Alexiou Thomai | School of English Language and Literature | Canterbury Christ Church University | UK CANTERB03 | 023 - Languages | 2018 | 2021 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Suleyman Demirel Universitesi | TR ISPARTA01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Alicante | E ALICANT01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vlachonasios Konstantinos | School of Biology | University of Warwick | UK COVENTR01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2019 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Fatih Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU13 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Valladolid | E VALLADO01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vlachonasios Konstantinos | School of Biology | Université Paris-Sud | F PARIS011 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Vlachonasios Konstantinos | School of Biology | Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University | TR CANAKKA01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2024 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | University of Pécs | HU PECS01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Middle East Technical University | TR ANKARA04 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara | RO TIMISOA01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Linköpings universitet | S LINKOPI01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universität Bielefeld | D BIELEFE01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Tampere University | SF TAMPERE17 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Tallinna Ülikool | EE TALLINN05 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | D BERLIN13 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universitatea din Pitesti | RO PITESTI01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | University of Lower Silesia | PL WROCLAW14 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2019 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universidad de Sevilla | E SEVILLA01 | 011 - Education science | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Aarhus Universitet | DK ARHUS01 | 011 - Education science | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Open University of Cyprus | CY LEFKOSI01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Katsikini Maria | School of Physics | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | D JENA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Torino | I TORINO01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Damialis Athanasios | School of Biology | West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin | PL SZCZECI02 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | University of Helsinki | SF HELSINK01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | New Bulgarian University | BG SOFIA02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Aarhus Universitet | DK ARHUS01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Salifoglou Athanasios | School of Chemical Engineering | Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara | RO TIMISOA01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Stefanou Danae | School of Music Studies | Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis | F PARIS008 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Salifoglou Athanasios | School of Chemical Engineering | University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara | RO TIMISOA03 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Salifoglou Athanasios | School of Chemical Engineering | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Giatsis Georgios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universidad de Alicante | E ALICANT01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourempeles Ioannis | School of Theology | Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen Frankfurt am Main | D FRANKFU06 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourempeles Ioannis | School of Theology | Universitatea 'Ovidius' din Constanța | RO CONSTAN02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Dimitroulia Xanthippi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Paris 13 | F PARIS013 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III | F TOULOUS03 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | E BARCELO15 | 0321 - Journalism and reporting | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Regkakos Antonios | School of Philology | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | D MAINZ01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Regkakos Antonios | School of Philology | Universität Trier | D TRIER01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Regkakos Antonios | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Macerata | I MACERAT01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | D HEIDELB01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Universiteit van Amsterdam | NL AMSTERD01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Regkakos Antonios | School of Philology | Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń | PL TORUN01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Regkakos Antonios | School of Philology | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Regkakos Antonios | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Genova | I GENOVA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2014 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Universität des Saarlandes | D SAARBRU01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Universität Regensburg | D REGENSB01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Technische Universität Dresden | D DRESDEN02 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Lunds universitet | S LUND01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Universiteit van Amsterdam | NL AMSTERD01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kotsopoulos Thomas | School of Agriculture | Danmarks Tekniske Universitet | DK LYNGBY01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2019 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universität Duisburg-Essen | D ESSEN04 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Golitsis Pantelis | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Thanassas Panagiotis | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universität Kassel | D KASSEL01 | 022 - History, philosophy and related subjects | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 011 - Education science | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Marmara Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU05 | 011 - Education science | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kesidou Anastasia | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universität Regensburg | D REGENSB01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsikini Maria | School of Physics | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Delianidou Simela | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Trier | D TRIER01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Delianidou Simela | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Hildesheim | D HILDESH01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Paleologos Konstantinos | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Málaga | E MALAGA01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | NHL Hogeschool | NL LEEUWAR01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2015 | 2016 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Frederick University, Cyprus | CY NICOSIA23 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | The Hague University of Applied Sciences | NL S-GRAVE13 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karagiannidou Evangelia | School of German Language and Literature | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | D JENA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karagiannidou Evangelia | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Regensburg | D REGENSB01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzidimou Konstantinos | School of German Language and Literature | Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | D ERLANGE01 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzidimou Konstantinos | School of German Language and Literature | Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg | D BAMBERG01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Charalampidou Parthena | School of French Language and Literature | Universidad de Málaga | E MALAGA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Dimitroulia Xanthippi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et Sociales | F LILLE03 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Dimitroulia Xanthippi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée | F PARIS225 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Charalampidou Parthena | School of French Language and Literature | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Kaunas University of Technology | LT KAUNAS02 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Københavns Universitet | DK KOBENHA01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2019 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universität Trier | D TRIER01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | D MAINZ01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | E SANTIAG01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera | E VALENCI08 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Kourempeles Ioannis | School of Theology | Universität Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Printza Nikoleta | Medical School | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chourdakis Michail | Medical School | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro' | I BARI01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano | I MILANO03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kitsi Aikaterini | School of English Language and Literature | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | D FRANKFU01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | University of Essex | UK COLCHES01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | King's College London | UK LONDON017 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Sistakou Evanthia | School of Philology | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon | F LYON103 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Sistakou Evanthia | School of Philology | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Sistakou Evanthia | School of Philology | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | NL GRONING01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dimitroulia Xanthippi | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro' | I BARI01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Athanasakis Dimitrios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universiteit Gent | B GENT01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca | RO CLUJNAP05 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatziathanasiou Vasileios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Politechnika Łódzka | PL LODZ02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | AGH University of Science and Technology | PL KRAKOW02 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatziathanasiou Vasileios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université Paris Est Créteil – Val de Marne | F PARIS012 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Université Paris-Sorbonne | F PARIS004 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mousouri Evangelia | School of French Language and Literature | Université Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et Sociales | F LILLE03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Spandou Evangelia | Medical School | Università degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro' | I BARI01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Tallinna Tehnikaúlikool | EE TALLINN04 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Alexandra | School of Physics | University of Surrey | UK GUILDFO01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Ioannidou Alexandra | School of Physics | Università degli Studi di Milano | I MILANO01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kotali Antigoni | School of Chemical Engineering | Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa | PL CZESTOC02 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Technische Universität Chemnitz | D CHEMNIT01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Metropolitan University Prague | CZ PRAHA18 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ververopoulou Zoi | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis | F PARIS008 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ververopoulou Zoi | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 | F PARIS003 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' | I ROMA02 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Örebro universitet | S OREBRO01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universitatea din Oradea | RO ORADEA01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | PL WROCLAW01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | University of Lower Silesia | PL WROCLAW14 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Università degli Studi di Teramo | I TERAMO01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatico | E MADRID19 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Barkoukis Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Pavia | I PAVIA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rassidakis Alexandra | School of German Language and Literature | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | D DUSSELD01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | E SANTIAG01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rassidakis Alexandra | School of German Language and Literature | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Aix-Marseille Université | F MARSEIL84 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Sassari | I SASSARI01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stergioulas Nikolaos | School of Physics | Universitat de València | E VALENCI01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergioulas Nikolaos | School of Physics | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergioulas Nikolaos | School of Physics | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tiktopoulou Aikaterini | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Bais Alkiviadis | School of Physics | Leibniz Universität Hannover | D HANNOVE01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | University of Helsinki | SF HELSINK01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vouyoukas Constantinos | School of Early Childhood Education | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B BRUXEL04 | 0318 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social and behavioural sciences | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Nikolaidis Spyridon | School of Physics | Universitat de les Illes Balears | E PALMA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0112 - Training for pre-school teachers | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | Frederick University, Cyprus | CY NICOSIA23 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsokalidou Petroula | School of Early Childhood Education | University of Helsinki | SF HELSINK01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Papandreou Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Jyväskylän Yliopisto | SF JYVASKY01 | 0118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education | 2014 | 2019 |  | Contract |
