion and Theology20142022Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyKirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/KremsA WIEN100221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyUniversität Koblenz-LandauD KOBLENZ020221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Rantzou MariaSchool of TheologyUniversität MünsterD MUNSTER010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyInstitut de l'OratoireF CALUIRE010221 - Religion and Theology20142018Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyNeapolis University PafosCY PAFOS010221 - Religion and Theology20142023Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyKU Leuven B LEUVEN010221 - Religion and Theology20142023Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversity of ExeterUK EXETER010221 - Religion and Theology20142021Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversität MünsterD MUNSTER010221 - Religion and Theology20142023Contract
Lamprou SoultanaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniverzita Konštantína Filozofa v NitreSK NITRA010221 - Religion and Theology20142020Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversity of HelsinkiSF HELSINK010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Papageorgiou NikiSchool of TheologyUniversity College CorkIRLCORK010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Evangelou IliasSchool of TheologySofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Evangelou IliasSchool of TheologyBulgarian Academy of SciencesBG SOFIA300221 - Religion and Theology20142018Contract
Rantzou MariaSchool of TheologyLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München D MUNCHEN010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Dafni EvangeliaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Rantzou MariaSchool of TheologyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Evangelou IliasSchool of TheologyVelikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i MetodiiBG VELIKO010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Ziaka AngelikiSchool of TheologyAarhus UniversitetDK ARHUS010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversité catholique de Louvain (UCL)B LOUVAIN010221 - Religion and Theology20142017Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyDurham UniversityUK DURHAM010221 - Religion and Theology20142017Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyKøbenhavns UniversitetDK KOBENHA010221 - Religion and Theology20142017Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - MilanoI MILANO030221 - Religion and Theology20142022Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyLunds universitetS LUND010221 - Religion and Theology20142018Contract
Arampatzis ChristosSchool of TheologyUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Ziaka AngelikiSchool of TheologyJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010221 - Religion and Theology20142022Contract
Ziaka AngelikiSchool of TheologyMF Norwegian School of TheologyN OSLO400221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Ziaka AngelikiSchool of TheologyAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR010221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020221 - Religion and Theology20142017Contract
Ziaka AngelikiSchool of TheologyTechnische Universität DresdenD DRESDEN020221 - Religion and Theology20142022Contract
Ziaka AngelikiSchool of TheologyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyUniversität WienA WIEN010221 - Religion and Theology20142028Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN010221 - Religion and Theology20142022Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversità degli Studi di SienaI SIENA010221 - Religion and Theology20142022Contract
Vantsos MiltiadisSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of IaşiRO IASI020221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Arampatzis ChristosSchool of TheologyUniversitatea din OradeaRO ORADEA010221 - Religion and Theology20142029Contract
Kourempeles IoannisSchool of TheologyGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING010221 - Religion and Theology20152029Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG010221 - Religion and Theology20152029Contract
Kourempeles IoannisSchool of TheologyChristian-Albrechts-Universität zu KielD KIEL010221 - Religion and Theology20152029Contract
Paschalidis SymeonSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversitatea Valahia din TargovisteRO TARGOVI010221 - Religion and Theology20152029Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyCardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in WarsawPL WARSZAW070221 - Religion and Theology20152029Contract
Dafni EvangeliaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG010221 - Religion and Theology20152029Contract
Papademetriou KyriakoulaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversité Catholique de LyonF LYON100221 - Religion and Theology20152029Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG010221 - Religion and Theology20152022Contract
Lamprou SoultanaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München D MUNCHEN010221 - Religion and Theology20152029Contract
Vantsos MiltiadisSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyTheologische Fakultät FuldaD FULDA030221 - Religion and Theology20162022Contract
Kaklamanos DimosthenisSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversitatea din CraiovaRO CRAIOVA010221 - Religion and Theology20162029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyUniversität PaderbornD PADERBO010221 - Religion and Theology20162028Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyChristian Theological Academy in WarsawPL WARSZAW08 0221 - Religion and Theology20162018Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyLiverpool Hope UniversityUK LIVERPO060221 - Religion and Theology20162021Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyUniversität SiegenD SIEGEN010221 - Religion and Theology20162022Contract
Papademetriou KyriakoulaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversität KasselD KASSEL010221 - Religion and Theology20172029Contract
Stamoulis ChrysostomosSchool of TheologyAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of IaşiRO IASI020221 - Religion and Theology20172029Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyOtto-Friedrich-Universität BambergD BAMBERG010221 - Religion and Theology20172022Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversité catholique de Louvain (UCL)B LOUVAIN010221 - Religion and Theology20172029Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyKøbenhavns UniversitetDK KOBENHA010221 - Religion and Theology20172023Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020221 - Religion and Theology20172029Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyDurham UniversityUK DURHAM010221 - Religion and Theology20172021Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyUniversity of PresovSK PRESOV010221 - Religion and Theology20172022Contract
Tsironis ChristosSchool of TheologyCardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in WarsawPL WARSZAW070221 - Religion and Theology20172029Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversitatea 'Babes-Bolyai' din Cluj-NapocaRO CLUJNAP010221 - Religion and Theology20172029Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyKatholische Universität Eichstätt-IngolstadtD EICHSTA010221 - Religion and Theology20172029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010221 - Religion and Theology20172029Contract
Dafni EvangeliaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversität SalzburgA SALZBUR010221 - Religion and Theology20182029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyKároli Gáspár Református EgyetemHU BUDAPES100221 - Religion and Theology20182029Contract
Maghioros NikosSchool of TheologyVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS010221 - Religion and Theology20192029Contract
Vantsos MiltiadisSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversitatea 'Aurel Vlaicu' din AradRO ARAD010221 - Religion and Theology20192029Contract
Galanis TimoleonSchool of TheologyAugustana-HochschuleD ANSBACH020221 - Religion and Theology20192029Contract
Filiotis-Vlachavas ChristosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversité catholique de Louvain (UCL)B LOUVAIN010221 - Religion and Theology20202029Contract
Filiotis-Vlachavas ChristosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversity of MaltaMT MALTA010221 - Religion and Theology20212029Contract
Filiotis-Vlachavas ChristosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090221 - Religion and Theology20202029Contract
Lamprou SoultanaSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniverzita Konštantína Filozofa v NitreSK NITRA010221 - Religion and Theology20202029Contract
Paparnakis AthanasiosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyTheological School of the Church of CyprusCY NICOSIA340221 - Religion and Theology20212029Contract
Pepes EvangelosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversitatea '1 Decembrie 1918' din Alba IuliaRO ALBAIU010221 - Religion and Theology20212029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyEwangelikalna Wyzsza Szkola TeologicznaPL WROCLAW210221 - Religion and Theology20232029Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010221 - Religion and Theology20232029Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyASSOCIATION DES EVEQUES FONDATEURS DE L'INSTITUT CATHOLIQUEF PARIS0520221 - Religion and Theology20242029Contract
Vantsos MiltiadisSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyKarl-Franzens-Universität GrazA GRAZ010221 - Religion and Theology20242029Contract
Chouvarda ThomaiSchool of TheologyAKSARAY UNIVERSITYTR AKSARAY010221 - Religion and Theology20252028Contract
Mitropoulou VasilikiSchool of TheologyEesti Evangeelne Luterlik KirikEE TALLINN180221 - Religion and Theology20252028Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyLeopold-Franzens-Universität InnsbruckA INNSBRU010221 - Religion and Theology20252028Contract
Athanasiadis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyUNIVERZITET U BEOGRADURS BELGRAD020221 - Religion and Theology20252029Contract
Stogiannidis AthanasiosSchool of TheologyRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN010221 - Religion and Theology20252028Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de AlicanteE ALICANT010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureFatih ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU130231 - Language acquisition20142016Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de ValladolidE VALLADO010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureNew Bulgarian UniversityBG SOFIA020231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Regkakos AntoniosSchool of PhilologyJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzD MAINZ010231 - Language acquisition20142025Contract
Regkakos AntoniosSchool of PhilologyUniversität TrierD TRIER010231 - Language acquisition20142025Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyRuprecht-Karls-Universität HeidelbergD HEIDELB010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR010231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversität des SaarlandesD SAARBRU010231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversität RegensburgD REGENSB010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Delianidou SimelaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität TrierD TRIER010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Karagiannidou EvangeliaSchool of German Language and LiteratureFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaD JENA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Karagiannidou EvangeliaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität RegensburgD REGENSB010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Chatzidimou KonstantinosSchool of German Language and LiteratureOtto-Friedrich-Universität BambergD BAMBERG010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Charalampidou ParthenaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversidad de MálagaE MALAGA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Dimitroulia XanthippiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris-Est Marne-la-ValléeF PARIS2250231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Charalampidou ParthenaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro'I BARI010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - MilanoI MILANO030231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Kitsi AikateriniSchool of English Language and LiteratureGoethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainD FRANKFU010231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Sistakou EvanthiaSchool of PhilologyEcole Normale Supérieure de LyonF LYON1030231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Sistakou EvanthiaSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA160231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Dimitroulia XanthippiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro'I BARI010231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversité Paris-SorbonneF PARIS0040231 - Language acquisition20142018Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversidad de OviedoE OVIEDO010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Mousouri EvangeliaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et SocialesF LILLE030231 - Language acquisition20142018Contract
Litsardaki MariaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Litsardaki MariaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de Haute-AlsaceF MULHOUS010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureInstitut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO)F PARIS1780231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de MonsB MONS210231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL020231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Grammatikopoulou Evgenia-ChristinaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Nice Sophia AntipolisF NICE010231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureHacettepe ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA030231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Panagiotidis PanagiotisSchool of French Language and LiteratureGalatasaray UniversitesiTR ISTANBU020231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Arvanitis PanagiotisSchool of French Language and LiteratureIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU030231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureYildiz Teknik UniversitesiTR ISTANBU070231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversitatea din CraiovaRO CRAIOVA010231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureTurun YliopistoSF TURKU010231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversidade do MinhoP BRAGA010231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversité Lumière Lyon 2F LYON020231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Tsaknaki OlympiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris DescartesF PARIS0050231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Tsaknaki OlympiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW010231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Apostolou FoteiniSchool of English Language and LiteratureBogaziçi ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU010231 - Language acquisition20142027Contract
Zografidou ZografiaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA010231 - Language acquisition20142016Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW010231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Boumpara KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureKU Leuven B LEUVEN010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Kitsi AikateriniSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversity of LimerickIRLLIMERIC010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Pastourmatzi DomnaSchool of English Language and LiteratureRadboud Universiteit NijmegenNL NIJMEGE010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Pastourmatzi DomnaSchool of English Language and LiteratureEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Pastourmatzi DomnaSchool of English Language and LiteratureKarl-Franzens-Universität GrazA GRAZ010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG010231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Peramos Soler NatividadSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de la LagunaE TENERIF010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Detsi ZoiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversité François Rabelais (Tours)F TOURS010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Detsi ZoiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureLunds universitetS LUND010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Rassidakis AlexandraSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität WienA WIEN010231 - Language acquisition20142027Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di TorinoI TORINO010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUppsala universitetS UPPSALA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Stavrakaki StavroulaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversiteit van AmsterdamNL AMSTERD010231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureOkan UniversitesiTR ISTANBU220231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010231 - Language acquisition20142016Contract
Alexiou ThomaiSchool of English Language and LiteratureVrije Universiteit BrusselB BRUSSEL010231 - Language acquisition20142021Contract
Alexiou ThomaiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversité Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3F MONTPEL030231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Alexiou ThomaiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversität Duisburg-EssenD ESSEN040231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Alexiou ThomaiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversität PotsdamD POTSDAM010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Varelas LamprosSchool of PhilologyIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU030231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris Diderot - Paris 7F PARIS0070231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsaknaki OlympiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3F MONTPEL030231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureRuprecht-Karls-Universität HeidelbergD HEIDELB010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030231 - Language acquisition20142017Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Karagiannidou EvangeliaSchool of German Language and LiteratureKirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/KremsA WIEN100231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Yiannopoulou EftimiaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Yiannopoulou EftimiaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversity of StirlingUK STIRLIN010231 - Language acquisition20142021Contract
Yiannopoulou EftimiaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversität SalzburgA SALZBUR010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Yiannopoulou EftimiaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di VeronaI VERONA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Ventouris AntoniosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di ParmaI PARMA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsitsiou ChrysantheSchool of PhilologyGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Panagiotidis PanagiotisSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaE BARCELO020231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Revythiadou AnthoulaSchool of PhilologyUniversità Ca' Foscari VeneziaI VENEZIA010231 - Language acquisition20142021Contract
Makropoulou PolytimiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Lumière Lyon 2F LYON020231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Kitsi AikateriniSchool of English Language and LiteratureBilkent ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA070231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Matthaioudaki MarinaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Revythiadou AnthoulaSchool of PhilologyNorges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige UniversitetN TRONDHE010231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureJyväskylän YliopistoSF JYVASKY010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di PaviaI PAVIA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030231 - Language acquisition20142017Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversité Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et SocialesF LILLE030231 - Language acquisition20142018Contract
Desilla LouisaSchool of English Language and LiteratureMasaryk UniversityCZ BRNO050231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Desilla LouisaSchool of English Language and LiteratureEötvös Loránd TudományegyetemHU BUDAPES010231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Desilla LouisaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din BacăuRO BACAU010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Papadopoulou DespoinaSchool of PhilologyPlovdivski Universitet 'Paisii Hilendarski'BG PLOVDIV040231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsitsiou ChrysantheSchool of PhilologyUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de SalamancaE SALAMAN020231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Ventouris AntoniosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Ventouris AntoniosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidade do AlgarveP FARO020231 - Language acquisition20142024Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität SalzburgA SALZBUR010231 - Language acquisition20142020Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversidad de Santiago de CompostelaE SANTIAG010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureHumboldt-Universität zu BerlinD BERLIN130231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tiktopoulou AikateriniSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA010231 - Language acquisition20142015Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tiktopoulou AikateriniSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO010231 - Language acquisition20142027Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris Diderot - Paris 7F PARIS0070231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010231 - Language acquisition20142016Contract
Krystalli PinelopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de Reims Champagne-ArdenneF REIMS010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsaknaki OlympiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-DenisF PARIS0080231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Katsaounis NikolaosSchool of German Language and LiteratureLeibniz Universität HannoverD HANNOVE010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsokaktsidou DimitraSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010231 - Language acquisition20142015Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversité de BourgogneF DIJON010231 - Language acquisition20142018Contract