Papandreou Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gkeka Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Université de Cergy-Pontoise | F CERGY07 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | Universität Bielefeld | D BIELEFE01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Hatzinikolaou Kornilia | School of Early Childhood Education | John von Neumann University | HU KECSKEM02 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Vouyoukas Constantinos | School of Early Childhood Education | Pedagogical University of Cracow | PL KRAKOW05 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Vouyoukas Constantinos | School of Early Childhood Education | Instituto Politécnico de Bragança | P BRAGANC01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Hatzinikolaou Kornilia | School of Early Childhood Education | Instituto Politécnico do Porto | P PORTO05 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Spathis Panagiotis | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Gkeka Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Instituto Politécnico de Viseu | P VISEU01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Hatzinikolaou Kornilia | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Gkeka Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2026 |  | Contract |
Hatzinikolaou Kornilia | School of Early Childhood Education | Malmö University | S MALMO01 | 011 - Education science | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Zografos Alexandros | School of Chemistry | Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse | F AVIGNON01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Spathis Panagiotis | School of Chemistry | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | I VENEZIA01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Zografos Alexandros | School of Chemistry | Universitat Jaume I (UJI) | E CASTELL01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zografos Alexandros | School of Chemistry | CPE Lyon (Ecole Supérieure de Chimie Physique Electronique de Lyon) | F LYON15 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | PL KRAKOW01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Siskos Stylianos | School of Physics | Université de la Réunion | F ST-DENI01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Ioannidou Alexandra | School of Physics | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Siozios Konstantinos | School of Physics | Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III | F TOULOUS03 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Parma | I PARMA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Skordaris Georgios | School of Mechanical Engineering | RWTH Aachen University | D AACHEN01 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Messina | I MESSINA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Penolidis Theodoros | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University | TR CANAKKA01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Penolidis Theodoros | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universität Hildesheim | D HILDESH01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Penolidis Theodoros | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt | D EICHSTA01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Giovannopoulos Rigas | School of Law | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | D FRANKFU01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karavokyris Georgios | School of Law | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha | E CIUDA-R01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Christidou Vasileia | School of Early Childhood Education | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi | RO IASI02 | 011 - Education science | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Dimitriou Anastasia | School of Early Childhood Education | Aix-Marseille Université | F MARSEIL84 | 011 - Education science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Universität Passau | D PASSAU01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papademetriou Kyriakoula | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papademetriou Kyriakoula | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universiteit van Amsterdam | NL AMSTERD01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Litsardaki Maria | School of French Language and Literature | Universidade do Porto | P PORTO02 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Efstathiou Kyriakos | School of Mechanical Engineering | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Papangelis (Papagelis) Konstantinos | School of Physics | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tassis Dimitrios | School of Physics | Universität Regensburg | D REGENSB01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Litsardaki Maria | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Litsardaki Maria | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Haute-Alsace | F MULHOUS01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Paraskevopoulou Rodoula | School of Mechanical Engineering | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Paloura Eleni | School of Physics | Middle East Technical University | TR ANKARA04 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kontaxakis Dimitrios | School of Architecture | Hochschule Koblenz | D KOBLENZ01 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 | F GRENOBL01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Poitiers | F POITIER01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kontaxakis Dimitrios | School of Architecture | Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara | I CHIETI01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Kontaxakis Dimitrios | School of Architecture | Universitatea de Architectura si Urbanism 'Ion Mincu' Bucuresti | RO BUCURES07 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) | F PARIS178 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Kontaxakis Dimitrios | School of Architecture | Hochschule Kaiserslautern - University of Applied Sciences | D KAISERS02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Mons | B MONS21 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Nikolaos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kontaxakis Dimitrios | School of Architecture | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 | F PARIS003 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Kontaxakis Dimitrios | School of Architecture | Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Panoutsakopoulos Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Università degli Studi di Roma "Foro Italico" | I ROMA05 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kontaxakis Dimitrios | School of Architecture | Neapolis University Pafos | CY PAFOS01 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsormpatzoudis Charalampos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | D BERLIN13 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stavrakakis Yannis | School of Political Sciences | Bogaziçi Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Panoutsakopoulos Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Yeditepe University | TR ISTANBU21 | 0915 - Therapy and rehabilitation | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Angelakeris Mavroeidis | School of Physics | Universität Duisburg-Essen | D ESSEN04 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Grammatikopoulou Evgenia-Christina | School of French Language and Literature | Université Nice Sophia Antipolis | F NICE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Vouyoukas Constantinos | School of Early Childhood Education | University of Chester | UK CHESTER01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Ioannidou Alexandra | School of Physics | Universitat Politècnica de València | E VALENCI02 | 0538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | E MADRID14 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Galazoulas Christos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Chasapis Georgios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Hacettepe Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Panagiotidis Panagiotis | School of French Language and Literature | Galatasaray Universitesi | TR ISTANBU02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Arvanitis Panagiotis | School of French Language and Literature | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Skordaris Georgios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | D ERLANGE01 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Athanasiadou-Gerothanasi Angeliki | School of English Language and Literature | Bangor University | UK BANGOR01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Skordaris Georgios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Leibniz Universität Hannover | D HANNOVE01 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Yildiz Teknik Universitesi | TR ISTANBU07 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Universitatea din Craiova | RO CRAIOVA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Krystalli Pinelopi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès | F TOULOUS02 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Turun Yliopisto | SF TURKU01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Universidade do Minho | P BRAGA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | F LYON02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Chatzipantelis Theodoros | School of Political Sciences | ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | P LISBOA07 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pitsela Angeliki | School of Law | University of West Bohemia | CZ PLZEN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Bitzilekis Nikolaos | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia | I MODENA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Symeonidou-Kastanidou Elisavet | School of Law | Nottingham Trent University | UK NOTTING02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Tsaknaki Olympia | School of French Language and Literature | Université Paris Descartes | F PARIS005 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsaknaki Olympia | School of French Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Giovannopoulos Rigas | School of Law | Uniwersytet w Białymstoku | PL BIALYST04 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Symeonidou-Kastanidou Elisavet | School of Law | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | PL KRAKOW01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Archimandritou Maria | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Teramo | I TERAMO01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Symeonidou-Kastanidou Elisavet | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kotsopoulos Thomas | School of Agriculture | Aarhus Universitet | DK ARHUS01 | 083 - Fisheries | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Katsifarakis Konstantinos | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi della Calabria | I COSENZA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2026 | | Contract |
Kanakoudis Vasileios | School of Civil Engineering | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | A WIEN03 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsifarakis Konstantinos | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIAR01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Varsamidou Athina | School of French Language and Literature | Aix-Marseille Université | F MARSEIL84 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Deliyanni-Dimitrakou Christina | School of Law | University of East Anglia | UK NORWICH01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Ugozapaden Universitet 'Neophit Rilski' | BG BLAGOEV02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Apostolou Foteini | School of English Language and Literature | Bogaziçi Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi | RO IASI02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nouskalis Georgios | School of Law | Szegedi Tudományegyetem | HU SZEGED01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Miskolci Egyetem | HU MISKOLC01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Bitzilekis Nikolaos | School of Law | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | D JENA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Archimandritou Maria | School of Law | Universität Greifswald | D GREIFS01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Karavokyris Georgios | School of Law | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | B BRUSSEL01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Symeonidou-Kastanidou Elisavet | School of Law | Istanbul Kültür Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU19 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Archimandritou Maria | School of Law | Lapin Yliopisto | SF ROVANIE01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Bitzilekis Nikolaos | School of Law | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Konsta Anna-Maria | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Trento | I TRENTO01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Universidad de Salamanca | E SALAMAN02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sakallieros Georgios | School of Music Studies | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Samara Aikaterini | School of Chemistry | Université Paris Est Créteil – Val de Marne | F PARIS012 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Université de Toulon | F TOULON01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Poulakis Dimitrios | School of Mathematics | Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 | F PARIS006 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Zografidou Zografia | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi della Basilicata | I POTENZA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zografidou Zografia | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Siena | I SIENA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Universidad de Salamanca | E SALAMAN02 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Université de Rennes 1 | F RENNES01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Trnavská Univerzita v Trnave | SK TRNAVA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kitsi Aikaterini | School of English Language and Literature | Université de Caen Normandie | F CAEN01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kitsi Aikaterini | School of English Language and Literature | University of Limerick | IRLLIMERIC01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pastourmatzi Domna | School of English Language and Literature | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen | NL NIJMEGE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pastourmatzi Domna | School of English Language and Literature | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kitsi Aikaterini | School of English Language and Literature | University of East Anglia | UK NORWICH01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | University of Dundee | UK DUNDEE01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | Nottingham Trent University | UK NOTTING02 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Universität Stuttgart | D STUTTGA01 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Szegedi Tudományegyetem | HU SZEGED01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Technische Universität Wien | A WIEN02 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Umeå universitet | S UMEA01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Technische Universität Dresden | D DRESDEN02 | 0619 - Information and communication technologies not elsewhere classified | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Johannes Kepler Universität Linz | A LINZ01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Turun Yliopisto | SF TURKU01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Spandou Evangelia | Medical School | RWTH Aachen University | D AACHEN01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Spandou Evangelia | Medical School | Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | D GIESSEN01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stefanou Danae | School of Music Studies | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | P LISBOA03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2027 | | Contract |
Pastourmatzi Domna | School of English Language and Literature | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | A GRAZ01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kioseoglou Iosif | School of Physics | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kalokairinou Eleni | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Sveučilište u Rijeci | HR RIJEKA01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Loukia | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Peramos Soler Natividad | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de la Laguna | E TENERIF01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Detsi Zoi | School of English Language and Literature | Université François Rabelais (Tours) | F TOURS01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Detsi Zoi | School of English Language and Literature | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Lunds universitet | S LUND01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Siskos Stylianos | School of Physics | Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB) | RO BUCURES11 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Chatzikonstantinou Konstantinos | School of Law | Universitetet i Bergen | N BERGEN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Barkoukis Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universität Potsdam | D POTSDAM01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Örebro universitet | S OREBRO01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Konsta Anna-Maria | School of Law | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | A GRAZ01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Universiteit Gent | B GENT01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Rassidakis Alexandra | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Torino | I TORINO01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kioseoglou Iosif | School of Physics | Grenoble INP (Institut polytechnique de Grenoble) | F GRENOBL22 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | Uppsala universitet | S UPPSALA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Université de Poitiers | F POITIER01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universidad de Salamanca | E SALAMAN02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Stavrakaki Stavroula | School of Italian Language and Literature | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | NL GRONING01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stavrakaki Stavroula | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universiteit van Amsterdam | NL AMSTERD01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Balis Dimitrios | School of Physics | Università degli Studi dell'Aquila | I L-AQUIL01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Balis Dimitrios | School of Physics | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stavrakaki Stavroula | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | I MILANO16 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Okan Universitesi | TR ISTANBU22 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Kachrimanis Kyriakos | School of Pharmacy | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kachrimanis Kyriakos | School of Pharmacy | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kachrimanis Kyriakos | School of Pharmacy | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | D DUSSELD01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kachrimanis Kyriakos | School of Pharmacy | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kachrimanis Kyriakos | School of Pharmacy | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kachrimanis Kyriakos | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Camerino | I CAMERIN01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Lapidaki Eleni | School of Music Studies | Universiteit van Amsterdam | NL AMSTERD01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2024 |  | Contract |
Kachrimanis Kyriakos | School of Pharmacy | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Kitsos Theodoros | School of Music Studies | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Samara Aikaterini | School of Chemistry | Celal Bayar Üniversitesi | TR MANISA01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lapidaki Eleni | School of Music Studies | Høgskolen i Bergen | N BERGEN05 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Kanellopoulos Panagiotis | School of Music Studies | Aarhus Universitet | DK ARHUS01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papaefstathiou Ioannis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Yaşar Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR05 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kandylis Panagiotis | School of Agriculture | Université de Bourgogne | F DIJON01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Mikropoulos Panteleimon | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Vassilakakis Evangelos | School of Law | Université Paris Est Créteil – Val de Marne | F PARIS012 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | D ERLANGE01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | E MADRID04 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Hatzitaki Vassilia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Université Paris-Sud | F PARIS011 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Christou Konstantinos | School of Early Childhood Education | Celal Bayar Üniversitesi | TR MANISA01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Birbili Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | University College London | UK LONDON029 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Hatzitaki Vassilia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | University of Birmingham | UK BIRMING02 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Hatzitaki Vassilia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Université de Bourgogne | F DIJON01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsifarakis Konstantinos | School of Civil Engineering | Universitatea 'Lucian Blaga' din Sibiu | RO SIBIU01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Alexiou Thomai | School of English Language and Literature | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | B BRUSSEL01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Thomai | School of English Language and Literature | Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 | F MONTPEL03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Thomai | School of English Language and Literature | Universität Duisburg-Essen | D ESSEN04 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Thomai | School of English Language and Literature | Universität Potsdam | D POTSDAM01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Eleni | School of Early Childhood Education | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Varelas Lampros | School of Philology | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Zografidis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Theodosiou Nikolaos | School of Civil Engineering | Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 | F PARIS006 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Karampas Theofanis | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourouni Kyriaki | School of English Language and Literature | Universitat Rovira i Virgili | E TARRAGO01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Czech Technical University in Prague | CZ PRAHA10 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Thanassas Panagiotis | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 022 - History, philosophy and related subjects | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Penolidis Theodoros | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Katholische Privat-Universität Linz | A LINZ11 | 022 - History, philosophy and related subjects | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tassis Dimitrios | School of Physics | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 | F PARIS007 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Polatoglou Chariton | School of Physics | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | BG SOFIA30 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Karampas Theofanis | School of Civil Engineering | Universiteit Gent | B GENT01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universitat de les Illes Balears | E PALMA01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III | F TOULOUS03 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Politechnika Warszawska | PL WARSZAW02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Extremadura | E BADAJOZ01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 | F GRENOBL01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Kırklareli Üniversitesi | TR KIRKLAR01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsaknaki Olympia | School of French Language and Literature | Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 | F MONTPEL03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | D HEIDELB01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | E BARCELO03 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Linköpings universitet | S LINKOPI01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem | HU BUDAPES10 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Technical University of Sofia | BG SOFIA16 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | E LAS-PAL01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Toulouse | F TOULOUS14 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Sevilla | E SEVILLA01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karagiannidou Evangelia | School of German Language and Literature | Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems | A WIEN10 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Miliou Amalia | School of Informatics | Technische Universität München | D MUNCHEN02 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Yiannopoulou Eftimia | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Yiannopoulou Eftimia | School of English Language and Literature | University of Stirling | UK STIRLIN01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Yiannopoulou Eftimia | School of English Language and Literature | Universität Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Yiannopoulou Eftimia | School of English Language and Literature | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Milano | I MILANO01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Siena | I SIENA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | I FERRARA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | NL EINDHOV17 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo | I URBINO01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Golitsis Pantelis | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B BRUXEL04 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Athanasakis Dimitrios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Freie Universität Berlin | D BERLIN01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Verona | I VERONA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ventouris Antonios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Parma | I PARMA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsitsiou Chrysanthe | School of Philology | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Arvanitidis Ioannis | School of Physics | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Universidad de Vigo | E VIGO01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Konsta Anna-Maria | School of Law | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Konsta Anna-Maria | School of Law | Le Mans Université | F LE-MANS01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dekoulou Paraskevi | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B BRUXEL04 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Panagiotidis Panagiotis | School of French Language and Literature | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole | DK ARHUS10 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Veglis Andreas | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Istanbul Bilgi University | TR ISTANBU11 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsougkras Konstantinos | School of Music Studies | University of Helsinki | SF HELSINK01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Lapidaki Eleni | School of Music Studies | University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy | SF HELSINK42 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Revythiadou Anthoula | School of Philology | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | I VENEZIA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Makropoulou Polytimi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | F LYON02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Aravanopoulos Filippos | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | E MADRID05 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vantsos Miltiadis | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Matthaioudaki Marina | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Opolski | PL OPOLE01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kitsi Aikaterini | School of English Language and Literature | Bilkent Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA07 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Botonaki Effrosyni | School of English Language and Literature | Istanbul Kültür Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU19 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papakostas Konstantinos | School of Mechanical Engineering | Universitatea 'Stefan Cel Mare' din Suceava | RO SUCEAVA01 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Filiotis-Vlachavas Christos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIAR01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi "Magna Graecia" di Catanzaro | I CATANZA02 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Matthaioudaki Marina | School of English Language and Literature | Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University | TR CANAKKA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Matthaioudaki Marina | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Matthaioudaki Marina | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Universität Erfurt | D ERFURT05 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Detsi Zoi | School of English Language and Literature | Universiteit Antwerpen | B ANTWERP01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Universiteit Leiden | NL LEIDEN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Revythiadou Anthoula | School of Philology | Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet | N TRONDHE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0111 - Education science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Aggelaki Triantafilia-Rosy | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidade da Madeira | P FUNCHAL03 | 0111 - Education science | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Jyväskylän Yliopisto | SF JYVASKY01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Pavia | I PAVIA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | University of Edinburgh | UK EDINBUR01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Université Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et Sociales | F LILLE03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen | NL NIJMEGE01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2026 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Universidad de Deusto | E BILBAO02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Desilla Louisa | School of English Language and Literature | Masaryk University | CZ BRNO05 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Plastira-Valkanou Maria | School of Philology | Universidad de Murcia | E MURCIA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Desilla Louisa | School of English Language and Literature | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | HU BUDAPES01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Desilla Louisa | School of English Language and Literature | New Bulgarian University | BG SOFIA02 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | NL GRONING01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universität Bremen | D BREMEN01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Siena | I SIENA01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Universidad de Alicante | E ALICANT01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Université François Rabelais (Tours) | F TOURS01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Université Toulouse 1 Capitole | F TOULOUS01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Bechlivanis Achilleas | School of Law | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Konsta Anna-Maria | School of Law | Université Nice Sophia Antipolis | F NICE01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Universität Trier | D TRIER01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Universidad de Sevilla | E SEVILLA01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Universität des Saarlandes | D SAARBRU01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Universität Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Desilla Louisa | School of English Language and Literature | Universitatea „Vasile Alecsandri” din Bacău | RO BACAU01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | I FERRARA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ploumistaki Kalliopi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Rennes 2 | F RENNES02 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | RWTH Aachen University | D AACHEN01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Despoina | School of Philology | Plovdivski Universitet 'Paisii Hilendarski' | BG PLOVDIV04 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Andreopoulou Zacharoula | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB) | RO BUCURES11 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Andreopoulou Zacharoula | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope" | I NAPOLI03 | 0413 - Management and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zerdelis Dimitrios | School of Law | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | D KIEL01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chourdakis Michail | Medical School | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zerdelis Dimitrios | School of Law | Freie Universität Berlin | D BERLIN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Zerdelis Dimitrios | School of Law | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zerdelis Dimitrios | School of Law | Universität Konstanz | D KONSTAN01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsitsiou Chrysanthe | School of Philology | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Semoglou Athanasios | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Özyeğin Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU31 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Stavrakaki Stavroula | School of Italian Language and Literature | University College London | UK LONDON029 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Tsormpatzoudis Charalampos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | D JENA01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Tsormpatzoudis Charalampos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Manchester Metropolitan University | UK MANCHES04 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Mantaka Chrysanthi | School of Drama | Università IUAV di Venezia | I VENEZIA02 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Andreou Georgios | School of Political Sciences | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Andreou Georgios | School of Political Sciences | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | PL WROCLAW01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2014 | 2027 | | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Lunds universitet | S LUND01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Filiotis-Vlachavas Christos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) | B LOUVAIN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Filiotis-Vlachavas Christos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | D WEIMAR01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l'Industrie (ESTP Paris) | F PARIS068 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Barboutis Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Barboutis Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | University of West Hungary | HU SOPRON01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Salamanca | E SALAMAN02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kappos Efthimios | School of Mathematics | Université de Haute-Alsace | F MULHOUS01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Barboutis Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Stergiadou Anastasia | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Latvia University of Agriculture | LV JELGAVA01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manos Vasileios | School of Agriculture | Universitat Politècnica de València | E VALENCI02 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Bournaris Thomas | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alizoti Paraskevi | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Technicka Univerzita vo Zvolene | SK ZVOLEN01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Barboutis Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Kastamonu University | TR KASTAMO01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Farmakis Nikolaos | School of Mathematics | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt | D EICHSTA01 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Sagonas Konstantinos | School of Biology | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kappos Efthimios | School of Mathematics | Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck | A INNSBRU01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ventouris Antonios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ventouris Antonios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidade do Algarve | P FARO02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2024 | | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Maastricht University | NL MAASTRI01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dafni Evangelia | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universität Duisburg-Essen | D ESSEN04 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dafni Evangelia | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Philipps-Universität Marburg | D MARBURG01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dafni Evangelia | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | D BERLIN13 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Dafni Evangelia | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Rantzou Maria | School of Theology | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Dafni Evangelia | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | A GRAZ01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Graz-Seckau | A GRAZ08 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems | A WIEN10 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Universität Koblenz-Landau | D KOBLENZ02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Rantzou Maria | School of Theology | Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Institut de l'Oratoire | F CALUIRE01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Neapolis University Pafos | CY PAFOS01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Universitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din Iaşi | RO IASI05 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | University of Birmingham | UK BIRMING02 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | University of Exeter | UK EXETER01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Tsoulis Dimitrios | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Technische Universität München | D MUNCHEN02 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karampas Theofanis | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | E SANTIAG01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | D BERLIN13 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lamprou Soultana | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre | SK NITRA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Tziva Evmorfia | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 | F GRENOBL01 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Hacettepe Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA03 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Varelas Lampros | School of Philology | Universiteit Gent | B GENT01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tiktopoulou Aikaterini | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Bialystok University of Technology | PL BIALYST01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kugiumtzis Dimitrios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université de Technologie de Compiègne | F COMPIEG01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kugiumtzis Dimitrios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | National University of Ireland, Galway | IRLGALWAY01 | 0542 - Statistics | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Zografidis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | E MADRID05 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" | I NAPOLI02 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Chatzikostas Konstantinos | School of Law | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | D HEIDELB01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Noli Foteini | School of Chemistry | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Noli Foteini | School of Chemistry | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stilianou Aristotelis | School of Political Sciences | University of Lower Silesia | PL WROCLAW14 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2014 | 2019 |  | Contract |
Stilianou Aristotelis | School of Political Sciences | Uniwersytet Wrocławski | PL WROCLAW01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2027 | | Contract |
Barkoukis Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche | E ELCHE01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Galazoulas Christos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Velikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii | BG VELIKO01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Giannakos Athanasios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universitatea din Pitesti | RO PITESTI01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B BRUXEL04 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Messina | I MESSINA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Tiktopoulou Aikaterini | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Tiktopoulou Aikaterini | School of Philology | Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris (EHESS) | F PARIS057 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Siskakis Aristomenis | School of Mathematics | Lunds universitet | S LUND01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Galanopoulos Petros | School of Mathematics | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pitilakis Dimitrios | School of Civil Engineering | Ecole Centrale Paris | F CHATENA02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Stergiadou Anastasia | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Mendel University in Brno | CZ BRNO02 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Barboutis Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Poznań University of Life Sciences | PL POZNAN04 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Stergiadou Anastasia | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universitatea 'Transilvania' din Brasov | RO BRASOV01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Galanopoulos Petros | School of Mathematics | Universitat de València | E VALENCI01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Andreopoulou Zacharoula | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universidad de Valladolid | E VALLADO01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Barboutis Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | A WIEN03 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Galanopoulos Petros | School of Mathematics | Universidad de Málaga | E MALAGA01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Charalampous Chara-Myrto-agapi | School of Mathematics | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Laopoulos Theodoros | School of Physics | Technická Univerzita v Kosiciach | SK KOSICE03 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Laopoulos Theodoros | School of Physics | Universidad Pública de Navarra | E PAMPLON02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Stavridou Evangelia | School of Biology | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mousouri Evangelia | School of French Language and