Revythiadou AnthoulaSchool of PhilologyUniversität KonstanzD KONSTAN010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Kyriazis DorisSchool of PhilologyNew Bulgarian UniversityBG SOFIA020231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Kyriazis DorisSchool of PhilologyUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Papadopoulou DespoinaSchool of PhilologyUniversité Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et SocialesF LILLE030231 - Language acquisition20142018Contract
Papadopoulou DespoinaSchool of PhilologyUniversité Stendhal - Grenoble 3F GRENOBL030231 - Language acquisition20142016Contract
Papadopoulou DespoinaSchool of PhilologySofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Tsaknaki OlympiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris Ouest Nanterre La DéfenseF PARIS0100231 - Language acquisition20142028Contract
Zachou AikateriniSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Chatzidimou KonstantinosSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität BielefeldD BIELEFE010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Bermperoglou ParaschosSchool of German Language and LiteratureSzegedi TudományegyetemHU SZEGED010231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Bermperoglou ParaschosSchool of German Language and LiteratureCanakkale Onsekiz Mart UniversityTR CANAKKA010231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversitat de ValènciaE VALENCI010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyRuhr-Universität BochumD BOCHUM010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyVilniaus UniversitetasLT VILNIUS010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Kastellanou Gkratsiela-FoteiniSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris-SorbonneF PARIS0040231 - Language acquisition20142018Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureSofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Krystalli PinelopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité d'AngersF ANGERS010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Wiedenmayer AnthoulaSchool of German Language and LiteratureJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzD MAINZ010231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Mike MariaSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA010231 - Language acquisition20142023Contract
Fyntikoglou VasileiosSchool of PhilologyUniversidad de AlicanteE ALICANT010231 - Language acquisition20142015Contract
Tsaknaki OlympiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430231 - Language acquisition20142029Contract
Wiedenmayer AnthoulaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität des SaarlandesD SAARBRU010231 - Language acquisition20142022Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversity College DublinIRLDUBLIN020231 - Language acquisition20142017Contract
Tsokaktsidou DimitraSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010231 - Language acquisition20152019Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität BremenD BREMEN010231 - Language acquisition20152029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli)I NAPOLI090231 - Language acquisition20152029Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010231 - Language acquisition20162029Contract
Papadopoulou DespoinaSchool of PhilologyUniversité Grenoble Alpes (UGA)F GRENOBL550231 - Language acquisition20162029Contract
Zachou AikateriniSchool of German Language and LiteratureJan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad LabemCZ USTINAD010231 - Language acquisition20172029Contract
Mousouri EvangeliaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et SocialesF LILLE030231 - Language acquisition20172018Contract
Delianidou SimelaSchool of German Language and LiteratureKazimierz Wielki University in BydgoszczPL BYDGOSZ010231 - Language acquisition20172029Contract
Apostolou FoteiniSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di TriesteI TRIESTE010231 - Language acquisition20182029Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversité de BourgogneF DIJON010231 - Language acquisition20182022Contract
Tsokaktsidou DimitraSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010231 - Language acquisition20192029Contract
Krystalli PinelopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030231 - Language acquisition20182028Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030231 - Language acquisition20182028Contract
Papadopoulou DespoinaSchool of PhilologyUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030231 - Language acquisition20182028Contract
Krystalli PinelopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030231 - Language acquisition20182028Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologySorbonne UniversitéF PARIS4680231 - Language acquisition20182027Contract
Dimitroulia XanthippiSchool of French Language and LiteratureSorbonne UniversitéF PARIS4680231 - Language acquisition20182023Contract
Ploumistaki KalliopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Côte d’AzurF NICE420231 - Language acquisition20222029Contract
Dimitroulia XanthippiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Gustave EiffelF PARIS4830231 - Language acquisition20222023Contract
Pagkalos IoannisSchool of German Language and LiteratureKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)D KARLSRU010231 - Language acquisition20232029Contract
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina)School of English Language and LiteratureTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020231 - Language acquisition20232029Contract
Mouti AnnaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversita per Stranieri di SienaI SIENA020231 - Language acquisition20232029Contract
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina)School of English Language and LiteratureUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1090231 - Language acquisition20232029Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA010231 - Language acquisition20232029Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversité Paris CitéF PARIS4820231 - Language acquisition20232029Contract
Pastourmatzi DomnaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet SzczecińskiPL SZCZECI010231 - Language acquisition20242029Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430231 - Language acquisition20242029Contract
Ventouris AntoniosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureScuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Prospero Moise LoriaI MILANO270231 - Language acquisition20242029Contract
Schoina MariaSchool of English Language and LiteratureCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070231 - Language acquisition20242029Contract
Pastourmatzi DomnaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversidad de MálagaE MALAGA010231 - Language acquisition20242029Contract
Rothou KyriakoulaSchool of Early Childhood EducationCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO020231 - Language acquisition20242029Contract
Schoina MariaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA010231 - Language acquisition20242029Contract
Fragkou MariaSchool of DramaUniversità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo BoI URBINO010231 - Language acquisition20242026Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureAmerican University in BulgariaBG BLAGOEV030231 - Language acquisition20252029Contract
Alexiou ThomaiSchool of English Language and LiteraturePedagogical University of CracowPL KRAKOW050231 - Language acquisition20252028Contract
Peramos Soler NatividadSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG010231 - Language acquisition20252028Contract
Kourouni KyriakiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet JagiellońskiPL KRAKOW010231 - Language acquisition20252029Contract
Regkakos AntoniosSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di MacerataI MACERAT01023 - Languages20142022Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversiteit van AmsterdamNL AMSTERD01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Regkakos AntoniosSchool of PhilologyNicolaus Copernicus University in ToruńPL TORUN01023 - Languages20142022Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversiteit van AmsterdamNL AMSTERD01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Delianidou SimelaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität HildesheimD HILDESH01023 - Languages20142028Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversity of EssexUK COLCHES01023 - Languages20142017Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA01023 - Languages20142028Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Sistakou EvanthiaSchool of PhilologyRijksuniversiteit GroningenNL GRONING01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Tiktopoulou AikateriniSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA01023 - Languages20142017Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de PoitiersF POITIER01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3F PARIS003023 - Languages20142028Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO01023 - Languages20142023Contract
Krystalli PinelopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Toulouse - Jean JaurèsF TOULOUS02023 - Languages20142029Contract
Kitsi AikateriniSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversité de Caen NormandieF CAEN01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversiteit GentB GENT01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Stavrakaki StavroulaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Milano-BicoccaI MILANO16023 - Languages20142029Contract
Kourouni KyriakiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversitat Rovira i VirgiliE TARRAGO01023 - Languages20142028Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyFreie Universität BerlinD BERLIN01023 - Languages20142028Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW01023 - Languages20142022Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversity of EdinburghUK EDINBUR01023 - Languages20142021Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversidad de SevillaE SEVILLA01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Plastira-Valkanou MariaSchool of PhilologyUniversity of LeedsUK LEEDS01023 - Languages20142015Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO01023 - Languages20142023Contract
Tsitsiou ChrysantheSchool of PhilologyLeopold-Franzens-Universität InnsbruckA INNSBRU01023 - Languages20142015Contract
Koutsogiannis DimitriosSchool of PhilologySyddansk UniversitetDK ODENSE01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Revythiadou AnthoulaSchool of PhilologyUniversitat Pompeu FabraE BARCELO15023 - Languages20142022Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversidad de ValladolidE VALLADO01023 - Languages20142029Contract
Regkakos AntoniosSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di TorinoI TORINO01023 - Languages20142025Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di UdineI UDINE01023 - Languages20142022Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL02023 - Languages20142029Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversität RostockD ROSTOCK01023 - Languages20152028Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA109023 - Languages20152020Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO02023 - Languages20152029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de LiègeB LIEGE01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyRuhr-Universität BochumD BOCHUM01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversité Paris-SorbonneF PARIS004023 - Languages20152018Contract
Zachou AikateriniSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversitatea 'Lucian Blaga' din SibiuRO SIBIU01023 - Languages20152022Contract
Schoina MariaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di ParmaI PARMA01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Zachou AikateriniSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo BoI URBINO01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Dimitroulia XanthippiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA01023 - Languages20152017Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversiteit AntwerpenB ANTWERP01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Revythiadou AnthoulaSchool of PhilologyUniversity College LondonUK LONDON029023 - Languages20152019Contract
Tsitsiou ChrysantheSchool of PhilologyLeopold-Franzens-Universität InnsbruckA INNSBRU01023 - Languages20152016Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Zachou AikateriniSchool of German Language and LiteratureIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU03023 - Languages20152029Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureKU Leuven B LEUVEN01023 - Languages20152029Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA01023 - Languages20162029Contract
Krystalli PinelopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1F LYON01023 - Languages20162029Contract
Varsamidou AthinaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de LimogesF LIMOGES01023 - Languages20162029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de MurciaE MURCIA01023 - Languages20162029Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureISIT - Institut de Management et de Communication InterculturelsF PARIS379023 - Languages20162029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di TriesteI TRIESTE01023 - Languages20162023Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata'I ROMA02023 - Languages20162029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de VigoE VIGO01023 - Languages20162029Contract
Alexiou ThomaiSchool of English Language and LiteratureSwansea UniversityUK SWANSEA01023 - Languages20162021Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"I NAPOLI02023 - Languages20162028Contract
Tsitsiou ChrysantheSchool of PhilologyLeopold-Franzens-Universität InnsbruckA INNSBRU01023 - Languages20162029Contract
Georgopoulou EleniSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"I NAPOLI02023 - Languages20162028Contract
Krystalli PinelopiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité Grenoble Alpes (UGA)F GRENOBL55023 - Languages20162029Contract
Kyriazis DorisSchool of PhilologyVelikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i MetodiiBG VELIKO01023 - Languages20172029Contract
Delianidou SimelaSchool of German Language and LiteratureTechnische Universität DortmundD DORTMUN01023 - Languages20172029Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO48023 - Languages20172028Contract
Alexiou ThomaiSchool of English Language and LiteratureCanterbury Christ Church UniversityUK CANTERB03023 - Languages20182021Contract
Delianidou SimelaSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversität VechtaD VECHTA02023 - Languages20172022Contract
Tsaknaki OlympiaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio MeridionaleI CASSINO01023 - Languages20172029Contract
Ventouris AntoniosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità per Stranieri di PerugiaI PERUGIA06023 - Languages20172029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW01023 - Languages20172028Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO48023 - Languages20172028Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversität OsnabrückD OSNABRU01023 - Languages20172022Contract
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina)School of English Language and LiteratureUniversitetet i OsloN OSLO01023 - Languages20172023Contract
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina)School of English Language and LiteratureUniversität WienA WIEN01023 - Languages20172027Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologySorbonne UniversitéF PARIS468023 - Languages20182027Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyNeapolis University PafosCY PAFOS01023 - Languages20182023Contract
Kazamia VasileiaLanguage CenterUniversity of CambridgeUK CAMBRID01023 - Languages20182021Contract
Kitsi AikateriniSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet ZielonogórskiPL ZIELONA01023 - Languages20182029Contract
Loupaki ElpidaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW01023 - Languages20182028Contract
Mousouri EvangeliaSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO01023 - Languages20202023Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID03023 - Languages20192029Contract
Ventouris AntoniosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversitatea din CraiovaRO CRAIOVA01023 - Languages20192029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de La RiojaE LOGRONO01023 - Languages20202029Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID03023 - Languages20192029Contract
Simelidis ChristosSchool of PhilologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID03023 - Languages20192026Contract
GINOU ELENILanguage CenterUniversité Grenoble Alpes (UGA)F GRENOBL55023 - Languages20192023Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologySorbonne UniversitéF PARIS468023 - Languages20182027Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI01023 - Languages20202029Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureLeopold-Franzens-Universität InnsbruckA INNSBRU01023 - Languages20202029Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN01023 - Languages20202029Contract
Daffa AgniLanguage CenterTechnische Universität DarmstadtD DARMSTA01023 - Languages20202029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureSCUOLA SUPERIORE PER MEDIATORI LINGUISTICI SAN PELLEGRINO (FONDAZIONE UNICAMPUS SAN PELLEGRINO)I FORLI01023 - Languages20192029Contract
Sioupi AthinaSchool of German Language and LiteratureSorbonne UniversitéF PARIS468023 - Languages20212029Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN01023 - Languages20222029Contract
Kourouni KyriakiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversity of MaltaMT MALTA01023 - Languages20222029Contract
Thanassas PanagiotisSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversität KasselD KASSEL01022 - History, philosophy and related subjects20142018Contract
Thanassas PanagiotisSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG01022 - History, philosophy and related subjects20142018Contract
Penolidis TheodorosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyKatholische Privat-Universität LinzA LINZ11022 - History, philosophy and related subjects20142029Contract
Zografidis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE01022 - History, philosophy and related subjects20142029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity of EdinburghUK EDINBUR01022 - History, philosophy and related subjects20142021Contract
Kanatsouli MelpomeniSchool of Early Childhood EducationCelal Bayar ÜniversitesiTR MANISA01022 - History, philosophy and related subjects20142029Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyKároli Gáspár Református EgyetemHU BUDAPES100222 - History and archaeology20142022Contract
Semoglou AthanasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Fragkoulidis StavrosSchool of PhilologyRoyal Holloway University of LondonUK LONDON0970222 - History and archaeology20142019Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyRijksuniversiteit GroningenNL GRONING010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Akamatis IoannisSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversité Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et SocialesF LILLE030222 - History and archaeology20142018Contract
Akamatis IoannisSchool of History and ArchaeologySofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060222 - History and archaeology20142018Contract
Akamatis IoannisSchool of History and ArchaeologyMartin-Luther-Universität Halle-WittenbergD HALLE010222 - History and archaeology20142018Contract
Akamatis IoannisSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniwersytet JagiellońskiPL KRAKOW010222 - History and archaeology20142018Contract
Akamatis IoannisSchool of History and ArchaeologyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010222 - History and archaeology20142018Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of IaşiRO IASI020222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Kotzageorgis FokionSchool of History and ArchaeologyEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyThe University of SheffieldUK SHEFFIE010222 - History and archaeology20142021Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaE BARCELO020222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyFreie Universität BerlinD BERLIN010222 - History and archaeology20142028Contract
Papagianni EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversität TrierD TRIER010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Vasileiou Alexandra KyriakiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversität TrierD TRIER010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Gounaris BasilSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità Ca' Foscari VeneziaI VENEZIA010222 - History and archaeology20142021Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyAnadolu UniversitesiTR ESKISEH010222 - History and archaeology20142018Contract
Tantsis AnastasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010222 - History and archaeology20142028Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversité Paris 1 Panthéon-SorbonneF PARIS0010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Chasiotis LoukianosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversidad de ValladolidE VALLADO010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Vasileiou Alexandra KyriakiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Papagianni EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010222 - History and archaeology20142023Contract
Sfetas SpyridonSchool of History and ArchaeologyRWTH Aachen UniversityD AACHEN010222 - History and archaeology20142018Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Papadopoulou PagonaSchool of History and ArchaeologyEcole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - EPHEF PARIS0540222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Nigdelis PantelisSchool of History and ArchaeologyGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING010222 - History and archaeology20142022Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaE BARCELO020222 - History and archaeology20142022Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversität AugsburgD AUGSBUR010222 - History and archaeology20142023Contract
Voutyras EmmanouilSchool of History and ArchaeologyGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING010222 - History and archaeology20142018Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzD MAINZ010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Tselekas PanagiotisSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUludag ÜniversitesiTR BURSA010222 - History and archaeology20142022Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR010222 - History and archaeology20142028Contract
Tselekas PanagiotisSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversidad de AlicanteE ALICANT010222 - History and archaeology20142022Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Tselekas PanagiotisSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi della BasilicataI POTENZA010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Papadopoulou PagonaSchool of History and ArchaeologyAix-Marseille UniversitéF MARSEIL840222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Xydopoulos IoannisSchool of History and ArchaeologyKU Leuven B LEUVEN010222 - History and archaeology20152029Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyTrakya ÜniversitesiTR EDIRNE010222 - History and archaeology20142022Contract
Semoglou AthanasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyCardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in WarsawPL WARSZAW070222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Manta EleftheriaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA160222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Delikari AngelikiSchool of History and ArchaeologyCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyRuprecht-Karls-Universität HeidelbergD HEIDELB010222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity College LondonUK LONDON0290222 - History and archaeology20142017Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070222 - History and archaeology20142029Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzD MAINZ010222 - History and archaeology20152023Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010222 - History and archaeology20152022Contract
Voutyras EmmanouilSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ010222 - History and archaeology20152018Contract
Voutyras EmmanouilSchool of History and ArchaeologyItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120222 - History and archaeology20152018Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyHumboldt-Universität zu BerlinD BERLIN130222 - History and archaeology20152029Contract
Tselekas PanagiotisSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di SalernoI SALERNO010222 - History and archaeology20152029Contract
Michailidis IakovosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversität SiegenD SIEGEN010222 - History and archaeology20152018Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyChristian-Albrechts-Universität zu KielD KIEL010222 - History and archaeology20152029Contract
Tounta EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyRuprecht-Karls-Universität HeidelbergD HEIDELB010222 - History and archaeology20152029Contract
Tounta EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di GenovaI GENOVA010222 - History and archaeology20152029Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity of OxfordUK OXFORD010222 - History and archaeology20142015Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity of OxfordUK OXFORD010222 - History and archaeology20152016Contract
Voutyras EmmanouilSchool of History and ArchaeologyLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA010222 - History and archaeology20152018Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversité catholique de Louvain (UCL)B LOUVAIN010222 - History and archaeology20162029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA010222 - History and archaeology20162029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyCardiff UniversityUK CARDIFF010222 - History and archaeology20162021Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity of OxfordUK OXFORD010222 - History and archaeology20162017Contract
Michailidis IakovosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010222 - History and archaeology20172029Contract
Leveniotis GeorgiosSchool of History and ArchaeologySakarya ÜniversitesiTR SAKARYA010222 - History and archaeology20172022Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversitatea '1 Decembrie 1918' din Alba IuliaRO ALBAIU010222 - History and archaeology20172022Contract
Papagianni EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyPhilipps-Universität MarburgD MARBURG010222 - History and archaeology20172029Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity of OxfordUK OXFORD010222 - History and archaeology20172018Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologySveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB010222 - History and archaeology20182029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010222 - History and archaeology20182029Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity of OxfordUK OXFORD010222 - History and archaeology20182019Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversität MünsterD MUNSTER010222 - History and archaeology20192023Contract
Manakidou EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversité Paris Ouest Nanterre La DéfenseF PARIS0100222 - History and archaeology20192029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyStockholms universitetS STOCKHO010222 - History and archaeology20192029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversity College LondonUK LONDON0290222 - History and archaeology20192021Contract
Tantsis AnastasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030222 - History and archaeology20182028Contract
Delikari AngelikiSchool of History and ArchaeologyBulgarian Academy of SciencesBG SOFIA300222 - History and archaeology20202029Contract
Tounta EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversité de NantesF NANTES010222 - History and archaeology20202029Contract
Kotzageorgis FokionSchool of History and ArchaeologyÜsküdar ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU460222 - History and archaeology20202029Contract
Triantafyllou SevastiSchool of History and ArchaeologyBilkent ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA070222 - History and archaeology20222026Contract
Papagianni EleniSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniverza na Primorskem - Università del LitoraleSI KOPER030222 - History and archaeology20232029Contract
Semoglou AthanasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN010222 - History and archaeology20232029Contract
Papadopoulou PagonaSchool of History and ArchaeologyKaradeniz Teknik ÜniversitesiTR TRABZON010222 - History and archaeology20232029Contract
Delikari AngelikiSchool of History and ArchaeologyIbn Haldun UniversityTR ISTANBU660222 - History and archaeology20232029Contract
Chasiotis LoukianosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversiteit AntwerpenB ANTWERP010222 - History and archaeology20232029Contract
Semoglou AthanasiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversidad de VigoE VIGO010222 - History and archaeology20242026Contract
Valamoti Soultana-MariaSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversitetet i OsloN OSLO010222 - History and archaeology20252028Contract
Agelopoulos GeorgiosSchool of History and ArchaeologySofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060222 - History and archaeology20252028Contract
Fappas IoannisSchool of History and ArchaeologyKOC UNIVERSITYTR ISTANBU170222 - History and archaeology20252029Contract
Golitsis PantelisSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversität MünsterD MUNSTER010223 - Philosophy and ethics20142023Contract
Athanasakis DimitriosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030223 - Philosophy and ethics20142029Contract
Penolidis TheodorosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München D MUNCHEN010223 - Philosophy and ethics20142029Contract
Penolidis TheodorosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversität HildesheimD HILDESH010223 - Philosophy and ethics20142028Contract
Penolidis TheodorosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyKatholische Universität Eichstätt-IngolstadtD EICHSTA010223 - Philosophy and ethics20142029Contract
Kalokairinou EleniSchool of Philosophy and PedagogySveučilište u RijeciHR RIJEKA010223 - Philosophy and ethics20142022Contract
Zografidis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA010223 - Philosophy and ethics20142029Contract
Golitsis PantelisSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversité Libre de BruxellesB BRUXEL040223 - Philosophy and ethics20142028Contract
Athanasakis DimitriosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090223 - Philosophy and ethics20142029Contract
Tsalampouni AikateriniSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniversity of BirminghamUK BIRMING020223 - Philosophy and ethics20142021Contract
Zografidis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN010223 - Philosophy and ethics20142029Contract
Athanasakis DimitriosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversité Paris 1 Panthéon-SorbonneF PARIS0010223 - Philosophy and ethics20142022Contract
Athanasakis DimitriosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-DenisF PARIS0080223 - Philosophy and ethics20142029Contract
Penolidis TheodorosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010223 - Philosophy and ethics20162028Contract
Delivogiatzis SokratisSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversité Jean Moulin Lyon 3F LYON030223 - Philosophy and ethics20162018Contract
Kavoulakos KonstantinosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyFreie Universität BerlinD BERLIN010223 - Philosophy and ethics20172028Contract
Penolidis TheodorosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN010223 - Philosophy and ethics20182029Contract
Penolidis TheodorosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogySofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060223 - Philosophy and ethics20182029Contract
Athanasakis DimitriosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversité Jean Moulin Lyon 3F LYON030223 - Philosophy and ethics20182029Contract
Stilianou AristotelisSchool of Political SciencesMiddle East Technical UniversityTR ANKARA040223 - Philosophy and ethics20222029Contract
Kavoulakos KonstantinosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010223 - Philosophy and ethics20242029Contract
Peonidis FilimonSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)D KARLSRU010223 - Philosophy and ethics20242029Contract
Stilianou AristotelisSchool of Political SciencesUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010223 - Philosophy and ethics20232024Contract
Athanasakis DimitriosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010223 - Philosophy and ethics20232025Contract
Vouyoukas ConstantinosSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversité Libre de BruxellesB BRUXEL040318 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social and behavioural sciences20142028Contract
Stavrakaki StavroulaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUCL Institute of EducationUK LONDON0100318 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social and behavioural sciences20152021Contract
Barkoukis VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA010313 - Psychology20142023Contract
Hatzitaki VassiliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversity of BirminghamUK BIRMING020313 - Psychology20142018Contract
Tata DespoinaSchool of PsychologyUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Avdi EvrynomiSchool of PsychologyISMAI - Instituto Universitário da MaiaP MAIA010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Avdi EvrynomiSchool of PsychologyHochschule NordhausenD NORDHAU010313 - Psychology20142018Contract
Avdi EvrynomiSchool of PsychologyItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120313 - Psychology20142018Contract
Avdi EvrynomiSchool of PsychologyJyväskylän YliopistoSF JYVASKY010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyTechnische Universität DresdenD DRESDEN020313 - Psychology20142028Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversiteit LeidenNL LEIDEN010313 - Psychology20142028Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyNeapolis University PafosCY PAFOS010313 - Psychology20142023Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversität OsnabrückD OSNABRU010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversidade do PortoP PORTO020313 - Psychology20142023Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversité de LiègeB LIEGE010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversité de BourgogneF DIJON010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyRadboud Universiteit NijmegenNL NIJMEGE010313 - Psychology20142023Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversité Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et SocialesF LILLE030313 - Psychology20142018Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyÖrebro universitetS OREBRO010313 - Psychology20142022Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversidade do AlgarveP FARO020313 - Psychology20142022Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversité de Caen NormandieF CAEN010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologySveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB010313 - Psychology20142020Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of Psychologyİzmir Ekonomi ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR040313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyNorges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige UniversitetN TRONDHE010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA240313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Marvakis AthanasiosSchool of Primary EducationEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversität KonstanzD KONSTAN010313 - Psychology20142029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyThe Maria Grzegorzewska UniversityPL WARSZAW040313 - Psychology20152028Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyDokuz Eylül ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR010313 - Psychology20152029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyTED UniversityTR ANKARA180313 - Psychology20152021Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyÜsküdar ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU460313 - Psychology20152029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyIstanbul Aydin UniversityTR ISTANBU250313 - Psychology20152022Contract
Gkeka MariaSchool of Early Childhood EducationISCTE - Instituto Universitário de LisboaP LISBOA070313 - Psychology20152029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyBirmingham City UniversityUK BIRMING030313 - Psychology20152021Contract
Hatzitaki VassiliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceQueen's University BelfastUK BELFAST010313 - Psychology20152021Contract
Dogani KonstantinaSchool of Early Childhood EducationUniversity of PortsmouthUK PORTSMO010313 - Psychology20152020Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN010313 - Psychology20162029Contract
Avdi EvrynomiSchool of PsychologyUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaE BARCELO020313 - Psychology20162029Contract
Georgaca EugenieSchool of PsychologyUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA010313 - Psychology20162028Contract
Barkoukis VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceSheffield Hallam UniversityUK SHEFFIE020313 - Psychology20172021Contract
Tata DespoinaSchool of PsychologyUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010313 - Psychology20182029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030313 - Psychology20182028Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010313 - Psychology20202029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyISPA – Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da VidaP LISBOA170313 - Psychology20202029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversidade Da CorunaE LA-CORU010313 - Psychology20222029Contract
Gonida Sofia-EleftheriaSchool of PsychologyUniversity of HelsinkiSF HELSINK010313 - Psychology20242025Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogySuleyman Demirel UniversitesiTR ISPARTA010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20142018Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureAarhus UniversitetDK ARHUS010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20142023Contract
Stavrakakis YannisSchool of Political SciencesBogaziçi ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20142020Contract
Matthaioudaki MarinaSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet OpolskiPL OPOLE010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20142029Contract
Agelopoulos GeorgiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20142029Contract
Agelopoulos GeorgiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversità degli Studi di CagliariI CAGLIAR010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20142029Contract
Bakalaki Maria-AlexandraSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030314 - Sociology and cultural studies20142018Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesPlovdivski Universitet 'Paisii Hilendarski'BG PLOVDIV040314 - Sociology and cultural studies20152029Contract
Agelopoulos GeorgiosSchool of History and ArchaeologyUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20152029Contract
Zarifis GeorgiosSchool of Philosophy and PedagogyHochschule der Bundesagentur für ArbeitD MANNHEI060314 - Sociology and cultural studies20152019Contract
Kotsiopoulos KonstantinosSchool of Pastoral and Social TheologyUniverzita Konštantína Filozofa v NitreSK NITRA010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20172029Contract
Tzoannopoulou MarinaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20172029Contract
Stavrakakis YannisSchool of Political SciencesBogaziçi ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20212027Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of IaşiRO IASI020314 - Sociology and cultural studies20222029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20222029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo BoI URBINO010314 - Sociology and cultural studies20222029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesTallinna TehnikaúlikoolEE TALLINN040312 - Political sciences and civics20142029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesTechnische Universität ChemnitzD CHEMNIT010312 - Political sciences and civics20142022Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesMetropolitan University PragueCZ PRAHA180312 - Political sciences and civics20142029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010312 - Political sciences and civics20142029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA160312 - Political sciences and civics20142029Contract
Chatzipantelis TheodorosSchool of Political SciencesISCTE - Instituto Universitário de LisboaP LISBOA070312 - Political sciences and civics20142020Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesHacettepe ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA030312 - Political sciences and civics20142029Contract
Stilianou AristotelisSchool of Political SciencesUniwersytet WrocławskiPL WROCLAW010312 - Political sciences and civics20142027Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesSveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB010312 - Political sciences and civics20142021Contract
Stavrakakis YannisSchool of Political SciencesAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR010312 - Political sciences and civics20142028Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480312 - Political sciences and civics20142028Contract
Kioupkiolis AlexandrosSchool of Political SciencesUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW010312 - Political sciences and civics20142028Contract
Stavrakakis YannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010312 - Political sciences and civics20142029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010312 - Political sciences and civics20152022Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H010312 - Political sciences and civics20152022Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ010312 - Political sciences and civics20152018Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA010312 - Political sciences and civics20152020Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430312 - Political sciences and civics20152018Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesEuropos Humanitarinis UniversitetasLT VILNIUS200312 - Political sciences and civics20152022Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120312 - Political sciences and civics20152018Contract
Chatzipantelis TheodorosSchool of Political SciencesKocaeli ÜniversitesiTR KOCAELI020312 - Political sciences and civics20152021Contract
Stilianou AristotelisSchool of Political SciencesMaastricht UniversityNL MAASTRI010312 - Political sciences and civics20152029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesGoethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainD FRANKFU010312 - Political sciences and civics20152028Contract
Stilianou AristotelisSchool of Political SciencesUniversité de NantesF NANTES010312 - Political sciences and civics20162029Contract
Teperoglou EftychiaSchool of Political SciencesUniversidad Autónoma de MadridE MADRID040312 - Political sciences and civics20172029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesILERI – Institut Libre d’Etude des Relations InternationalesF PARIS4290312 - Political sciences and civics20172023Contract
Chatzipantelis TheodorosSchool of Political SciencesNational University of Public Service BudapestHU BUDAPES540312 - Political sciences and civics20172029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010312 - Political sciences and civics20172029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesPhilipps-Universität MarburgD MARBURG010312 - Political sciences and civics20182022Contract
Stavrakakis YannisSchool of Political SciencesLoughborough UniversityUK LOUGHBO010312 - Political sciences and civics20192021Contract
Chatzipantelis TheodorosSchool of Political SciencesISCTE - Instituto Universitário de LisboaP LISBOA070312 - Political sciences and civics20212029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesInstitut de Etudes Politiques de ParisF PARIS0140312 - Political sciences and civics20222029Contract
Teperoglou EftychiaSchool of Political SciencesUniversidad de DeustoE BILBAO020312 - Political sciences and civics20222023Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversità degli Studi di TorinoI TORINO010312 - Political sciences and civics20232029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesAptimF LYON1080312 - Political sciences and civics20232029Contract
Kavala MariaSchool of Political SciencesKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)D KARLSRU010312 - Political sciences and civics20242029Contract
Papageorgiou IoannisSchool of Political SciencesUniversité Libre de BruxellesB BRUXEL040312 - Political sciences and civics20252029Contract
Teperoglou EftychiaSchool of Political SciencesUNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA, SLE VALENCI910312 - Political sciences and civics20252029Contract
Grammatikopoulou Evgenia-ChristinaSchool of Political SciencesISIT - Institut de Management et de Communication InterculturelsF PARIS3790312 - Political sciences and civics20252028Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversität ErfurtD ERFURT050311 - Economics20142029Contract
Trachanas EmmanouilSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi di TeramoI TERAMO010311 - Economics20142029Contract
Kazanas AthanasiosSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - PescaraI CHIETI010311 - Economics20142029Contract
Kazanas AthanasiosSchool of EconomicsHochschule Mainz - University of Applied SciencesD MAINZ080311 - Economics20142029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversité Lille 1 - Sciences et TechnologiesF LILLE010311 - Economics20142018Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi di CagliariI CAGLIAR010311 - Economics20142029Contract
Karampela SofiaSchool of EconomicsTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020311 - Economics20142029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA010311 - Economics20142029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsCorvinus University of BudapestHU BUDAPES030311 - Economics20142016Contract