Literature | Université Stendhal - Grenoble 3 | F GRENOBL03 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Karpouzos Dimitrios | School of Agriculture | Instituto Politécnico de Bragança | P BRAGANC01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Lagopodi Anastasia | School of Agriculture | Agraren Universitet - Plovdiv | BG PLOVDIV01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Bozinis Konstantinos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | D KIEL01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papaioannou Panagiotis | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Papaioannou Panagiotis | School of Civil Engineering | Cracow University of Technology | PL KRAKOW03 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | University of Helsinki | SF HELSINK01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Royal Holloway University of London | UK LONDON097 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2019 |  | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v Kosiciach | SK KOSICE02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | University College London | UK LONDON029 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Marvakis Athanasios | School of Primary Education | Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa | P LISBOA05 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Mougios Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Pamukkale Universitesi | TR DENIZLI01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Pitilakis Dimitrios | School of Civil Engineering | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pitilakis Dimitrios | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kotsopoulos Thomas | School of Agriculture | Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | I NAPOLI09 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2014 | 2027 | | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 | F PARIS007 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | University of Edinburgh | UK EDINBUR01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Krystalli Pinelopi | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne | F REIMS01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Plastira-Valkanou Maria | School of Philology | University of Leeds | UK LEEDS01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Skamnakis Antonis | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Skamnakis Antonis | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Tallinna Ülikool | EE TALLINN05 | 0321 - Journalism and reporting | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsingilis Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Skamnakis Antonis | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Rīgas Stradiņa Universitāte | LV RIGA03 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Skamnakis Antonis | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Vilniaus Universitetas | LT VILNIUS01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsingilis Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universidade Fernando Pessoa | P PORTO26 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Georgiou Pantazis | School of Agriculture | Wageningen University | NL WAGENIN01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Georgiou Pantazis | School of Agriculture | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | A WIEN03 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Niki | School of Theology | University College Cork | IRLCORK01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Litsardakis Georgios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universiteit Twente | NL ENSCHED01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Fyntikoglou Vasileios | School of Philology | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Ilias | School of Theology | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tika Theodora | School of Civil Engineering | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Lyon | F LYON12 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikita - Martzopoulou Chrysoula | School of Agriculture | Universidade de Evora | P EVORA01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nikita - Martzopoulou Chrysoula | School of Agriculture | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | CZ PRAHA02 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kotsopoulos Thomas | School of Agriculture | UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz | PL BYDGOSZ02 | 0811 - Crop and livestock production | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Evangelou Ilias | School of Theology | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | BG SOFIA30 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Youlatos Dionisios | School of Biology | Universiteit Antwerpen | B ANTWERP01 | 0511 - Biology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Youlatos Dionisios | School of Biology | Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - EPHE | F PARIS054 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tata Despoina | School of Psychology | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidad de Vigo | E VIGO01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Oulun Yliopisto | SF OULU01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Litsardakis Georgios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universiteit Twente | NL ENSCHED01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Litsardakis Georgios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 | F GRENOBL01 | 0722 - Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Tsaknaki Olympia | School of French Language and Literature | Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis | F PARIS008 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papanastasiou Georgios | School of Philology | Masaryk University | CZ BRNO05 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Rantzou Maria | School of Theology | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papakostas Konstantinos | School of Mechanical Engineering | Universitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din Iaşi | RO IASI05 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Fatih Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU13 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Patias Petros | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA) de Strasbourg | F STRASBO31 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Patias Petros | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU04 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Patias Petros | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Maltepe Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU18 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Patias Petros | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi | TR ZONGULD01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | NL EINDHOV17 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Patias Petros | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Patias Petros | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Anadolu Universitesi | TR ESKISEH01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Tsioukas Vasileios | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara | RO TIMISOA04 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Nuh Naci Yazgan Üniversitesi | TR KAYSERI03 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Naoum Ioanna | School of Philology | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Naoum Ioanna | School of Philology | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsaounis Nikolaos | School of German Language and Literature | Leibniz Universität Hannover | D HANNOVE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Laopoulos Theodoros | School of Physics | Università degli Studi della Calabria | I COSENZA01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Laopoulos Theodoros | School of Physics | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Chatzimavroudis Grigorios | Medical School | Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi | TR AYDIN01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Laopoulos Theodoros | School of Physics | Università degli Studi del Sannio | I BENEVEN02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Universiteit Antwerpen | B ANTWERP01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Kotsa Kalliopi | Medical School | Marmara Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU05 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Marmara Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU05 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Anadolu Universitesi | TR ESKISEH01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR04 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Charalampous Chara-Myrto-agapi | School of Mathematics | Università degli Studi di Genova | I GENOVA01 | 05 - Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Charalampous Chara-Myrto-agapi | School of Mathematics | Universität Osnabrück | D OSNABRU01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Universidad de la Laguna | E TENERIF01 | 091 - Medical services | 2014 | 2025 | | Contract |
Dafni Evangelia | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsokaktsidou Dimitra | School of German Language and Literature | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Université de Bourgogne | F DIJON01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Papaioannou Maria | Medical School | Medizinische Universität Wien | A WIEN64 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karpouzos Dimitrios | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi della Basilicata | I POTENZA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Karpouzos Dimitrios | School of Agriculture | Universitatea 'Lucian Blaga' din Sibiu | RO SIBIU01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Rantzou Maria | School of Theology | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tsinopoulos Ioannis | Medical School | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsinopoulos Ioannis | Medical School | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | D DUSSELD01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) | LT VILNIUS02 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2027 | | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | NL GRONING01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Wageningen University | NL WAGENIN01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Seferlis Panagiotis | School of Mechanical Engineering | Universität Paderborn | D PADERBO01 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsitsiou Chrysanthe | School of Philology | Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck | A INNSBRU01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Spandou Evangelia | Medical School | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Papaefstathiou Ioannis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Chatzisotiriou Athanasios | Medical School | Università degli Studi di Parma | I PARMA01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papaefstathiou Ioannis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Moschakis Thomas | School of Agriculture | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0818 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Koutsogiannis Dimitrios | School of Philology | Syddansk Universitet | DK ODENSE01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papaefstathiou Ioannis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gallios Georgios | School of Chemistry | Syddansk Universitet | DK ODENSE01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Revythiadou Anthoula | School of Philology | Universität Konstanz | D KONSTAN01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Revythiadou Anthoula | School of Philology | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | E BARCELO15 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Theodosiadou Sofia | School of Early Childhood Education | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chardas Konstantinos | School of Music Studies | Cardiff University | UK CARDIFF01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Kalogianni-Dimitriadi Martha | School of Biology | Université de Rennes 1 | F RENNES01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidad de Murcia | E MURCIA01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sagonas Konstantinos | School of Biology | Universidade dos Açores | P ACORES01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Alexandru Maria | School of Music Studies | Universitatea de Arte 'George Enescu' din Iaşi | RO IASI01 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Drouzas Andreas | School of Biology | Högskolan Kristianstad | S KRISTIA01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Xanthopoulou Despoina | School of Psychology | University of East Anglia | UK NORWICH01 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Gallios Georgios | School of Chemistry | Technická Univerzita v Kosiciach | SK KOSICE03 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Athanasiou Evangelia | School of Architecture | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Chatzimavroudis Grigorios | Medical School | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Antachopoulos Charalampos | Medical School | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zafranas Nikolaos | School of Music Studies | Yaşar Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR05 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kyriazis Doris | School of Philology | New Bulgarian University | BG SOFIA02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Kyriazis Doris | School of Philology | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Despoina | School of Philology | Université Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et Sociales | F LILLE03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Despoina | School of Philology | Université Stendhal - Grenoble 3 | F GRENOBL03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Despoina | School of Philology | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B BRUXEL04 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Trachanas Emmanouil | School of Economics | Università degli Studi di Teramo | I TERAMO01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsaknaki Olympia | School of French Language and Literature | Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense | F PARIS010 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tsipouridou Maria | School of Economics | Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem | HU BUDAPES20 | 0418 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kazanas Athanasios | School of Economics | Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara | I CHIETI01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kazanas Athanasios | School of Economics | Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences | D MAINZ08 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsipouridou Maria | School of Economics | Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem | CZ USTINAD01 | 041 - Business and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA) de Strasbourg | F STRASBO31 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chourdakis Michail | Medical School | Universität des Saarlandes | D SAARBRU01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Evangelou Ilias | School of Theology | Velikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii | BG VELIKO01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Noli Foteini | School of Chemistry | Universitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din Iaşi | RO IASI05 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Hatzidimitriou Antonios | School of Chemistry | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kazanas Athanasios | School of Economics | ESCE International Business School | F PARIS213 | 0418 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Noli Foteini | School of Chemistry | İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü | TR IZMIR03 | 0538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gallios Georgios | School of Chemistry | Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB) | RO BUCURES11 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Tsipouridou Maria | School of Economics | Università Politecnica delle Marche | I ANCONA01 | 0418 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Noli Foteini | School of Chemistry | Université de Poitiers | F POITIER01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies | F LILLE01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Trachanas Emmanouil | School of Economics | Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | D FRANKFU08 | 0418 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving business and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zachou Aikaterini | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIAR01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karampela Sofia | School of Economics | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karampela Sofia | School of Economics | EMUNI University | SI PORTORO03 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Corvinus University of Budapest | HU BUDAPES03 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Hochschule Pforzheim | D PFORZHE01 | 041 - Business and administration | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Tsipouridou Maria | School of Economics | University of Gävle | S GAVLE01 | 041 - Business and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Trachanas Emmanouil | School of Economics | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsokaktsidou Dimitra | School of German Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Chatzidimou Konstantinos | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Bielefeld | D BIELEFE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ventouris Antonios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | I VENEZIA01 | 0118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 041 - Business and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Università degli Studi di Brescia | I BRESCIA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Universitatea din Oradea | RO ORADEA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsipouridou Maria | School of Economics | Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES04 | 0413 - Management and administration | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Noli Foteini | School of Chemistry | Politechnika Rzeszowska | PL RZESZOW01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pissiotis Argirios | School of Dentistry | Oulun Yliopisto | SF OULU01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara | I CHIETI01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Bermperoglou Paraschos | School of German Language and Literature | Szegedi Tudományegyetem | HU SZEGED01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Bakopoulou Athina | School of Dentistry | Université de Rennes 1 | F RENNES01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Bermperoglou Paraschos | School of German Language and Literature | Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University | TR CANAKKA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Pissiotis Argirios | School of Dentistry | Marmara Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU05 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Athanasakis Dimitrios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | F PARIS001 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Avdi Evrynomi | School of Psychology | ISMAI - Instituto Universitário da Maia | P MAIA01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Avdi Evrynomi | School of Psychology | Hochschule Nordhausen | D NORDHAU01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Avdi Evrynomi | School of Psychology | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Avdi Evrynomi | School of Psychology | Jyväskylän Yliopisto | SF JYVASKY01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zografidis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 022 - History, philosophy and related subjects | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Uludag Üniversitesi | TR BURSA01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universiteit Utrecht | NL UTRECHT01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universidad de Murcia | E MURCIA01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papaioannou Nikolaos | School of Veterinary Medicine | Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort | F MAISONS01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Papaioannou Nikolaos | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Papaioannou Nikolaos | School of Veterinary Medicine | ONIRIS Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation | F NANTES65 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papaioannou Nikolaos | School of Veterinary Medicine | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Università degli Studi di Parma | I PARMA01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | D GIESSEN01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Christodoulou Charikleia | School of Architecture | Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU04 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kazanas Athanasios | School of Economics | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | P LISBOA07 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Technische Universität Dresden | D DRESDEN02 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papandreou Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 011 - Education | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Loukogeorgaki Evangelia | School of Civil Engineering | Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU04 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Turun Yliopisto | SF TURKU01 | 0118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) 'Guido Carli' | I ROMA03 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universiteit Leiden | NL LEIDEN01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Neapolis University Pafos | CY PAFOS01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | Universitat Politècnica de València | E VALENCI02 | 0721 - Food processing | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | Technische Universität Berlin | D BERLIN02 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | Universidade Católica Portuguesa | P LISBOA01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | ONIRIS Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation | F NANTES65 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Kotzekidou-Rouka Parthena | School of Agriculture | Universidade do Algarve | P FARO02 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2024 | | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Teramo | I TERAMO01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universität Osnabrück | D OSNABRU01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | A WIEN03 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universidade do Porto | P PORTO02 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Université de Bourgogne | F DIJON01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen | NL NIJMEGE01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Université Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et Sociales | F LILLE03 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universidad de la Laguna | E TENERIF01 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Universitat de València | E VALENCI01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Örebro universitet | S OREBRO01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universidade do Algarve | P FARO02 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Université de Caen Normandie | F CAEN01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kokkinakis Antonios | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | CZ PRAHA02 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lazaridou Athina | School of Agriculture | Universidad de Valladolid | E VALLADO01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karampas Theofanis | School of Civil Engineering | Technische Universiteit Delft | NL DELFT01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR04 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet | N TRONDHE01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ziaka Angeliki | School of Theology | Aarhus Universitet | DK ARHUS01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) | B LOUVAIN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Università degli Studi "Magna Graecia" di Catanzaro | I CATANZA02 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Durham University | UK DURHAM01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Københavns Universitet | DK KOBENHA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano | I MILANO03 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Lunds universitet | S LUND01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Libera Università 'Maria Ss. Assunta' (LUMSA) | I ROMA04 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Papakostas Konstantinos | School of Mechanical Engineering | Universitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din Iaşi | RO IASI05 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Arampatzis Christos | School of Theology | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Universität Trier | D TRIER01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Ziaka Angeliki | School of Theology | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Ziaka Angeliki | School of Theology | MF Norwegian School of Theology | N OSLO40 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ziaka Angeliki | School of Theology | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Konstantinos | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | I FERRARA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Università degli Studi di Milano | I MILANO01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - EPHE | F PARIS054 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Ziaka Angeliki | School of Theology | Technische Universität Dresden | D DRESDEN02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Ziaka Angeliki | School of Theology | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Lavva Stella | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universität Hildesheim | D HILDESH01 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0848 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving veterinary | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Universidad de Valladolid | E VALLADO01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | University College Cork | IRLCORK01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Vilniaus Universitetas | LT VILNIUS01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papakonstaninou Kalliopi | School of Law | Università del Salento | I LECCE01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | A GRAZ01 | 10 - Services | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzidimitriou Effimia | School of Chemistry | Université de Bordeaux Segalen | F BORDEAU02 | 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Paraskevopoulou Adamantini | School of Chemistry | Université du Havre | F LE-HAVR11 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Paraskevopoulou Adamantini | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi della Basilicata | I POTENZA01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sachinis Xenofon | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Dordas Christos | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Venetis Christos | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | I NAPOLI09 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sachinis Xenofon | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Dublin Institute of Technology | IRLDUBLIN27 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Avgita Louiza | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Latvijas Makslas Akademija | LV RIGA04 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sachinis Xenofon | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice (ASP Katowice) | PL KATOWIC08 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nomidou Evangelia | School of Visual and Applied Arts | The E.Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław | PL WROCLAW07 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Venetopoulos Charalampos | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara | RO TIMISOA01 | 0218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kastellanou Gkratsiela-Foteini | School of French Language and Literature | Université Paris-Sorbonne | F PARIS004 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Akamatis Ioannis | School of History and Archaeology | Université Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et Sociales | F LILLE03 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Akamatis Ioannis | School of History and Archaeology | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Liamadis Georgios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universitatea de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca | RO CLUJNAP06 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Belimpasakis Ioannis | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Tallinna Ülikool | EE TALLINN05 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nomidou Evangelia | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Clermont Métropole | F CLERMON22 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Venetis Christos | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti L'Aquila | I L-AQUIL03 | 0218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Venetis Christos | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti di Frosinone | I FROSINO01 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Liamadis Georgios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata | I MACERAT02 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sachinis Xenofon | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Antachopoulos Charalampos | Medical School | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kotsa Kalliopi | Medical School | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Antachopoulos Charalampos | Medical School | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Sapalidis Konstantinos | Medical School | Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie 'Iuliu Hatieganu' din Cluj-Napoca | RO CLUJNAP03 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chourdakis Michail | Medical School | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chourdakis Michail | Medical School | Universität Duisburg-Essen | D ESSEN04 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Antachopoulos Charalampos | Medical School | Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Akamatis Ioannis | School of History and Archaeology | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | D HALLE01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Akamatis Ioannis | School of History and Archaeology | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | PL KRAKOW01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Lavva Stella | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Velikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii | BG VELIKO01 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Koupegkos Stylianos | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Nomidou Evangelia | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) | F AMIENS01 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zografos Vasilios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universitat Politècnica de València | E VALENCI02 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Giannadakis Emmanouil | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava | SK BRATISL04 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Zografos Vasilios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Université de Caen Normandie | F CAEN01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Zografos Vasilios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Akamatis Ioannis | School of History and Archaeology | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi | RO IASI02 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kotzageorgis Fokion | School of History and Archaeology | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | The University of Sheffield | UK SHEFFIE01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Freie Universität Berlin | D BERLIN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Papagianni Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Universität Trier | D TRIER01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vasileiou Alexandra Kyriaki | School of History and Archaeology | Universität Trier | D TRIER01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gounaris Basil | School of History and Archaeology | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | I VENEZIA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg | D HAMBURG04 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | F LYON01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Plionis Emmanouil | School of Physics | Universidad de la Laguna | E TENERIF01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsagkas Christos | School of Physics | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen | NL NIJMEGE01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vlachos Loukas | School of Physics | Università degli Studi della Calabria | I COSENZA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2019 | | Contract |
Stergioulas Nikolaos | School of Physics | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Galli Asimoula | Medical School | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sapalidis Konstantinos | Medical School | Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie din Craiova | RO CRAIOVA02 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kanatsouli Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Bahçeşehir University | TR ISTANBU08 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chasiotis Loukianos | School of History and Archaeology | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Chasiotis Loukianos | School of History and Archaeology | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Anadolu Universitesi | TR ESKISEH01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Galazoulas Christos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR01 | 0915 - Therapy and rehabilitation | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Tantsis Anastasios | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | F PARIS001 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chasiotis Loukianos | School of History and Archaeology | Universidad de Valladolid | E VALLADO01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vasileiou Alexandra Kyriaki | School of History and Archaeology | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papagianni Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Samaras Theodoros | School of Physics | University of Malta | MT MALTA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Semoglou Athanasios | School of History and Archaeology | Sveučilište u Rijeci | HR RIJEKA01 | 021 - Arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sfetas Spyridon | School of History and Archaeology | RWTH Aachen University | D AACHEN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Agelopoulos Georgios | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Agelopoulos Georgios | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIAR01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Bakalaki Maria-Alexandra | School of History and Archaeology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Pagona | School of History and Archaeology | Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes - EPHE | F PARIS054 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nigdelis Pantelis | School of History and Archaeology | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Universität Augsburg | D AUGSBUR01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Voutyras Emmanouil | School of History and Archaeology | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | D MAINZ01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsilakis Aris | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara | I CARRARA01 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stamelos Ioannis | School of Informatics | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | NL GRONING01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universiteit Antwerpen | B ANTWERP01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Czech Technical University in Prague | CZ PRAHA10 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Paka Alkmini | School of Architecture | École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon | F LYON25 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tselekas Panagiotis | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kalfopoulos Apostolos | School of Architecture | Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa | P LISBOA12 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Yildiz Teknik Universitesi | TR ISTANBU07 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Uludag Üniversitesi | TR BURSA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | University of Edinburgh | UK EDINBUR01 | 022 - History, philosophy and related subjects | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Kalfopoulos Apostolos | School of Architecture | Technische Hochschule Köln | D KOLN04 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Kalfas Anestis | School of Mechanical Engineering | Università degli Studi di Genova | I GENOVA01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tselekas Panagiotis | School of History and Archaeology | Universidad de Alicante | E ALICANT01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kalfas Anestis | School of Mechanical Engineering | Cranfield University | UK CRANFIE01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kantirea Maria | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kalfas Anestis | School of Mechanical Engineering | Leibniz Universität Hannover | D HANNOVE01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kalfas Anestis | School of Mechanical Engineering | Chalmers tekniska högskola | S GOTEBOR02 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tselekas Panagiotis | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi della Basilicata | I POTENZA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Pagona | School of History and Archaeology | Aix-Marseille Université | F MARSEIL84 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Xydopoulos Ioannis | School of History and Archaeology | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | Trakya Üniversitesi | TR EDIRNE01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Semoglou Athanasios | School of History and Archaeology | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw | PL WARSZAW07 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Manta Eleftheria | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Manta Eleftheria | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Delikari Angeliki | School of History and Archaeology | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Università degli Studi di Genova | I GENOVA01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Conenna Claudio daniel | School of Architecture | Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Montpellier | F MONTPEL14 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lagopodi Anastasia | School of Agriculture | Universidad de Málaga | E MALAGA01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Udine | I UDINE01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Drouzas Andreas | School of Biology | Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig | D BRAUNSC01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Freie Universität Berlin | D BERLIN01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Athanasakis Dimitrios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis | F PARIS008 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Demetriadis Stavros | School of Informatics | Universidad de Valladolid | E VALLADO01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Patias Petros | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiadou Anastasia | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stergiadou Anastasia | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Poznań University of Life Sciences | PL POZNAN04 | 0812 - Horticulture | 2014 | 2027 | | Contract |
Stergiadou Anastasia | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stergiadou Anastasia | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Gyioka Charikleia | School of Architecture | Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart | D STUTTGA04 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Foukas Vasileios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Selcuk Universitesi | TR KONYA01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Katsangelos Georgios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Istanbul Bilgi University | TR ISTANBU11 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Katsilakis Aris | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Başkent Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA06 | 0218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Venetopoulos Charalampos | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University | TR CANAKKA01 | 0218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | D HEIDELB01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | University College London | UK LONDON029 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vakali Athina | School of Informatics | Cranfield University | UK CRANFIE01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Vakali Athina | School of Informatics | Otto-Von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | D MAGDEBU01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Vasileiadis Nikolaos | School of Informatics | Universitatea din Craiova | RO CRAIOVA01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Angelis Eleftherios | School of Informatics | Blekinge Tekniska Högskola | S KARLSKR01 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Savvidis Thomas | School of Biology | Universität Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Apalagaki Charikleia | School of Law | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy | BG SOFIA20 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Apalagaki Charikleia | School of Law | Leibniz Universität Hannover | D HANNOVE01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kappos Efthimios | School of Mathematics | Technische Universität Dortmund | D DORTMUN01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papagiannis Grigorios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | HafenCity Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG12 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Stavrakakis Yannis | School of Political Sciences | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Kappos Efthimios | School of Mathematics | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kotsa Kalliopi | Medical School | Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) | F AMIENS01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Krystalli Pinelopi | School of French Language and Literature | Université d'Angers | F ANGERS01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manthou Maria Eleni | Medical School | Université de Bretagne Occidentale | F BREST01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | D ERLANGE01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Paloura Eleni | School of Physics | Technische Universität Dortmund | D DORTMUN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Zanis Prodromos | School of Geology | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Wiedenmayer Anthoula | School of German Language and Literature | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | D MAINZ01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | D MAINZ01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Vitopoulou Athina | School of Architecture | Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble | F GRENOBL16 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Revythiadou Anthoula | School of Philology | Universität Potsdam | D POTSDAM01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Anagnostopoulos Petros | School of Civil Engineering | Universität Stuttgart | D STUTTGA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kugiumtzis Dimitris | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Brno University of Technology | CZ BRNO01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Deligianni Elisavet | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | F LYON02 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Nikita - Martzopoulou Chrysoula | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Voudouris Konstantinos | School of Geology | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsitsoni Thekla | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem | CZ USTINAD01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Kappos Efthimios | School of Mathematics | Universität Bielefeld | D BIELEFE01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Manthou Maria Eleni | Medical School | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papazachos Konstantinos | School of Geology | Universität Potsdam | D POTSDAM01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rekka Eleni | School of Pharmacy | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Bakopoulou Athina | School of Dentistry | Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara | I CHIETI01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Samaras Zisis | School of Mechanical Engineering | Université d'Orléans | F ORLEANS01 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Bakopoulou Athina | School of Dentistry | Università degli Studi dell'Aquila | I L-AQUIL01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Conenna Claudio daniel | School of Architecture | Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette | F PARIS126 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Tsourlos Panagiotis | School of Geology | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Marvakis Athanasios | School of Primary Education | Pamukkale Universitesi | TR DENIZLI01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Konstantinos | School of Law | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano | I MILANO03 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Printza Nikoleta | Medical School | University of Pécs | HU PECS01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Ioannidis Konstantinos | School of Architecture | Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) | B LOUVAIN01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2024 |  | Contract |