Trachanas EmmanouilSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010311 - Economics20142029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1090311 - Economics20142023Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi di BresciaI BRESCIA010311 - Economics20142022Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversitatea din OradeaRO ORADEA010311 - Economics20142022Contract
Kazanas AthanasiosSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010311 - Economics20142029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010311 - Economics20142015Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsISCTE - Instituto Universitário de LisboaP LISBOA070311 - Economics20152020Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010311 - Economics20142022Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010311 - Economics20142015Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H010311 - Economics20142015Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS010311 - Economics20142015Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA010311 - Economics20142015Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsTallinna TehnikaúlikoolEE TALLINN040311 - Economics20142015Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010311 - Economics20142015Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ010311 - Economics20142015Contract
Palaiologou Souzana-MariaSchool of EconomicsUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010311 - Economics20152029Contract
Palaiologou Souzana-MariaSchool of EconomicsUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H010311 - Economics20152029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ010311 - Economics20152018Contract
Karampela SofiaSchool of EconomicsPolitechnika ŁódzkaPL LODZ020311 - Economics20152029Contract
Karampela SofiaSchool of EconomicsLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA010311 - Economics20152029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430311 - Economics20152018Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversité Nice Sophia AntipolisF NICE010311 - Economics20152022Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010311 - Economics20152029Contract
Karampela SofiaSchool of EconomicsVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS010311 - Economics20152029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120311 - Economics20152018Contract
Palaiologou Souzana-MariaSchool of EconomicsHáskólinn á BifröstIS BORGARN010311 - Economics20152029Contract
Trachanas EmmanouilSchool of EconomicsCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO020311 - Economics20172029Contract
Kazanas AthanasiosSchool of EconomicsPhilipps-Universität MarburgD MARBURG010311 - Economics20182029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030311 - Economics20182028Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversità del SalentoI LECCE010311 - Economics20202029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010311 - Economics20222029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversità degli Studi di SassariI SASSARI010311 - Economics20222029Contract
Kostopoulou StylianiSchool of EconomicsUniversité Côte d’AzurF NICE420311 - Economics20222024Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversity Mediterranea of Reggio CalabriaI REGGIO010311 - Economics20232029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010311 - Economics20242029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsTechnická Univerzita v KosiciachSK KOSICE030311 - Economics20252028Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsEötvös Loránd TudományegyetemHU BUDAPES010311 - Economics20252029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsGoethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainD FRANKFU010311 - Economics20252028Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsISTANBUL GEDIK UNIVERSITESITR ISTANBU420311 - Economics20252029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUNIWERSYTET EKONOMICZNY W KRAKOWIEPL KRAKOW040311 - Economics20252029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ENNA KOREI ENNA010311 - Economics20242029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)D KARLSRU010311 - Economics20252029Contract
Papadopoulos KonstantinosSchool of EconomicsUniversitatea de Vest din TimişoaraRO TIMISOA010311 - Economics20252026Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversitat Pompeu FabraE BARCELO150321 - Journalism and reporting20142027Contract
Skamnakis AntonisSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesTallinna ÜlikoolEE TALLINN050321 - Journalism and reporting20142029Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesAdnan Menderes ÜniversitesiTR AYDIN010321 - Journalism and reporting20152022Contract
Baltzis AlexandrosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesKazimieras Simonavicius UniversityLT VILNIUS240321 - Journalism and reporting20152018Contract
Veglis AndreasSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010321 - Journalism and reporting20162029Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesArtesis Plantijn Hogeschool AntwerpenB ANTWERP620321 - Journalism and reporting20192029Contract
Kostarella IoannaSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversitat de ValènciaE VALENCI010321 - Journalism and reporting20222029Contract
Panagiotou NikolaosSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020321 - Journalism and reporting20242029Contract
Tsipouridou MariaSchool of EconomicsBudapesti Gazdasági EgyetemHU BUDAPES200418 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business and administration20142029Contract
Kazanas AthanasiosSchool of EconomicsESCE International Business SchoolF PARIS2130418 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business and administration20142029Contract
Tsipouridou MariaSchool of EconomicsUniversità Politecnica delle MarcheI ANCONA010418 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business and administration20142029Contract
Trachanas EmmanouilSchool of EconomicsEuropa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)D FRANKFU080418 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business and administration20142029Contract
Dekoulou ParaskeviSchool of Journalism and Mass Media StudiesUniversity of NicosiaCY NICOSIA140414 - Marketing and advertising20232029Contract
Boutsouki ChristinaSchool of EconomicsHOCHSCHULEN FRESENIUS GEMEINNUTZIGE TRAGERGESELLSCHAFT MBHD IDSTEIN010414 - Marketing and advertising20242029Contract
Andreopoulou ZacharoulaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversità degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope"I NAPOLI030413 - Management and administration20142029Contract
Tsipouridou MariaSchool of EconomicsAcademia de Studii Economice din BucurestiRO BUCURES040413 - Management and administration20142029Contract
Giovannopoulos RigasSchool of LawGoethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainD FRANKFU010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München D MUNCHEN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawUniversität PassauD PASSAU010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Pitsela AngelikiSchool of LawUniversity of West BohemiaCZ PLZEN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142016Contract
Bitzilekis NikolaosSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di Modena e Reggio EmiliaI MODENA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Symeonidou-Kastanidou ElisavetSchool of LawNottingham Trent UniversityUK NOTTING020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142021Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Giovannopoulos RigasSchool of LawUniwersytet w BiałymstokuPL BIALYST040428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Symeonidou-Kastanidou ElisavetSchool of LawUniwersytet JagiellońskiPL KRAKOW010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Archimandritou MariaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di TeramoI TERAMO010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Symeonidou-Kastanidou ElisavetSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawUgozapaden Universitet 'Neophit Rilski'BG BLAGOEV020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142022Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of IaşiRO IASI020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Nouskalis GeorgiosSchool of LawSzegedi TudományegyetemHU SZEGED010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Bitzilekis NikolaosSchool of LawUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Kosmides TimoleonSchool of LawFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaD JENA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Archimandritou MariaSchool of LawUniversität GreifswaldD GREIFS010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142028Contract
Symeonidou-Kastanidou ElisavetSchool of LawIstanbul Kültür ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU190428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142020Contract
Bitzilekis NikolaosSchool of LawUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversidad de SalamancaE SALAMAN020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawUniversité de Rennes 1F RENNES010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU030428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Lentzis DimosthenisSchool of LawTrnavská Univerzita v TrnaveSK TRNAVA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Chatzikonstantinou KonstantinosSchool of LawUniversitetet i BergenN BERGEN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142015Contract
Konsta Anna-MariaSchool of LawKarl-Franzens-Universität GrazA GRAZ010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversité de PoitiersF POITIER010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversidad de SalamancaE SALAMAN020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142022Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawSveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Vassilakakis EvangelosSchool of LawUniversité Paris Est Créteil – Val de MarneF PARIS0120428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142017Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawFriedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-NürnbergD ERLANGE010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142028Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversidad de VigoE VIGO010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Konsta Anna-MariaSchool of LawUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Konsta Anna-MariaSchool of LawLe Mans UniversitéF LE-MANS010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversiteit LeidenNL LEIDEN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142027Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversidad de DeustoE BILBAO020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversidad de AlicanteE ALICANT010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversité François Rabelais (Tours)F TOURS010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142018Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversité Toulouse 1 CapitoleF TOULOUS010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Bechlivanis AchilleasSchool of LawRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawKU Leuven B LEUVEN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversité de LiègeB LIEGE010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Konsta Anna-MariaSchool of LawUniversité Nice Sophia AntipolisF NICE010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142022Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversität TrierD TRIER010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142022Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversität des SaarlandesD SAARBRU010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142022Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawUniversität SalzburgA SALZBUR010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142020Contract
Zerdelis DimitriosSchool of LawFreie Universität BerlinD BERLIN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142028Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawÖzyeğin ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU310428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142022Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawLunds universitetS LUND010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawMaastricht UniversityNL MAASTRI010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Tziva EvmorfiaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Chatzikostas KonstantinosSchool of LawRuprecht-Karls-Universität HeidelbergD HEIDELB010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversité Libre de BruxellesB BRUXEL040428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142027Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di MessinaI MESSINA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142022Contract
Kourtis VasileiosSchool of LawUniverzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v KosiciachSK KOSICE020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142028Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawLibera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) 'Guido Carli'I ROMA030428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Papageorgiou KonstantinosSchool of LawUniversità degli Studi di FerraraI FERRARA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142022Contract
Apalagaki CharikleiaSchool of LawUniversität WienA WIEN010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142027Contract
Apalagaki CharikleiaSchool of LawLeibniz Universität HannoverD HANNOVE010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Papageorgiou KonstantinosSchool of LawUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - MilanoI MILANO030428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversity of EssexUK COLCHES010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142015Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Apalagaki CharikleiaSchool of LawUniversidade Católica PortuguesaP LISBOA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142027Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversité Montpellier IF MONTPEL010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142016Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA240428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142016Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaE BARCELO020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142015Contract
Stergiou AngelosSchool of LawUniversitat Autónoma de BarcelonaE BARCELO020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20152029Contract
Papageorgiou KonstantinosSchool of LawEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142028Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversität BayreuthD BAYREUT010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142016Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawUniversität RegensburgD REGENSB010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20142029Contract
Bitzilekis NikolaosSchool of LawUniversidade Lusíada de LisboaP LISBOA120428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20152022Contract
Kaiafa-Gbandi MariaSchool of LawUniversitatea din OradeaRO ORADEA010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20152022Contract
Kaiafa-Gbandi MariaSchool of LawGazi ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA020428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20152022Contract
Inglezakis IoannisSchool of LawEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA240428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20172029Contract
Konsta Anna-MariaSchool of LawUniversité Côte d’AzurF NICE420428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20222028Contract
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia LinaSchool of LawNational University of Ireland MaynoothIRLMAYNOOT010428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law20232029Contract
Vlachonasios KonstantinosSchool of BiologyUniversity of WarwickUK COVENTR01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142019Contract
Vlachonasios KonstantinosSchool of BiologyUniversité Paris-SudF PARIS011051 - Biology and biochemistry20142023Contract
Vlachonasios KonstantinosSchool of BiologyCanakkale Onsekiz Mart UniversityTR CANAKKA01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142024Contract
Youlatos DionisiosSchool of BiologyEcole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - EPHEF PARIS054051 - Biology and biochemistry20142020Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidad de VigoE VIGO01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyOulun YliopistoSF OULU01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidad de OviedoE OVIEDO01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142027Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversité de LiègeB LIEGE01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyWageningen UniversityNL WAGENIN01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142017Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142028Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidad de MurciaE MURCIA01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142029Contract
Drouzas AndreasSchool of BiologyHögskolan KristianstadS KRISTIA01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142022Contract
Drouzas AndreasSchool of BiologyTechnische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu BraunschweigD BRAUNSC01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyFreie Universität BerlinD BERLIN01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142028Contract
Kalogianni-Dimitriadi MarthaSchool of BiologyUniversitetet i BergenN BERGEN01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142015Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID03051 - Biology and biochemistry20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversiteit UtrechtNL UTRECHT01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142015Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142015Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142015Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyLunds universitetS LUND01051 - Biology and biochemistry20142017Contract
Vlachonasios KonstantinosSchool of BiologyUniversité Paris SaclayF PARIS481051 - Biology and biochemistry20222028Contract
Kanakoudis VasileiosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversität für Bodenkultur WienA WIEN03052 - Environment20142029Contract
Katsifarakis KonstantinosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di CagliariI CAGLIAR01052 - Environment20142018Contract
Mikropoulos PanteleimonSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA01052 - Environment20142022Contract
Katsifarakis KonstantinosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversitatea 'Lucian Blaga' din SibiuRO SIBIU01052 - Environment20142018Contract
Andreopoulou ZacharoulaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB)RO BUCURES11052 - Environment20142023Contract
Georgiou PantazisSchool of AgricultureWageningen UniversityNL WAGENIN01052 - Environment20142017Contract
Gallios GeorgiosSchool of ChemistrySyddansk UniversitetDK ODENSE01052 - Environment20142022Contract
Kokkinakis AntoniosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentCzech University of Life Sciences PragueCZ PRAHA02052 - Environment20142029Contract
Savvidis ThomasSchool of BiologyUniversität SalzburgA SALZBUR01052 - Environment20142020Contract
Tsitsoni TheklaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentJan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad LabemCZ USTINAD01052 - Environment20142020Contract
Papazachos KonstantinosSchool of GeologyUniversität PotsdamD POTSDAM01052 - Environment20142029Contract
Mouratidis AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversität SalzburgA SALZBUR01052 - Environment20142029Contract
Youlatos DionisiosSchool of BiologyUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN01052 - Environment20152029Contract
Youlatos DionisiosSchool of BiologyMuséum National d'Histoire NaturelleF PARIS322052 - Environment20152023Contract
Katsogiannis IoannisSchool of ChemistryBitlis Eren ÜniversitesiTR BITLIS01052 - Environment20172022Contract
Lampropoulou DimitroulaSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi della BasilicataI POTENZA01052 - Environment20172029Contract
Lampropoulou DimitroulaSchool of ChemistryJožef Stefan International Postgraduate SchoolSI LJUBLJA08052 - Environment20172029Contract
Lampropoulou DimitroulaSchool of ChemistryUniversidade Católica PortuguesaP LISBOA01052 - Environment20172029Contract
Gitas IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO02052 - Environment20182029Contract
Youlatos DionisiosSchool of BiologyBulgarian Academy of SciencesBG SOFIA30052 - Environment20212029Contract
Ioannidou AlexandraSchool of PhysicsUniversitat Politècnica de València E VALENCI020538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences20142020Contract
Noli FoteiniSchool of Chemistryİzmir Yüksek Teknoloji EnstitüsüTR IZMIR030538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences20142029Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences20142017Contract
Argyrakis PanagiotisSchool of PhysicsBulgarian Academy of SciencesBG SOFIA300538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences20152022Contract
Paloura EleniSchool of PhysicsÉcole PolytechniqueF PALAISE010538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences20182023Contract
Kalogirou OrestisSchool of PhysicsBulgarian Academy of SciencesBG SOFIA300538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences20192029Contract
Katsikini MariaSchool of PhysicsFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaD JENA010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Katsikini MariaSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010533 - Physics20142028Contract
Ioannidou AlexandraSchool of PhysicsUniversity of SurreyUK GUILDFO010533 - Physics20142017Contract
Ioannidou AlexandraSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi di MilanoI MILANO010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Stergioulas NikolaosSchool of PhysicsUniversitat de ValènciaE VALENCI010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Stergioulas NikolaosSchool of PhysicsRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Stergioulas NikolaosSchool of PhysicsEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010533 - Physics20142028Contract
Nikolaidis SpyridonSchool of PhysicsUniversitat de les Illes BalearsE PALMA010533 - Physics20142022Contract
Siskos StylianosSchool of PhysicsUniversité de la RéunionF ST-DENI010533 - Physics20142022Contract
Ioannidou AlexandraSchool of PhysicsUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Siozios KonstantinosSchool of PhysicsUniversité Paul Sabatier - Toulouse IIIF TOULOUS030533 - Physics20142028Contract
Papangelis (Papagelis) KonstantinosSchool of PhysicsUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Tassis DimitriosSchool of PhysicsUniversität RegensburgD REGENSB010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Paloura EleniSchool of PhysicsMiddle East Technical UniversityTR ANKARA040533 - Physics20142022Contract
Angelakeris MavroeidisSchool of PhysicsUniversität Duisburg-EssenD ESSEN040533 - Physics20142029Contract
Kioseoglou IosifSchool of PhysicsUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430533 - Physics20142029Contract
Kioseoglou IosifSchool of PhysicsGrenoble INP (Institut polytechnique de Grenoble)F GRENOBL220533 - Physics20142029Contract
Balis DimitriosSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi dell'AquilaI L-AQUIL010533 - Physics20142022Contract
Balis DimitriosSchool of PhysicsLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München D MUNCHEN010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Tassis DimitriosSchool of PhysicsUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Polatoglou CharitonSchool of PhysicsBulgarian Academy of SciencesBG SOFIA300533 - Physics20142022Contract
Arvanitidis IoannisSchool of PhysicsUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480533 - Physics20142028Contract
Litsardakis GeorgiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversiteit TwenteNL ENSCHED010533 - Physics20142022Contract
Noli FoteiniSchool of ChemistryUniversité de PoitiersF POITIER010533 - Physics20142016Contract
Plionis EmmanouilSchool of PhysicsUniversidad de la LagunaE TENERIF010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Tsagkas ChristosSchool of PhysicsRadboud Universiteit NijmegenNL NIJMEGE010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Vlachos LoukasSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi della CalabriaI COSENZA010533 - Physics20142019Contract
Stergioulas NikolaosSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Samaras TheodorosSchool of PhysicsUniversity of MaltaMT MALTA010533 - Physics20142029Contract
Paloura EleniSchool of PhysicsTechnische Universität DortmundD DORTMUN010533 - Physics20142020Contract
Tsourlos PanagiotisSchool of GeologyAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010533 - Physics20142018Contract
Vougiatzis GeorgiosSchool of PhysicsUniversität WienA WIEN010533 - Physics20142022Contract
Karakostas VasileiosSchool of GeologyPlovdivski Universitet 'Paisii Hilendarski'BG PLOVDIV040533 - Physics20152022Contract
Kilias AdamantiosSchool of GeologyMontanuniversität LeobenA LEOBEN010533 - Physics20152018Contract
Stoulos SteliosSchool of PhysicsFH Aachen University of Applied SciencesD AACHEN020533 - Physics20152029Contract
Stoulos SteliosSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO010533 - Physics20152022Contract
Siskos StylianosSchool of PhysicsUniversité Nice Sophia AntipolisF NICE010533 - Physics20152022Contract
Papangelis (Papagelis) KonstantinosSchool of PhysicsFreie Universität BerlinD BERLIN010533 - Physics20152028Contract
Noulis ThomasSchool of PhysicsBordeaux INPF BORDEAU540533 - Physics20162029Contract
Kitis GeorgiosSchool of Physicsİzmir Yüksek Teknoloji EnstitüsüTR IZMIR030533 - Physics20162022Contract
Noli FoteiniSchool of ChemistryUniversité de PoitiersF POITIER010533 - Physics20162028Contract
Tassis DimitriosSchool of PhysicsIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU040533 - Physics20172029Contract
Angelakeris MavroeidisSchool of PhysicsAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of IaşiRO IASI020533 - Physics20172029Contract
Petkou AnastasiosSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi di Milano-BicoccaI MILANO160533 - Physics20172029Contract
Karakostas VasileiosSchool of GeologyUniversità della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli)I NAPOLI090533 - Physics20172029Contract
Ioannidou AlexandraSchool of PhysicsUniversität BremenD BREMEN010533 - Physics20172022Contract
Tassis DimitriosSchool of PhysicsAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010533 - Physics20182029Contract
Kioseoglou IosifSchool of PhysicsInstitut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de LyonF LYON120533 - Physics20182029Contract
Goudos SotiriosSchool of PhysicsUniversiteit GentB GENT010533 - Physics20192023Contract
Dimitrakopulos GeorgiosSchool of PhysicsUniversitetet i OsloN OSLO010533 - Physics20182023Contract
Stergioulas NikolaosSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi di ParmaI PARMA010533 - Physics20182029Contract
Dimitrakopulos GeorgiosSchool of PhysicsThe University of SheffieldUK SHEFFIE010533 - Physics20182021Contract
Kioseoglou IosifSchool of PhysicsRijksuniversiteit GroningenNL GRONING010533 - Physics20192029Contract
Aidona EleniSchool of GeologyMontanuniversität LeobenA LEOBEN010533 - Physics20192029Contract
Samaras TheodorosSchool of PhysicsUniversity of NicosiaCY NICOSIA140533 - Physics20202029Contract
Ioannidou AlexandraSchool of PhysicsAfyon Kocatepe UniversitesiTR AFYON010533 - Physics20222029Contract
Siozios KonstantinosSchool of PhysicsUniversité Côte d’AzurF NICE420533 - Physics20222029Contract
Papangelis (Papagelis) KonstantinosSchool of PhysicsTechnische Universität DortmundD DORTMUN010533 - Physics20232029Contract
Ioannidou AlexandraSchool of PhysicsUniversity of SilesiaPL KATOWIC010533 - Physics20242029Contract
Vougiatzis GeorgiosSchool of PhysicsEötvös Loránd TudományegyetemHU BUDAPES010533 - Physics20242029Contract
Salifoglou AthanasiosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversitatea de Vest din TimişoaraRO TIMISOA010531 - Chemistry20142023Contract
Salifoglou AthanasiosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from TimisoaraRO TIMISOA030531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Salifoglou AthanasiosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Kotali AntigoniSchool of Chemical EngineeringJan Długosz University in CzęstochowaPL CZESTOC020531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Zografos AlexandrosSchool of ChemistryUniversité d'Avignon et des Pays de VaucluseF AVIGNON010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Spathis PanagiotisSchool of ChemistryUniversità Ca' Foscari VeneziaI VENEZIA010531 - Chemistry20142021Contract
Zografos AlexandrosSchool of ChemistryUniversitat Jaume I (UJI)E CASTELL010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Zografos AlexandrosSchool of ChemistryCPE Lyon (Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Electronique de Lyon)F LYON150531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryUniwersytet JagiellońskiPL KRAKOW010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Samara AikateriniSchool of ChemistryUniversité Paris Est Créteil – Val de MarneF PARIS0120531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Samara AikateriniSchool of ChemistryCelal Bayar ÜniversitesiTR MANISA010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Noli FoteiniSchool of ChemistryEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Noli FoteiniSchool of ChemistryComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL020531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010531 - Chemistry20142020Contract
Gallios GeorgiosSchool of ChemistryTechnická Univerzita v KosiciachSK KOSICE030531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Hatzidimitriou AntoniosSchool of ChemistryUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Gallios GeorgiosSchool of ChemistryUniversitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB)RO BUCURES110531 - Chemistry20142023Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryUniversity of Chemical Technology and MetallurgyBG SOFIA200531 - Chemistry20142022Contract
Koukaras EmmanouilSchool of ChemistryUniversité de Pau et des Pays de l'AdourF PAU010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Girousi StellaSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryUniverzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v KosiciachSK KOSICE020531 - Chemistry20142022Contract
Kyparissidis Dimitrios AlexandrosSchool of Chemical EngineeringIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU040531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Theodoridis GeorgiosSchool of ChemistryUniversiteit UtrechtNL UTRECHT010531 - Chemistry20142029Contract
Zachariadis GeorgiosSchool of ChemistryTechnische Universität WienA WIEN020531 - Chemistry20142017Contract
Girousi StellaSchool of ChemistrySlovenská Technická Univerzita v Bratislave (STU)SK BRATISL010531 - Chemistry20152029Contract
Lampropoulou DimitroulaSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi di TorinoI TORINO010531 - Chemistry20152029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryTechnische Universität ClausthalD CLAUSTH010531 - Chemistry20152029Contract
Karapantsios TheodorosSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010531 - Chemistry20172029Contract
Zachariadis GeorgiosSchool of ChemistryTechnische Universität WienA WIEN020531 - Chemistry20172029Contract
Nenadis NikolaosSchool of ChemistryUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010531 - Chemistry20172022Contract
Zografos AlexandrosSchool of ChemistryUniversidad de NavarraE PAMPLON010531 - Chemistry20172029Contract
Noli FoteiniSchool of ChemistryIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU040531 - Chemistry20202029Contract
Zachariadis GeorgiosSchool of ChemistryUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030531 - Chemistry20222027Contract
Karapantsios TheodorosSchool of ChemistryMaria Curie-Skłodowska University in LublinPL LUBLIN010531 - Chemistry20222029Contract
Salifoglou AthanasiosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversitatea de Vest din TimişoaraRO TIMISOA010531 - Chemistry20252029Contract
Bais AlkiviadisSchool of PhysicsLeibniz Universität HannoverD HANNOVE010532 - Earth sciences20142022Contract
Kontaxakis DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureUniversität MünsterD MUNSTER010532 - Earth sciences20142025Contract
Tsoulis DimitriosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringTechnische Universität MünchenD MUNCHEN020532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Georgiou PantazisSchool of AgricultureUniversität für Bodenkultur WienA WIEN030532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Patias PetrosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringInstitut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA) de StrasbourgF STRASBO310532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Patias PetrosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU040532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Patias PetrosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Patias PetrosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringBülent Ecevit ÜniversitesiTR ZONGULD010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Patias PetrosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringAnadolu UniversitesiTR ESKISEH010532 - Earth sciences20142018Contract
Tsioukas VasileiosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringUniversitatea Politehnica TimişoaraRO TIMISOA040532 - Earth sciences20142018Contract
Karpouzos DimitriosSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi della BasilicataI POTENZA010532 - Earth sciences20142022Contract
Zanis ProdromosSchool of GeologyAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR010532 - Earth sciences20142022Contract
Voudouris KonstantinosSchool of GeologyJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010532 - Earth sciences20142022Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Voudouris KonstantinosSchool of GeologyRuhr-Universität BochumD BOCHUM010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversität WienA WIEN010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologySofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski'BG SOFIA060532 - Earth sciences20142022Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA010532 - Earth sciences20142015Contract
Chatzipetros AlexandrosSchool of GeologySuleyman Demirel UniversitesiTR ISPARTA010532 - Earth sciences20142022Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA160532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaD JENA010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090532 - Earth sciences20142017Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030532 - Earth sciences20142017Contract
Voudouris KonstantinosSchool of GeologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Pavlidis SpyridonSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di FerraraI FERRARA010532 - Earth sciences20142018Contract
Tsokas GrigoriosSchool of GeologyUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Stylianidis EfstratiosSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentYildiz Teknik UniversitesiTR ISTANBU070532 - Earth sciences20142022Contract
Tsourlos PanagiotisSchool of GeologyDokuz Eylül ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Christaras VasileiosSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010532 - Earth sciences20142022Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyAGH University of Science and TechnologyPL KRAKOW020532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010532 - Earth sciences20142029Contract
Christaras VasileiosSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di CagliariI CAGLIAR010532 - Earth sciences20152029Contract
Karakostas VasileiosSchool of GeologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030532 - Earth sciences20152029Contract
Boutoura ChrysoulaSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringEötvös Loránd TudományegyetemHU BUDAPES010532 - Earth sciences20152028Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA010532 - Earth sciences20152028Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010532 - Earth sciences20152023Contract
Mouratidis AntoniosSchool of GeologyUniversity of Architecture, Civil Engineering and GeodesyBG SOFIA040532 - Earth sciences20152022Contract
Vouvalidis KonstantinosSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di Modena e Reggio EmiliaI MODENA010532 - Earth sciences20152022Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyÉcole Normale SupérieureF PARIS0870532 - Earth sciences20152029Contract
Gitas IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversiteit GentB GENT010532 - Earth sciences20162029Contract
Karakostas VasileiosSchool of GeologyUniversity of Mining and Geology 'St. Ivan Rilski'BG SOFIA090532 - Earth sciences20162018Contract
Aidona EleniSchool of GeologyUniwersytet OpolskiPL OPOLE010532 - Earth sciences20162022Contract
Kostopoulos DimitriosSchool of GeologyUniversité de PoitiersF POITIER010532 - Earth sciences20162028Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi della BasilicataI POTENZA010532 - Earth sciences20162029Contract
Boutoura ChrysoulaSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringPalacký University OlomoucCZ OLOMOUC010532 - Earth sciences20172029Contract
Koronaios AntoniosSchool of GeologySelcuk UniversitesiTR KONYA010532 - Earth sciences20172020Contract
Mouratidis AntoniosSchool of GeologyCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070532 - Earth sciences20172029Contract
Tsioukas VasileiosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringUniversitat Politècnica de València E VALENCI020532 - Earth sciences20172029Contract
Tsioukas VasileiosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringHochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und WirtschaftD KARLSRU050532 - Earth sciences20172029Contract
Voudouris KonstantinosSchool of GeologyUniversité d'Avignon et des Pays de VaucluseF AVIGNON010532 - Earth sciences20182029Contract
Vouvalidis KonstantinosSchool of GeologyUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090532 - Earth sciences20182029Contract
Vouvalidis KonstantinosSchool of GeologyUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN010532 - Earth sciences20182029Contract
Mouratidis AntoniosSchool of GeologyRuhr-Universität BochumD BOCHUM010532 - Earth sciences20182029Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyWrocław University of Environmental and Life SciencesPL WROCLAW040532 - Earth sciences20182029Contract
Zanis ProdromosSchool of GeologyJustus-Liebig-Universität GiessenD GIESSEN010532 - Earth sciences20182029Contract
Koukousioura OlgaSchool of GeologyRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN010532 - Earth sciences20192029Contract
Kostopoulos DimitriosSchool of GeologyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010532 - Earth sciences20192022Contract
Syridis GeorgiosSchool of GeologyMiskolci EgyetemHU MISKOLC010532 - Earth sciences20192029Contract
Kostopoulos DimitriosSchool of GeologyUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030532 - Earth sciences20202028Contract
Voudouris KonstantinosSchool of GeologyUniversity of Mining and Geology 'St. Ivan Rilski'BG SOFIA090532 - Earth sciences20242029Contract
Papadimitriou EleftheriaSchool of GeologyKONYA TEKNIK UNIVERSITESITR KONYA050532 - Earth sciences20242029Contract
Kostopoulos DimitriosSchool of GeologyUniversità degli Studi di FerraraI FERRARA010532 - Earth sciences20242028Contract
Pechlivanidou SofiaSchool of GeologyUniversitetet i BergenN BERGEN010532 - Earth sciences20242029Contract
Aidona EleniSchool of GeologyISPARTA UYGULAMALI BILIMLER UNIVERSITESITR ISPARTA020532 - Earth sciences20252028Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsUniversité de ToulonF TOULON010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Poulakis DimitriosSchool of MathematicsUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6F PARIS0060541 - Mathematics20142018Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480541 - Mathematics20142028Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsJohannes Kepler Universität LinzA LINZ010541 - Mathematics20142017Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsTurun YliopistoSF TURKU010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Kappos EfthimiosSchool of MathematicsUniversité de Haute-AlsaceF MULHOUS010541 - Mathematics20142022Contract
Kappos EfthimiosSchool of MathematicsLeopold-Franzens-Universität InnsbruckA INNSBRU010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Siskakis AristomenisSchool of MathematicsLunds universitetS LUND010541 - Mathematics20142022Contract
Galanopoulos PetrosSchool of MathematicsUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Galanopoulos PetrosSchool of MathematicsUniversitat de ValènciaE VALENCI010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Galanopoulos PetrosSchool of MathematicsUniversidad de MálagaE MALAGA010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Charalampous Chara-Myrto-agapiSchool of MathematicsUniversität OsnabrückD OSNABRU010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Kappos EfthimiosSchool of MathematicsTechnische Universität DortmundD DORTMUN010541 - Mathematics20142028Contract
Kappos EfthimiosSchool of MathematicsUniversität BielefeldD BIELEFE010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Kappos EfthimiosSchool of MathematicsUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-KonstantinosSchool of InformaticsRWTH Aachen UniversityD AACHEN010541 - Mathematics20142022Contract
Galanopoulos PetrosSchool of MathematicsUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010541 - Mathematics20142029Contract
Kappos EfthimiosSchool of MathematicsUniversidad de MurciaE MURCIA010541 - Mathematics20142022Contract
Tsaklidis GeorgiosSchool of MathematicsTechnische Universiteit EindhovenNL EINDHOV170541 - Mathematics20152018Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA160541 - Mathematics20172029Contract
Rothos VasileiosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL020541 - Mathematics20182029Contract
Tsaklidis GeorgiosSchool of MathematicsLe Mans UniversitéF LE-MANS010541 - Mathematics20182029Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsSorbonne UniversitéF PARIS4680541 - Mathematics20182029Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430541 - Mathematics20222027Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaD JENA010541 - Mathematics20222029Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010541 - Mathematics20222029Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsHacettepe ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA030541 - Mathematics20242029Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010541 - Mathematics20242029Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzD MAINZ010541 - Mathematics20252029Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsGalatasaray UniversitesiTR ISTANBU020541 - Mathematics20252029Contract
Kugiumtzis DimitriosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringNational University of Ireland, GalwayIRLGALWAY010542 - Statistics20142023Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsSzegedi TudományegyetemHU SZEGED01061 - Computer science20142029Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG01061 - Computer science20142029Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsUmeå universitetS UMEA01061 - Computer science20142020Contract
Stamelos IoannisSchool of InformaticsRijksuniversiteit GroningenNL GRONING01061 - Computer science20142029Contract
Demetriadis StavrosSchool of InformaticsUniversidad de ValladolidE VALLADO01061 - Computer science20142029Contract
Vakali AthinaSchool of InformaticsCranfield UniversityUK CRANFIE01061 - Computer science20142016Contract
Vakali AthinaSchool of InformaticsOtto-Von-Guericke-Universität MagdeburgD MAGDEBU01061 - Computer science20142017Contract
Vasileiadis NikolaosSchool of InformaticsUniversitatea din CraiovaRO CRAIOVA01061 - Computer science20142029Contract
Kugiumtzis DimitrisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringBrno University of TechnologyCZ BRNO01061 - Computer science20142029Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsMälardalens högskolaS VASTERA01061 - Computer science20142029Contract
Papaefstathiou IoannisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ01061 - Computer science20142022Contract
Politis DionysiosSchool of InformaticsManchester Metropolitan UniversityUK MANCHES04061 - Computer science20142017Contract
Politis DionysiosSchool of InformaticsUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01061 - Computer science20142029Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsUniversité Paris Diderot - Paris 7F PARIS0070611 - Computer use20172023Contract
Batakidis PanagiotisSchool of MathematicsUniversité Paris CitéF PARIS4820611 - Computer use20232029Contract
Anagnostopoulos PetrosSchool of Civil EngineeringRuhr-Universität BochumD BOCHUM010718 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering and engineering trades20142022Contract
Stylianidis EfstratiosSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU040718 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering and engineering trades20142029Contract
Skordaris GeorgiosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringRWTH Aachen UniversityD AACHEN010715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142029Contract
Paraskevopoulou RodoulaSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO010715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142029Contract
Chasapis GeorgiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142017Contract
Skordaris GeorgiosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringFriedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-NürnbergD ERLANGE010715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142029Contract
Skordaris GeorgiosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringLeibniz Universität HannoverD HANNOVE010715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142029Contract
Papakostas KonstantinosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din IaşiRO IASI050715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142029Contract
Kalfas AnestisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringChalmers tekniska högskolaS GOTEBOR020715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142022Contract
Samaras ZisisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversité d'OrléansF ORLEANS010715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142028Contract
Papadopoulos AgisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142029Contract
Michailidis AthanasiosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB)RO BUCURES110715 - Mechanics and metal trades20142015Contract
Michailidis AthanasiosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB)RO BUCURES110715 - Mechanics and metal trades20152028Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversitatea Tehnica din Cluj-NapocaRO CLUJNAP050713 - Electricity and energy20142029Contract
Kotsopoulos ThomasSchool of AgricultureUniversità della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli)I NAPOLI090713 - Electricity and energy20142027Contract
Litsardakis GeorgiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversiteit TwenteNL ENSCHED010713 - Electricity and energy20142029Contract
Laopoulos TheodorosSchool of PhysicsUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1090713 - Electricity and energy20142022Contract
Kalfas AnestisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di GenovaI GENOVA010713 - Electricity and energy20142029Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010713 - Electricity and energy20152029Contract
Chatziathanasiou VasileiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120713 - Electricity and energy20152018Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H010713 - Electricity and energy20152029Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringPolitechnika ŁódzkaPL LODZ020713 - Electricity and energy20152029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010713 - Electricity and energy20152029Contract
Chatziathanasiou VasileiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS010713 - Electricity and energy20152016Contract
Mademlis ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringRWTH Aachen UniversityD AACHEN010713 - Electricity and energy20162029Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversitatea 'Stefan Cel Mare' din SuceavaRO SUCEAVA010713 - Electricity and energy20162029Contract
Papadopoulos AgisSchool of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of SplitHR SPLIT010713 - Electricity and energy20162023Contract
Litsardakis GeorgiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringGrenoble INP (Institut polytechnique de Grenoble)F GRENOBL220713 - Electricity and energy20162029Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA010713 - Electricity and energy20252029Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFachhochschule DortmundD DORTMUN020713 - Electricity and energy20252028Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversiteit GentB GENT010714 - Electronics and automation20142023Contract
Chatziathanasiou VasileiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringPolitechnika ŁódzkaPL LODZ020714 - Electronics and automation20142017Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringKU Leuven B LEUVEN010714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Siskos StylianosSchool of PhysicsUniversitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB)RO BUCURES110714 - Electronics and automation20142023Contract
Papaefstathiou IoannisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringYaşar ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR050714 - Electronics and automation20142022Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversitat de les Illes BalearsE PALMA010714 - Electronics and automation20142023Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité Paul Sabatier - Toulouse IIIF TOULOUS030714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringPolitechnika WarszawskaPL WARSZAW020714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de ExtremaduraE BADAJOZ010714 - Electronics and automation20142022Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1F GRENOBL010714 - Electronics and automation20142016Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversitat Politècnica de CatalunyaE BARCELO030714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringLinköpings universitetS LINKOPI010714 - Electronics and automation20142020Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnical University of SofiaBG SOFIA160714 - Electronics and automation20142022Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran CanariaE LAS-PAL010714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringInstitut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de ToulouseF TOULOUS140714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de SevillaE SEVILLA010714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnische Universiteit EindhovenNL EINDHOV170714 - Electronics and automation20142016Contract
Laopoulos TheodorosSchool of PhysicsTechnická Univerzita v KosiciachSK KOSICE030714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Laopoulos TheodorosSchool of PhysicsUniversidad Pública de NavarraE PAMPLON020714 - Electronics and automation20142022Contract
Laopoulos TheodorosSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi della CalabriaI COSENZA010714 - Electronics and automation20142022Contract
Laopoulos TheodorosSchool of PhysicsUniversità degli Studi del SannioI BENEVEN020714 - Electronics and automation20142020Contract
Papaefstathiou IoannisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO010714 - Electronics and automation20142020Contract
Papaefstathiou IoannisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Papaefstathiou IoannisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010714 - Electronics and automation20142022Contract
Laopoulos TheodorosSchool of PhysicsSilesian University of TechnologyPL GLIWICE010714 - Electronics and automation20142029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PaviaI PAVIA010714 - Electronics and automation20152029Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010714 - Electronics and automation20152029Contract
Chatziathanasiou VasileiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120714 - Electronics and automation20152018Contract
Antonopoulos ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H010714 - Electronics and automation20152029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringPolitechnika ŁódzkaPL LODZ020714 - Electronics and automation20152029Contract
Chatziathanasiou VasileiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS010714 - Electronics and automation20152016Contract
Siskos StylianosSchool of PhysicsÉcole des Mines de Saint-ÉtienneF ST-ETIE060714 - Electronics and automation20162022Contract
Siskos StylianosSchool of PhysicsÉcole Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA)F CERGY010714 - Electronics and automation20162022Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringGrenoble INP (Institut polytechnique de Grenoble)F GRENOBL220714 - Electronics and automation20162029Contract
Tsitsas NikolaosSchool of InformaticsUniversità degli Studi Roma TreI ROMA160714 - Electronics and automation20172029Contract
Sevastiadis ChristosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringPolitechnika GdańskaPL GDANSK020714 - Electronics and automation20172020Contract
Nikolaidis SpyridonSchool of PhysicsTechnische Universität DresdenD DRESDEN020714 - Electronics and automation20172028Contract
Siskos StylianosSchool of PhysicsISCTE - Instituto Universitário de LisboaP LISBOA070714 - Electronics and automation20172022Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité de NantesF NANTES010714 - Electronics and automation20182023Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringSorbonne UniversitéF PARIS4680714 - Electronics and automation20182029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnische Universiteit EindhovenNL EINDHOV170714 - Electronics and automation20182029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringSabanci ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU200714 - Electronics and automation20202029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversitatea Politehnica TimişoaraRO TIMISOA040714 - Electronics and automation20242029Contract
Noulis ThomasSchool of PhysicsTechnical University of SofiaBG SOFIA160714 - Electronics and automation20242029Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din IaşiRO IASI050714 - Electronics and automation20242029Contract
Noulis ThomasSchool of PhysicsFachhochschule DortmundD DORTMUN020714 - Electronics and automation20252028Contract
Chatzopoulos AlkiviadisSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringVilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)LT VILNIUS020714 - Electronics and automation20252028Contract
Noulis ThomasSchool of PhysicsUniversitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB)RO BUCURES110714 - Electronics and automation20252029Contract
Nikolaidis SpyridonSchool of PhysicsPolitecnico di TorinoI TORINO020714 - Electronics and automation20252028Contract
Spathis PanagiotisSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20142023Contract
Noli FoteiniSchool of ChemistryUniversitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din IaşiRO IASI050711 - Chemical engineering and processes20142029Contract
Noli FoteiniSchool of ChemistryPolitechnika RzeszowskaPL RZESZOW010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20142029Contract
Paraskevopoulou AdamantiniSchool of ChemistryUniversité du HavreF LE-HAVR110711 - Chemical engineering and processes20142023Contract
Kyparissidis Dimitrios AlexandrosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversidad de SevillaE SEVILLA010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20142029Contract
Sarigiannis DimosthenisSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20142029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryUniversität des SaarlandesD SAARBRU010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20142028Contract
Damartzis TheodorosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Chemistry and Technology, PragueCZ PRAHA010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20142029Contract
Lemonidou AngelikiSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversité Lille 1 - Sciences et TechnologiesF LILLE010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20152018Contract
Chatzidoukas ChristosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430711 - Chemical engineering and processes20162029Contract
Kyparissidis Dimitrios AlexandrosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20172029Contract
Damartzis TheodorosSchool of Chemical EngineeringMarmara ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU050711 - Chemical engineering and processes20192029Contract
Ntziachristos LeonidasSchool of Mechanical EngineeringKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)D KARLSRU010711 - Chemical engineering and processes20192029Contract
Zaspalis VasileiosSchool of Chemical EngineeringUNIVERSITÉ DE LILLEF LILLE1030711 - Chemical engineering and processes20182028Contract
Kyparissidis Dimitrios AlexandrosSchool of Chemical EngineeringCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO020711 - Chemical engineering and processes20232029Contract
Ntziachristos LeonidasSchool of Mechanical EngineeringEcole Superieure des Techniques Aeronautiques et de Construction AutomobileF LEVALLO010716 - Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft20242029Contract
Kandylis PanagiotisSchool of AgricultureUniversité de BourgogneF DIJON010721 - Food processing20142022Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010721 - Food processing20142028Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureUniversitat Politècnica de València E VALENCI020721 - Food processing20152029Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureTechnische Universität BerlinD BERLIN020721 - Food processing20142029Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureUniversidade Católica PortuguesaP LISBOA010721 - Food processing20142029Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureONIRIS Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'AlimentationF NANTES650721 - Food processing20142016Contract
Kotzekidou-Rouka ParthenaSchool of AgricultureUniversidade do AlgarveP FARO020721 - Food processing20142024Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di TeramoI TERAMO010721 - Food processing20142018Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020721 - Food processing20142029Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureUniversität für Bodenkultur WienA WIEN030721 - Food processing20142029Contract
Lazaridou AthinaSchool of AgricultureUniversidad de ValladolidE VALLADO010721 - Food processing20142029Contract
Paraskevopoulou AdamantiniSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi della BasilicataI POTENZA010721 - Food processing20142029Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di UdineI UDINE010721 - Food processing20142029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryUniversidad de Castilla-La ManchaE CIUDA-R010721 - Food processing20142029Contract
Sergkelidis DaniilSchool of Veterinary MedicineBalikesir ÜniversitesiTR BALIKES010721 - Food processing20152016Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryUniversity of BirminghamUK BIRMING020721 - Food processing20152021Contract
Sergkelidis DaniilSchool of Veterinary MedicineBalikesir ÜniversitesiTR BALIKES010721 - Food processing20142015Contract
Lazaridis CharalamposSchool of AgricultureONIRIS Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'AlimentationF NANTES650721 - Food processing20162029Contract
Mantzouridou FaniSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi di VeronaI VERONA010721 - Food processing20172029Contract
Mourtzinos IoannisSchool of AgricultureUniverza v MariboruSI MARIBOR010721 - Food processing20242029Contract
Mourtzinos IoannisSchool of AgricultureSZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGOPL WARSZAW050721 - Food processing20242029Contract
Litsardakis GeorgiosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversité Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1F GRENOBL010722 - Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood)20142016Contract
Kontaxakis DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureUniversità degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - PescaraI CHIETI010731 - Architecture and town planning20142020Contract
Kontaxakis DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureUniversitatea de Architectura si Urbanism 'Ion Mincu' BucurestiRO BUCURES070731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Kontaxakis DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureHochschule Kaiserslautern - University of Applied SciencesD KAISERS020731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Kontaxakis DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureKU Leuven B LEUVEN010731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Patias PetrosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO010731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Athanasiou EvangeliaSchool of ArchitectureUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010731 - Architecture and town planning20142015Contract
Christodoulou CharikleiaSchool of ArchitectureIstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU040731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Venetis ChristosSchool of Visual and Applied ArtsUniversità della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli)I NAPOLI090731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Paka AlkminiSchool of ArchitectureÉcole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de LyonF LYON250731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Conenna Claudio danielSchool of ArchitectureEcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de MontpellierF MONTPEL140731 - Architecture and town planning20142018Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitectureUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Patias PetrosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringUniversidad de OviedoE OVIEDO010731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Papagiannis GrigoriosSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringHafenCity Universität HamburgD HAMBURG120731 - Architecture and town planning20142020Contract
Vitopoulou AthinaSchool of ArchitectureEcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de GrenobleF GRENOBL160731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Conenna Claudio danielSchool of ArchitectureEcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La VilletteF PARIS1260731 - Architecture and town planning20142020Contract
Ioannidis KonstantinosSchool of ArchitectureUniversité catholique de Louvain (UCL)B LOUVAIN010731 - Architecture and town planning20142024Contract
Papadopoulou EleniSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentTechnische Universität DortmundD DORTMUN010731 - Architecture and town planning20142016Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitectureJade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven Oldenburg ElsflethD WILHELM020731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Conenna Claudio danielSchool of ArchitectureKocaeli ÜniversitesiTR KOCAELI020731 - Architecture and town planning20142018Contract
Malindretos MichailSchool of ArchitectureUniversità degli Studi di TrentoI TRENTO010731 - Architecture and town planning20142021Contract
Sakantamis KonstantinosSchool of ArchitectureUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitecturePolitecnico di BariI BARI050731 - Architecture and town planning20142029Contract
Paka AlkminiSchool of ArchitectureTED UniversityTR ANKARA180731 - Architecture and town planning20152029Contract
Ioannidis KonstantinosSchool of ArchitectureTampere University of TechnologySF TAMPERE020731 - Architecture and town planning20152020Contract
Tratsela MariaSchool of ArchitectureLatvia University of AgricultureLV JELGAVA010731 - Architecture and town planning20152022Contract
Papadopoulou EleniSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentRotterdam University of Applied SciencesNL ROTTERD030731 - Architecture and town planning20152029Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureUniversitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din IaşiRO IASI050731 - Architecture and town planning20162029Contract
Christodoulou CharikleiaSchool of ArchitectureTechnische Universität WienA WIEN020731 - Architecture and town planning20162029Contract
Tsioukas VasileiosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringUniversità IUAV di VeneziaI VENEZIA020731 - Architecture and town planning20162029Contract
Sakantamis KonstantinosSchool of ArchitectureUniversità degli Studi di CagliariI CAGLIAR010731 - Architecture and town planning20162029Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureUniversity of NicosiaCY NICOSIA140731 - Architecture and town planning20162029Contract
Athanasiou EvangeliaSchool of ArchitectureMimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU060731 - Architecture and town planning20172029Contract
Athanasiou EvangeliaSchool of ArchitectureMardin Artuklu UniversityTR MARDIN010731 - Architecture and town planning20172023Contract
Papadopoulou EleniSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentTechnische Universität DortmundD DORTMUN010731 - Architecture and town planning20172029Contract
Thomopoulos DimitriosSchool of ArchitectureFrederick University, CyprusCY NICOSIA230731 - Architecture and town planning20172029Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureUniversitat Politècnica de València E VALENCI020731 - Architecture and town planning20182029Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitectureUniversità degli Studi di GenovaI GENOVA010731 - Architecture and town planning20182029Contract
Athanasiou EvangeliaSchool of ArchitectureUniversidad de NavarraE PAMPLON010731 - Architecture and town planning20182029Contract
Vitopoulou AthinaSchool of ArchitectureEcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de MontpellierF MONTPEL140731 - Architecture and town planning20182029Contract
Athanasiou EvangeliaSchool of ArchitectureUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010731 - Architecture and town planning20182029Contract
Paka AlkminiSchool of ArchitectureKocaeli ÜniversitesiTR KOCAELI020731 - Architecture and town planning20182029Contract
Christodoulou CharikleiaSchool of ArchitectureUniversiteit van AmsterdamNL AMSTERD010731 - Architecture and town planning20182029Contract
Paka AlkminiSchool of ArchitectureENSA et de paysage de BordeauxF BORDEAU160731 - Architecture and town planning20192029Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010731 - Architecture and town planning20192029Contract
Thoidou ElisavetSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentUniversità della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli)I NAPOLI090731 - Architecture and town planning20192029Contract
Hatziprokopiou Panagiotis-ArionSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentKırklareli ÜniversitesiTR KIRKLAR010731 - Architecture and town planning20202029Contract
Tellios AnastasiosSchool of ArchitectureHochschule für Technik StuttgartD STUTTGA050731 - Architecture and town planning20202029Contract
Tsakalidou VenetiaSchool of ArchitectureKaradeniz Teknik ÜniversitesiTR TRABZON010731 - Architecture and town planning20202029Contract
Athanasiou EvangeliaSchool of ArchitectureUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO010731 - Architecture and town planning20222029Contract
Hatziprokopiou Panagiotis-ArionSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1090731 - Architecture and town planning20222029Contract
Vitopoulou AthinaSchool of ArchitectureEcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La VilletteF PARIS1260731 - Architecture and town planning20232029Contract
Kakderi ChristinaSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA010731 - Architecture and town planning20232029Contract
Thoidou ElisavetSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentLeibniz Universität HannoverD HANNOVE010731 - Architecture and town planning20232029Contract
Sakantamis KonstantinosSchool of ArchitectureUNIVERZITET U BEOGRADURS BELGRAD020731 - Architecture and town planning20242029Contract
Katsifarakis KonstantinosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi della CalabriaI COSENZA010732 - Building and civil engineering20142026Contract
Theodosiou NikolaosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6F PARIS0060732 - Building and civil engineering20142018Contract
Karampas TheofanisSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringCzech Technical University in PragueCZ PRAHA100732 - Building and civil engineering20142022Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010732 - Building and civil engineering20142016Contract
Karampas TheofanisSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversiteit GentB GENT010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringDokuz Eylül ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringRWTH Aachen UniversityD AACHEN010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringBauhaus-Universität WeimarD WEIMAR010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringEcole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie (ESTP Paris)F PARIS0680732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din IaşiRO IASI050732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Karampas TheofanisSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010732 - Building and civil engineering20142028Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringBialystok University of TechnologyPL BIALYST010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringRuhr-Universität BochumD BOCHUM010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidad Politécnica de MadridE MADRID050732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Pitilakis DimitriosSchool of Civil EngineeringEcole Centrale ParisF CHATENA020732 - Building and civil engineering20142016Contract
Papaioannou PanagiotisSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010732 - Building and civil engineering20142020Contract
Papaioannou PanagiotisSchool of Civil EngineeringCracow University of TechnologyPL KRAKOW030732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Pitilakis DimitriosSchool of Civil EngineeringPolitecnico di MilanoI MILANO020732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Pitilakis DimitriosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversity of EdinburghUK EDINBUR010732 - Building and civil engineering20152021Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringFatih ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU130732 - Building and civil engineering20142016Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringMaltepe ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU180732 - Building and civil engineering20142020Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringTechnische Universiteit EindhovenNL EINDHOV170732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringNuh Naci Yazgan ÜniversitesiTR KAYSERI030732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - PescaraI CHIETI010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Karampas TheofanisSchool of Civil EngineeringTechnische Universiteit DelftNL DELFT010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Anagnostopoulos PetrosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversität StuttgartD STUTTGA010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010732 - Building and civil engineering20142015Contract
Prinos PanagiotisSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidade do PortoP PORTO020732 - Building and civil engineering20142016Contract
Vafeiadis MargaritisSchool of Civil Engineeringİzmir Yüksek Teknoloji EnstitüsüTR IZMIR030732 - Building and civil engineering20142018Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidad de SevillaE SEVILLA010732 - Building and civil engineering20142029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010732 - Building and civil engineering20152018Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringPolitechnika ŁódzkaPL LODZ020732 - Building and civil engineering20152018Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010732 - Building and civil engineering20152020Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120732 - Building and civil engineering20152018Contract
Pitilakis DimitriosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PaviaI PAVIA010732 - Building and civil engineering20152018Contract
Pitilakis DimitriosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA010732 - Building and civil engineering20152029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringMiddle East Technical UniversityTR ANKARA040732 - Building and civil engineering20152029Contract
Pyrgidis ChristosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidad Politécnica de MadridE MADRID050732 - Building and civil engineering20152029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringBogaziçi ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU010732 - Building and civil engineering20152027Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringAntalya International UniversityTR ANTALYA02 0732 - Building and civil engineering20152018Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H010732 - Building and civil engineering20152018Contract
Pitilakis DimitriosSchool of Civil EngineeringCentraleSupélecF GIF-YVE030732 - Building and civil engineering20162029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010732 - Building and civil engineering20162029Contract
Karampas TheofanisSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidade do PortoP PORTO020732 - Building and civil engineering20162027Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversity of LeedsUK LEEDS010732 - Building and civil engineering20162017Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversity of LeedsUK LEEDS010732 - Building and civil engineering20172021Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringTampere UniversitySF TAMPERE170732 - Building and civil engineering20172024Contract
Georgiadis KonstantinosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1090732 - Building and civil engineering20172029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)D KARLSRU010732 - Building and civil engineering20172029Contract
Stefanou GeorgiosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430732 - Building and civil engineering20182029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringÖzyeğin ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU310732 - Building and civil engineering20182029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di GenovaI GENOVA010732 - Building and civil engineering20182029Contract
Xenidis YiannisSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversidade do MinhoP BRAGA010732 - Building and civil engineering20182028Contract
Kontoleon Karolos-NikolaosSchool of Civil EngineeringOsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (former Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences)N OSLO600732 - Building and civil engineering20192028Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringPolitechnika WarszawskaPL WARSZAW020732 - Building and civil engineering20192029Contract
Papamichos EuripidesSchool of Civil EngineeringÉcole des Ponts ParisTechF PARIS0850732 - Building and civil engineering20192029Contract
Theodosiou NikolaosSchool of Civil EngineeringSorbonne UniversitéF PARIS4680732 - Building and civil engineering20182029Contract
Manthos EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversiteit AntwerpenB ANTWERP010732 - Building and civil engineering20202029Contract
Stefanidou MariaSchool of Civil EngineeringNorges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige UniversitetN TRONDHE010732 - Building and civil engineering20202029Contract
Loukas AthanasiosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA010732 - Building and civil engineering20222029Contract
Loukas AthanasiosSchool of Rural and Surveying EngineeringSlovenská Technická Univerzita v Bratislave (STU)SK BRATISL010732 - Building and civil engineering20222029Contract
Pitilakis DimitriosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PaviaI PAVIA010732 - Building and civil engineering20222029Contract
Tsikaloudaki AikateriniSchool of Civil EngineeringBUILDERS ECOLE D’INGENIEURSF EPERON010732 - Building and civil engineering20222025Contract
Manthos EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringTechnische Universität WienA WIEN020732 - Building and civil engineering20242029Contract
Manthos EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO010732 - Building and civil engineering20242029Contract
Manthos EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringCzech Technical University in PragueCZ PRAHA100732 - Building and civil engineering20242029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversitatea Tehnica de Constructii din BucurestiRO BUCURES080732 - Building and civil engineering20252028Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversitatea Tehnica de Constructii din BucurestiRO BUCURES080732 - Building and civil engineering20252028Contract
Konstantinidis AvraamSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversiteit TwenteNL ENSCHED010732 - Building and civil engineering20252028Contract
Theodosiou NikolaosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversité d'OrléansF ORLEANS010732 - Building and civil engineering20252028Contract
Manthos EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversità Politecnica delle MarcheI ANCONA010732 - Building and civil engineering20242029Contract
Efthymiou EvangelosSchool of Civil EngineeringSveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB010732 - Building and civil engineering20252028Contract
Rothos VasileiosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringTechnische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu BraunschweigD BRAUNSC010588 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics20242028Contract
Moschakis ThomasSchool of AgricultureUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO010818 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture20142018Contract
Andreopoulou ZacharoulaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020818 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture20142018Contract
Lagopodi AnastasiaSchool of AgricultureSLU, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitetS UPPSALA020818 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture20192029Contract
Kotsopoulos ThomasSchool of AgricultureUTP University of Science and Technology in BydgoszczPL BYDGOSZ020811 - Crop and livestock production20142029Contract
Vatzias GeorgiosSchool of AgricultureUniversity of PannoniaHU VESZPRE010811 - Crop and livestock production20192029Contract
Stergiadou AnastasiaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentPoznań University of Life SciencesPL POZNAN040812 - Horticulture20142027Contract
Fragkos VasileiosSchool of AgricultureTechnische Universität MünchenD MUNCHEN020812 - Horticulture20152022Contract
Koundouras StefanosSchool of AgricultureBordeaux Sciences AgroF BORDEAU280812 - Horticulture20162027Contract
Koukounaras AthanasiosSchool of AgricultureUniversità degli Studi di TorinoI TORINO010812 - Horticulture20192029Contract
Aravanopoulos FilipposSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversidad Politécnica de MadridE MADRID05082 - Forestry20142029Contract
Barboutis IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentSveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB01082 - Forestry20142020Contract
Barboutis IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversity of West HungaryHU SOPRON01082 - Forestry20142020Contract
Barboutis IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE01082 - Forestry20142020Contract
Stergiadou AnastasiaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentLatvia University of AgricultureLV JELGAVA01082 - Forestry20142029Contract
Alizoti ParaskeviSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentTechnicka Univerzita vo ZvoleneSK ZVOLEN01082 - Forestry20142029Contract
Barboutis IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentKastamonu UniversityTR KASTAMO01082 - Forestry20142020Contract
Stergiadou AnastasiaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentMendel University in BrnoCZ BRNO02082 - Forestry20142029Contract
Barboutis IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentPoznań University of Life SciencesPL POZNAN04082 - Forestry20142022Contract
Stergiadou AnastasiaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversitatea 'Transilvania' din BrasovRO BRASOV01082 - Forestry20142029Contract
Andreopoulou ZacharoulaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversidad de ValladolidE VALLADO01082 - Forestry20142029Contract
Barboutis IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversität für Bodenkultur WienA WIEN03082 - Forestry20142018Contract
Stergiadou AnastasiaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA01082 - Forestry20142029Contract
Stergiadou AnastasiaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA01082 - Forestry20142029Contract
Stergiadou AnastasiaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR01082 - Forestry20142025Contract
Barboutis IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentKaradeniz Teknik ÜniversitesiTR TRABZON01082 - Forestry20142020Contract
Nanos NikolaosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversitat Politècnica de València E VALENCI02082 - Forestry20152029Contract
Aravanopoulos FilipposSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING01082 - Forestry20162018Contract
Gitas IoannisSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR01082 - Forestry20162025Contract
Myronidis DimitriosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentEesti Maaülikool (Estonian University of Life Sciences)EE TARTU01082 - Forestry20172022Contract
Alizoti ParaskeviSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversität für Bodenkultur WienA WIEN03082 - Forestry20182029Contract
Kotsopoulos ThomasSchool of AgricultureAarhus UniversitetDK ARHUS01083 - Fisheries20142022Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030848 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving veterinary20142029Contract
Printza NikoletaMedical SchoolTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Chourdakis MichailMedical SchoolGeorg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Spandou EvangeliaMedical SchoolUniversità degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro'I BARI010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Spandou EvangeliaMedical SchoolRWTH Aachen UniversityD AACHEN010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Spandou EvangeliaMedical SchoolJustus-Liebig-Universität GiessenD GIESSEN010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Chourdakis MichailMedical SchoolRuhr-Universität BochumD BOCHUM010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Chatzimavroudis GrigoriosMedical SchoolAdnan Menderes ÜniversitesiTR AYDIN010912 - Medicine20142022Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversiteit AntwerpenB ANTWERP010912 - Medicine20142017Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversité de StrasbourgF STRASBO480912 - Medicine20142023Contract
Kotsa KalliopiMedical SchoolMarmara ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU050912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Papaioannou MariaMedical SchoolMedizinische Universität WienA WIEN640912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Tsinopoulos IoannisMedical SchoolRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität BonnD BONN010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Tsinopoulos IoannisMedical SchoolHeinrich-Heine-Universität DüsseldorfD DUSSELD010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Spandou EvangeliaMedical SchoolUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010912 - Medicine20142015Contract
Chatzisotiriou AthanasiosMedical SchoolUniversità degli Studi di ParmaI PARMA010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Chatzimavroudis GrigoriosMedical SchoolEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020912 - Medicine20142020Contract
Antachopoulos CharalamposMedical SchoolCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversité Libre de BruxellesB BRUXEL040912 - Medicine20142028Contract
Chourdakis MichailMedical SchoolUniversität des SaarlandesD SAARBRU010912 - Medicine20142028Contract
Antachopoulos CharalamposMedical SchoolCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Kotsa KalliopiMedical SchoolIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU030912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Antachopoulos CharalamposMedical SchoolAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR010912 - Medicine20142028Contract
Sapalidis KonstantinosMedical SchoolUniversitatea de Medicina si Farmacie 'Iuliu Hatieganu' din Cluj-NapocaRO CLUJNAP030912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Chourdakis MichailMedical SchoolJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Chourdakis MichailMedical SchoolUniversität Duisburg-EssenD ESSEN040912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Antachopoulos CharalamposMedical SchoolUniversität MünsterD MUNSTER010912 - Medicine20142027Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1F LYON010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Galli AsimoulaMedical SchoolUniversität LeipzigD LEIPZIG010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Sapalidis KonstantinosMedical SchoolUniversitatea de Medicina si Farmacie din CraiovaRO CRAIOVA020912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Kotsa KalliopiMedical SchoolUniversité de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)F AMIENS010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Manthou Maria EleniMedical SchoolUniversité de Bretagne OccidentaleF BREST010912 - Medicine20142021Contract
Manthou Maria EleniMedical SchoolUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Printza NikoletaMedical SchoolUniversity of PécsHU PECS010912 - Medicine20142020Contract
Printza NikoletaMedical SchoolLatvijas UniversitáteLV RIGA010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Chatzisotiriou AthanasiosMedical SchoolUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Tegos ThomasMedical SchoolMedical University of LublinPL LUBLIN050912 - Medicine20142023Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversidad de OviedoE OVIEDO010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Manthou Maria EleniMedical SchoolUniversidad de ExtremaduraE BADAJOZ010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Miliaras DimosthenisMedical SchoolMartin-Luther-Universität Halle-WittenbergD HALLE010912 - Medicine20142018Contract
Manthou Maria EleniMedical SchoolUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibertsitateaE BILBAO010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Antachopoulos CharalamposMedical SchoolCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA070912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Miliaras DimosthenisMedical SchoolSelcuk UniversitesiTR KONYA010912 - Medicine20142018Contract
Chaidopoulou AikateriniMedical SchoolComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL020912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Manthou Maria EleniMedical SchoolUniversidad de MurciaE MURCIA010912 - Medicine20142029Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversité Paris 13 F PARIS0130912 - Medicine20152021Contract
Konstantinidis IordanisMedical SchoolTechnische Universität DresdenD DRESDEN020912 - Medicine20162028Contract
Sfoungaris DimitriosMedical SchoolTrakya ÜniversitesiTR EDIRNE010912 - Medicine20162022Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA240912 - Medicine20172029Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversiteit AntwerpenB ANTWERP010912 - Medicine20172021Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversité Paris Diderot - Paris 7F PARIS0070912 - Medicine20192022Contract
Meditskou-Efthymiadou SoultanaMedical SchoolMedicinski Universitet - VarnaBG VARNA030912 - Medicine20192029Contract
Vyzantiadis Timoleon-AchilleasMedical SchoolUniversité de Rennes 1F RENNES010912 - Medicine20202029Contract
Foinitsis StefanosMedical SchoolUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430912 - Medicine20212029Contract
Georgianos PanagiotisMedical SchoolUniversità degli Studi "Magna Graecia" di CatanzaroI CATANZA020912 - Medicine20232029Contract
Dinas KonstantinosMedical SchoolUniversitatea 'Transilvania' din BrasovRO BRASOV010912 - Medicine20242029Contract
Hatzipantelis EmmanouilMedical SchoolUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010912 - Medicine20252028Contract
Sarafidis KosmasMedical SchoolUniversidad de la LagunaE TENERIF01091 - Medical services20142025Contract
Pissiotis ArgiriosSchool of DentistryOulun YliopistoSF OULU010911 - Dental studies20142023Contract
Bakopoulou AthinaSchool of DentistryUniversité de Rennes 1F RENNES010911 - Dental studies20142029Contract
Pissiotis ArgiriosSchool of DentistryMarmara ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU050911 - Dental studies20142022Contract
Bakopoulou AthinaSchool of DentistryUniversità degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - PescaraI CHIETI010911 - Dental studies20142029Contract
Bakopoulou AthinaSchool of DentistryUniversità degli Studi dell'AquilaI L-AQUIL010911 - Dental studies20142029Contract
Pissiotis ArgiriosSchool of DentistryUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010911 - Dental studies20142015Contract
Bakopoulou AthinaSchool of DentistryUniversità degli Studi di PadovaI PADOVA010911 - Dental studies20142029Contract
Bakopoulou AthinaSchool of DentistryComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL020911 - Dental studies20142029Contract
Papadopoulos MoschosSchool of DentistryUniversità degli Studi di MessinaI MESSINA010911 - Dental studies20182027Contract
Anastassiadou-Velliadou VassilikiSchool of DentistryMedical University of LodzPL LODZ030911 - Dental studies20182029Contract
Anastassiadou-Velliadou VassilikiSchool of DentistryUniversität GreifswaldD GREIFS010911 - Dental studies20192022Contract
Papadopoulos MoschosSchool of DentistryUniversity of UsakTR USAK010911 - Dental studies20222029Contract
Poulopoulos AthanasiosSchool of DentistryMeditcinski Universitet - SofiaBG SOFIA110911 - Dental studies20222029Contract
Bakopoulou AthinaSchool of DentistryUniversità degli Studi di SienaI SIENA010911 - Dental studies20222029Contract
Papadopoulos MoschosSchool of DentistryDokuz Eylül ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR010911 - Dental studies20242029Contract
Bakopoulou AthinaSchool of DentistryAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010911 - Dental studies20252029Contract
Poulopoulos AthanasiosSchool of DentistryBiruni UniversitesiTR ISTANBU550911 - Dental studies20252028Contract
Panoutsakopoulos VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceYeditepe UniversityTR ISTANBU210915 - Therapy and rehabilitation20142028Contract
Galazoulas ChristosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceDokuz Eylül ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR010915 - Therapy and rehabilitation20142020Contract
Amiridis IoannisSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio EmiliaI MODENA010915 - Therapy and rehabilitation20252028Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di PaviaI PAVIA010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversidad de Santiago de CompostelaE SANTIAG010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyAix-Marseille UniversitéF MARSEIL840916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di SassariI SASSARI010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR020916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversité de LiègeB LIEGE010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010916 - Pharmacy20142022Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversity of HelsinkiSF HELSINK010916 - Pharmacy20142021Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di ParmaI PARMA010916 - Pharmacy20142018Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di MessinaI MESSINA010916 - Pharmacy20142020Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversidad de SalamancaE SALAMAN020916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Kachrimanis KyriakosSchool of PharmacyUniversidad Complutense de MadridE MADRID030916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Kachrimanis KyriakosSchool of PharmacyUniversität HamburgD HAMBURG010916 - Pharmacy20142022Contract
Kachrimanis KyriakosSchool of PharmacyHeinrich-Heine-Universität DüsseldorfD DUSSELD010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Kachrimanis KyriakosSchool of PharmacyUniversitat de BarcelonaE BARCELO010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Kachrimanis KyriakosSchool of PharmacyItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Kachrimanis KyriakosSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di CamerinoI CAMERIN010916 - Pharmacy20142018Contract
Kachrimanis KyriakosSchool of PharmacyUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430916 - Pharmacy20142022Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversity College LondonUK LONDON0290916 - Pharmacy20142017Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di MilanoI MILANO010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di SienaI SIENA010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di FerraraI FERRARA010916 - Pharmacy20142018Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyUniverza v LjubljaniSI LJUBLJA010916 - Pharmacy20142023Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010916 - Pharmacy20142020Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo BoI URBINO010916 - Pharmacy20142020Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di CagliariI CAGLIAR010916 - Pharmacy20142020Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi "Magna Graecia" di CatanzaroI CATANZA020916 - Pharmacy20142020Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di PalermoI PALERMO010916 - Pharmacy20142020Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyTartu ÜlikoolEE TARTU020916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Rekka EleniSchool of PharmacySveučilište u ZagrebuHR ZAGREB010916 - Pharmacy20142018Contract
Lazari DiamantoSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di FirenzeI FIRENZE010916 - Pharmacy20142029Contract
Karioti AnastasiaSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA010916 - Pharmacy20142028Contract
Geronikaki AthinaSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di CataniaI CATANIA010916 - Pharmacy20152023Contract
Hadjipavlou-Litina DimitraSchool of PharmacyUniversity of NicosiaCY NICOSIA140916 - Pharmacy20162029Contract
Papagiannopoulou DionysiaSchool of PharmacyUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1090916 - Pharmacy20162029Contract
Fatouros DimitriosSchool of PharmacyJulius-Maximilians-Universität WürzburgD WURZBUR010916 - Pharmacy20162029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyFrederick University, CyprusCY NICOSIA230916 - Pharmacy20182029Contract
Karioti AnastasiaSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di PisaI PISA010916 - Pharmacy20202029Contract
Karioti AnastasiaSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di SalernoI SALERNO010916 - Pharmacy20202029Contract
Xanthopoulos KonstantinosSchool of PharmacyUniversitat Ramon LlullE BARCELO160916 - Pharmacy20212029Contract
Nikolakakis IoannisSchool of PharmacyUniversità degli Studi di FerraraI FERRARA010916 - Pharmacy20242029Contract
Zacharis KonstantinosSchool of PharmacySIVAS CUMHURIYET UNIVERSITESITR SIVAS010916 - Pharmacy20252029Contract
Konstantinidis AvraamSchool of Civil EngineeringPolitecnico di TorinoI TORINO020788 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction20242029Contract
Giatsis GeorgiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversidad de AlicanteE ALICANT011014 - Sports20142029Contract
Stergiou NikolaosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceCharles UniversityCZ PRAHA071014 - Sports20142029Contract
Panoutsakopoulos VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversità degli Studi di Roma "Foro Italico"I ROMA051014 - Sports20142029Contract
Tsormpatzoudis CharalamposSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceHumboldt-Universität zu BerlinD BERLIN131014 - Sports20142029Contract
Galazoulas ChristosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceAlbert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgD FREIBUR011014 - Sports20142018Contract
Barkoukis VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversität PotsdamD POTSDAM011014 - Sports20142029Contract
Hatzitaki VassiliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversité Paris-SudF PARIS0111014 - Sports20142017Contract
Hatzitaki VassiliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversité de BourgogneF DIJON011014 - Sports20142029Contract
Tsormpatzoudis CharalamposSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaD JENA011014 - Sports20142018Contract
Tsormpatzoudis CharalamposSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceManchester Metropolitan UniversityUK MANCHES041014 - Sports20142017Contract
Barkoukis VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversidad Miguel Hernández de ElcheE ELCHE011014 - Sports20142029Contract
Galazoulas ChristosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceVelikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i MetodiiBG VELIKO011014 - Sports20142018Contract
Giannakos AthanasiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversitatea din PitestiRO PITESTI011014 - Sports20142029Contract
Mougios VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports SciencePamukkale UniversitesiTR DENIZLI011014 - Sports20142018Contract
Tsormpatzoudis CharalamposSchool of Physical Education and Sports SciencePoznań University of Physical EducationPL POZNAN081014 - Sports20142029Contract
Evangelinou ChristinaSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)National Sports Academy "Vassil Levski"BG SOFIA171014 - Sports20142029Contract
Evangelinou ChristinaSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Palacký University OlomoucCZ OLOMOUC011014 - Sports20142029Contract
Kouidi EvangeliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA241014 - Sports20152029Contract
Kouidi EvangeliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversità degli Studi di BresciaI BRESCIA011014 - Sports20152029Contract
Hatzitaki VassiliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceKajaani University of Applied SciencesSF KAJAANI051014 - Sports20162017Contract
Amiridis IoannisSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Universitatea de Vest din TimişoaraRO TIMISOA011014 - Sports20162029Contract
Amiridis IoannisSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Université de BourgogneF DIJON011014 - Sports20162029Contract
Amiridis IoannisSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Université Libre de BruxellesB BRUXEL041014 - Sports20162022Contract
Tsormpatzoudis CharalamposSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceEge ÜniversitesiTR IZMIR021014 - Sports20162018Contract
Amiridis IoannisSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Universidade da Beira InteriorP COVILHA011014 - Sports20162029Contract
Amiridis IoannisSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Georg-August-Universität GöttingenD GOTTING011014 - Sports20172023Contract
Theodorakis NikolaosSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Universidade do PortoP PORTO021014 - Sports20172029Contract
Giatsis GeorgiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceKarl-Franzens-Universität GrazA GRAZ011014 - Sports20182029Contract
Barkoukis VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversidad de Las Palmas de Gran CanariaE LAS-PAL011014 - Sports20192029Contract
Amiridis IoannisSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Università degli Studi di VeronaI VERONA011014 - Sports20192029Contract
Katartzi ErmioniSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Universidad de ExtremaduraE BADAJOZ011014 - Sports20202029Contract
Mouratidou AikateriniSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we WroclawiuPL WROCLAW081014 - Sports20202025Contract
Tsormpatzoudis CharalamposSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceFrederick University, CyprusCY NICOSIA231014 - Sports20202029Contract
Hatzitaki VassiliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceJustus-Liebig-Universität GiessenD GIESSEN011014 - Sports20202029Contract
Barkoukis VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversitatea Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport din BucurestiRO BUCURES061014 - Sports20202029Contract
Barkoukis VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceSyddansk UniversitetDK ODENSE011014 - Sports20222029Contract
Patikas DimitriosSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Universite Jean Monnet Saint-EtienneF ST-ETIE011014 - Sports20222028Contract
Giannakos AthanasiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversitatea 'Transilvania' din BrasovRO BRASOV011014 - Sports20232029Contract
Hatzitaki VassiliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceNorges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige UniversitetN TRONDHE011014 - Sports20232029Contract
Hatzitaki VassiliaSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversità degli Studi di VeronaI VERONA011014 - Sports20232029Contract
Patikas DimitriosSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)UNIVERSIDAD DE LEON E LEON01 1014 - Sports20242029Contract
Barkoukis VasileiosSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUludag ÜniversitesiTR BURSA011014 - Sports20242029Contract
Douka StylianiSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1091014 - Sports20252029Contract
Katartzi ErmioniSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)UNIVERZITET U NISURS NIS011014 - Sports20252028Contract
Douka StylianiSchool of Physical Education and Sports ScienceUniversidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto DouroP VILA-RE011014 - Sports20252029Contract
Katartzi ErmioniSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Universidad de CádizE CADIZ011014 - Sports20252028Contract
Giagkazoglou ParaskeviSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Canakkale Onsekiz Mart UniversityTR CANAKKA011014 - Sports20252028Contract
Kellis EleftheriosSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)UCLAN CYPRUS LIMITED CY LARNACA021014 - Sports20252028Contract
Politis IoannisSchool of Civil EngineeringTransport and Telecommunication Institute LV RIGA311041 - Transport20162028Contract
Kehagia FotiniSchool of Civil EngineeringUniversitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB)RO BUCURES111041 - Transport20212029Contract
Lampropoulou DimitroulaSchool of ChemistryUniversità degli Studi di SalernoI SALERNO010712 - Environmental protection technology20152029Contract
Lampropoulou DimitroulaSchool of ChemistryUniversity of Cyprus CY NICOSIA010712 - Environmental protection technology20172029Contract
Vlachokostas ChristosSchool of Mechanical EngineeringFH Aachen University of Applied SciencesD AACHEN020712 - Environmental protection technology20252028Contract
Youlatos DionisiosSchool of BiologyAtatürk ÜniversitesiTR ERZURUM010522 - Natural environments and wildlife20152020Contract
Andreopoulou ZacharoulaSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentBordeaux Sciences AgroF BORDEAU280522 - Natural environments and wildlife20182029Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsUniversité Paris Diderot - Paris 7F PARIS00706 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20152017Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsTechnische Universität IlmenauD ILMENAU0106 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20172022Contract
Papadimitriou GeorgiosSchool of InformaticsNeapolis University PafosCY PAFOS0106 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20182029Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsTechnische Universität WienA WIEN0206 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20182023Contract
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-KonstantinosSchool of InformaticsNorges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige UniversitetN TRONDHE0106 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20202029Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsHochschule EsslingenD ESSLING0306 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20212029Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsUniversité de LorraineF NANCY4306 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20222028Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsEcole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de BrestF BREST0706 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)20252029Contract
Regkakos AntoniosSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di GenovaI GENOVA010232 - Literature and linguistics20142025Contract
Kitsi AikateriniSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversity of East AngliaUK NORWICH010232 - Literature and linguistics20142021Contract
Stavrakaki StavroulaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureRijksuniversiteit GroningenNL GRONING010232 - Literature and linguistics20142029Contract
Papanastasiou GeorgiosSchool of PhilologyMasaryk UniversityCZ BRNO050232 - Literature and linguistics20142027Contract
Tsokaktsidou DimitraSchool of German Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum'I BOLOGNA010232 - Literature and linguistics20142028Contract
Revythiadou AnthoulaSchool of PhilologyUniversität PotsdamD POTSDAM010232 - Literature and linguistics20142029Contract
Dimitroulia XanthippiSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversité de Corse Pasquale PaoliF CORTE010232 - Literature and linguistics20152017Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversidade de CoimbraP COIMBRA010232 - Literature and linguistics20152029Contract
Tiktopoulou AikateriniSchool of PhilologyUniwersytet JagiellońskiPL KRAKOW010232 - Literature and linguistics20152029Contract
Revythiadou AnthoulaSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di Modena e Reggio EmiliaI MODENA010232 - Literature and linguistics20152021Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniwersytet SzczecińskiPL SZCZECI010232 - Literature and linguistics20162029Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureStockholms universitetS STOCKHO010232 - Literature and linguistics20162020Contract
Macri GabriellaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureAnkara ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA010232 - Literature and linguistics20162022Contract
Alexiou EvangelosSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di VeronaI VERONA010232 - Literature and linguistics20162029Contract
Fyntikoglou VasileiosSchool of PhilologyAix-Marseille UniversitéF MARSEIL840232 - Literature and linguistics20162029Contract
Macri GabriellaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversiteit UtrechtNL UTRECHT010232 - Literature and linguistics20162029Contract
Papadopoulou DespoinaSchool of PhilologyUniversidad de GranadaE GRANADA010232 - Literature and linguistics20172029Contract
Tiktopoulou AikateriniSchool of PhilologyUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA010232 - Literature and linguistics20172029Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyUniversitat de ValènciaE VALENCI010232 - Literature and linguistics20172029Contract
Grammenidis SymeonSchool of French Language and LiteratureAix-Marseille UniversitéF MARSEIL840232 - Literature and linguistics20172029Contract
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke IreneSchool of German Language and LiteratureJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzD MAINZ010232 - Literature and linguistics20172029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversitat de ValènciaE VALENCI010232 - Literature and linguistics20182029Contract
Kourempeles IoannisSchool of TheologyUniversität zu KölnD KOLN010232 - Literature and linguistics20182023Contract
Kitsi AikateriniSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversidad de OviedoE OVIEDO010232 - Literature and linguistics20182029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad de ZaragozaE ZARAGOZ010232 - Literature and linguistics20192029Contract
Pastourmatzi DomnaSchool of English Language and LiteratureEberhard Karls Universität TübingenD TUBINGE010232 - Literature and linguistics20192028Contract
Tsangalidis AnastasiosSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversity of MaltaMT MALTA010232 - Literature and linguistics20192027Contract
Apostolou FoteiniSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di UdineI UDINE010232 - Literature and linguistics20202029Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureHacettepe ÜniversitesiTR ANKARA030232 - Literature and linguistics20202029Contract
Varelas LamprosSchool of PhilologyIstanbul ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU030232 - Literature and linguistics20222029Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'I ROMA010232 - Literature and linguistics20222029Contract
Rapatzikou TatianiSchool of English Language and LiteratureUniwersytet WarszawskiPL WARSZAW010232 - Literature and linguistics20232029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureEuropean University CyprusCY NICOSIA240232 - Literature and linguistics20232029Contract
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina)School of English Language and LiteratureVilniaus UniversitetasLT VILNIUS010232 - Literature and linguistics20232029Contract
Bakogiannis MichailSchool of PhilologyUNIVERZITET U BEOGRADURS BELGRAD020232 - Literature and linguistics20232029Contract
Melissaropoulou DimitraSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureBogaziçi ÜniversitesiTR ISTANBU010232 - Literature and linguistics20242029Contract
Melissaropoulou DimitraSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniverzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v KosiciachSK KOSICE020232 - Literature and linguistics20252029Contract
Leontaridi EleniSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniwersytet Im. Adama MickiewiczaPL POZNAN010232 - Literature and linguistics20252028Contract
Evangelou KonstantinaSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureEMUNI UniversitySI PORTORO030238 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving languages20162029Contract
Ypsilantis GeorgiosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)E MADRID010238 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving languages20172029Contract
Arampatzidou EleniSchool of PhilologyKøbenhavns UniversitetDK KOBENHA010288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities20152018Contract
Ypsilantis GeorgiosSchool of Italian Language and LiteratureUniversitat Politècnica de València E VALENCI020288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities20162023Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureUniversità degli Studi di Modena e Reggio EmiliaI MODENA010288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities20202029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureSouth East European University TetovoMK TETOVO020288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities20232029Contract
Kourdis EvangelosSchool of French Language and LiteratureTallinna ÜlikoolEE TALLINN050288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities20242029Contract
Youlatos DionisiosSchool of BiologyUniversiteit AntwerpenB ANTWERP010511 - Biology20142029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Federico III NAPOLI010511 - Biology20152029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010511 - Biology20152029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversité de LorraineF NANCY430511 - Biology20152018Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversidad de AlcaláE ALCAL-H010511 - Biology20152029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyItä-Suomen yliopistoSF KUOPIO120511 - Biology20152018Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversité du LuxembourgLUX LUX-VIL010511 - Biology20152029Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyVytautas Magnus UniversityLT KAUNAS010511 - Biology20152016Contract
Kalogianni-Dimitriadi MarthaSchool of BiologyThe University of ManchesterUK MANCHES010511 - Biology20162018Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniversity of BirminghamUK BIRMING020511 - Biology20182021Contract
Ganias KonstantinosSchool of BiologyUniversitat de GironaE GIRONA020511 - Biology20202027Contract
Triantafyllidis AlexandrosSchool of BiologyUniwersytet ŁódzkiPL LODZ010511 - Biology20252028Contract
Pantazaki AnastasiaSchool of ChemistryUniversité Paris Est Créteil – Val de MarneF PARIS0120512 - Biochemistry20162022Contract
Theodoridis GeorgiosSchool of ChemistryUniversidade de AveiroP AVEIRO010512 - Biochemistry20202029Contract
Amiridis IoannisSchool of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres)Anadolu UniversitesiTR ESKISEH010518 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving biological and related sciences20162029Contract
Nanos NikolaosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversidad Católica de ÁvilaE AVILA010521 - Environmental sciences20152028Contract
Kokkinakis AntoniosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentWrocław University of Environmental and Life SciencesPL WROCLAW040521 - Environmental sciences20162029Contract
Stathis DimitriosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversitatea din BucurestiRO BUCURES090521 - Environmental sciences20162020Contract
Nanos NikolaosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversidad de la LagunaE TENERIF010521 - Environmental sciences20182029Contract
Papaspyropoulos KonstantinosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentComenius University in BratislavaSK BRATISL020521 - Environmental sciences20202023Contract
Voutsa DimitraSchool of ChemistryCyprus University of TechnologyCY LIMASSO020528 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving environment20162029Contract
Stamelos IoannisSchool of InformaticsUniversitatea din PitestiRO PITESTI010613 - Software and applications development and analysis20182029Contract
Katsaros PanagiotisSchool of InformaticsÖrebro universitetS OREBRO010613 - Software and applications development and analysis20242029Contract
Rahonis GeorgeSchool of MathematicsTechnische Universität DresdenD DRESDEN020619 - Information and communication technologies not elsewhere classified20142028Contract
Gyioka CharikleiaSchool of ArchitectureAalborg UniversitetDK ALBORG010619 - Information and communication technologies not elsewhere classified20162022Contract
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-KonstantinosSchool of InformaticsUniversitatea Tehnica din Cluj-NapocaRO CLUJNAP050619 - Information and communication technologies not elsewhere classified20252027Contract
Papaspyropoulos KonstantinosSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentUniversidade de LisboaP LISBOA1090821 - Forestry20162029Contract
Alizoti ParaskeviSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentWageningen UniversityNL WAGENIN010821 - Forestry20162017Contract
Alizoti ParaskeviSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentCzech University of Life Sciences PragueCZ PRAHA020821 - Forestry20162029Contract
Kamperidou VasilikiSchool of Forestry and Natural EnvironmentPoznań University of Life SciencesPL POZNAN040821 - Forestry20242029Contract
Tsantarliotou MariaSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversità degli Studi di PerugiaI PERUGIA010841 - Veterinary20152029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineVeterinärmedizinische Universität WienA WIEN040841 - Veterinary20242029Contract
Tzika EleniSchool of Veterinary MedicineUniversidade do PortoP PORTO020841 - Veterinary20242029Contract
Papagiannakis ApostolosSchool of Spatial Planning and DevelopmentÉcole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg F STRASBO161048 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving transport services20152029Contract