Koukaras Emmanouil | School of Chemistry | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | F PAU01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Pissiotis Argirios | School of Dentistry | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Anagnostopoulos Petros | School of Civil Engineering | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 0718 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Voudouris Konstantinos | School of Geology | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | Mälardalens högskola | S VASTERA01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Eleni | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Technische Universität Dortmund | D DORTMUN01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Lazari Diamanto | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Girousi Stella | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mike Maria | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Printza Nikoleta | Medical School | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mylopoulos Ioannis | School of Civil Engineering | Montanuniversität Leoben | A LEOBEN01 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Kalogianni-Dimitriadi Martha | School of Biology | Universitetet i Bergen | N BERGEN01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Bakopoulou Athina | School of Dentistry | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karatzas Konstantinos | School of Mechanical Engineering | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kappos Efthimios | School of Mathematics | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Bakopoulou Athina | School of Dentistry | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v Kosiciach | SK KOSICE02 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Chatzisotiriou Athanasios | Medical School | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vougiatzis Georgios | School of Physics | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | University of Essex | UK COLCHES01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Chatzipetros Alexandros | School of Geology | Suleyman Demirel Universitesi | TR ISPARTA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Kyparissidis Dimitrios Alexandros | School of Chemical Engineering | Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU04 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karioti Anastasia | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Apalagaki Charikleia | School of Law | Universidade Católica Portuguesa | P LISBOA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2027 | | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tegos Thomas | Medical School | Medical University of Lublin | PL LUBLIN05 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Prinos Panagiotis | School of Civil Engineering | Universidade do Porto | P PORTO02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Karampetakis Nikolaos | School of Mathematics | City University of London | UK LONDON083 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Università degli Studi di Siena | I SIENA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Marvakis Athanasios | School of Primary Education | Maltepe Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU18 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Regkakos Antonios | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Torino | I TORINO01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsormpatzoudis Charalampos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Poznań University of Physical Education | PL POZNAN08 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Udine | I UDINE01 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven Oldenburg Elsfleth | D WILHELM02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Andreopoulou Zacharoula | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0818 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Marvakis Athanasios | School of Primary Education | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Fyntikoglou Vasileios | School of Philology | Universidad de Alicante | E ALICANT01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Manthou Maria Eleni | Medical School | Universidad de Extremadura | E BADAJOZ01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Miliaras Dimosthenis | Medical School | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | D HALLE01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Panagiotidou Sofia | School of Mechanical Engineering | Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau | D ZWICKAU01 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulos Chrysoleon | School of Economics | Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau | D ZWICKAU01 | 041 - Business and administration | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | D JENA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-Konstantinos | School of Informatics | RWTH Aachen University | D AACHEN01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Conenna Claudio daniel | School of Architecture | Kocaeli Üniversitesi | TR KOCAELI02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Barboutis Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi | TR TRABZON01 | 082 - Forestry | 2014 | 2020 | | Contract |
Kioupkiolis Alexandros | School of Political Sciences | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Karagianni Panagiota | School of Primary Education | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | PL KRAKOW01 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Vantsos Miltiadis | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi | RO IASI02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Arampatzis Christos | School of Theology | Universitatea din Oradea | RO ORADEA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2023 | | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | E BARCELO03 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Manthou Maria Eleni | Medical School | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papaefstathiou Ioannis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Papaefstathiou Ioannis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Voudouris Konstantinos | School of Geology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Pavlidis Spyridon | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | I FERRARA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Kyparissidis Dimitrios Alexandros | School of Chemical Engineering | Universidad de Sevilla | E SEVILLA01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karagianni Panagiota | School of Primary Education | Universidad de Salamanca | E SALAMAN02 | 01 - Education | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Michailidis Anastasios | School of Agriculture | Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena | E MURCIA04 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 023 - Languages | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsokas Grigorios | School of Geology | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Galanopoulos Petros | School of Mathematics | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Antachopoulos Charalampos | Medical School | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Miliaras Dimosthenis | Medical School | Selcuk Universitesi | TR KONYA01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2018 | | Contract |
Chaidopoulou Aikaterini | Medical School | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Instituto Politécnico de Tomar | P TOMAR01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Printza Nikoleta | Medical School | Slovenská Zdravotnícka Univerzita | SK BRATISL11 | 091 - Health | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Stylianidis Efstratios | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Yildiz Teknik Universitesi | TR ISTANBU07 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Stylianidis Efstratios | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU04 | 0718 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kiratzi Anastasia | School of Geology | Bogaziçi Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Vafeiadis Margaritis | School of Civil Engineering | İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü | TR IZMIR03 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU04 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Uppsala universitet | S UPPSALA01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Université Montpellier I | F MONTPEL01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Goulaki-Voutyra Alexandra | School of Music Studies | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Katis Nikolaos | School of Agriculture | Namik Kemal Üniversitesi | TR TEKIRDA01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universiteit Utrecht | NL UTRECHT01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universiteit Utrecht | NL UTRECHT01 | 10 - Services | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Theodoridis Georgios | School of Chemistry | Universiteit Utrecht | NL UTRECHT01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzilazarou Stefanos | School of Agriculture | Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" din Iaşi | RO IASI03 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Kanatsouli Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Celal Bayar Üniversitesi | TR MANISA01 | 022 - History, philosophy and related subjects | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mouratidis Antonios | School of Geology | Universität Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 | 052 - Environment | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha | E CIUDA-R01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Menkissoglu-Spiroudi Ourania | School of Agriculture | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano | I MILANO03 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Tallinna Tehnikaúlikool | EE TALLINN04 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 0311 - Economics | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas | LT VILNIUS20 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Tallinna Tehnikaúlikool | EE TALLINN04 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Pavli Korre Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Dogani Konstantina | School of Early Childhood Education | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas | LT VILNIUS20 | 011 - Education | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Avdi Melpomeni | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi del Molise | I CAMPOBA01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Georgiadis Patroklos | School of Mechanical Engineering | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2021 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Lunds universitet | S LUND01 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Sarigiannis Dimosthenis | School of Chemical Engineering | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Apalagaki Charikleia | School of Law | Université de Bourgogne | F DIJON01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsaknaki Olympia | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stavrakakis Yannis | School of Political Sciences | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kolokytha Elpida-Kleanthi | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Brescia | I BRESCIA01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2016 | | Contract |
Wiedenmayer Anthoula | School of German Language and Literature | Universität des Saarlandes | D SAARBRU01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2022 | | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Universität des Saarlandes | D SAARBRU01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2014 | 2028 | | Contract |
Manthou Maria Eleni | Medical School | Universidad de Murcia | E MURCIA01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kappos Efthimios | School of Mathematics | Universidad de Murcia | E MURCIA01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Marvakis Athanasios | School of Primary Education | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0113 - Training for teachers without subject specialization | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Malindretos Michail | School of Architecture | Università degli Studi di Trento | I TRENTO01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | University College Dublin | IRLDUBLIN02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Politis Dionysios | School of Informatics | Manchester Metropolitan University | UK MANCHES04 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2017 | | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2015 |  | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Politis Dionysios | School of Informatics | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 061 - Computer science | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universität Konstanz | D KONSTAN01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Apalagaki Charikleia | School of Law | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 042 - Law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulos Agis | School of Mechanical Engineering | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sakantamis Konstantinos | School of Architecture | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Evangelinou Christina | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | National Sports Academy "Vassil Levski" | BG SOFIA17 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Savvaidis Georgios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Frederick University, Cyprus | CY NICOSIA23 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Konstantinos | School of Law | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Fragkos Frangos | School of Architecture | École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie | F ROUEN19 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2014 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Politecnico di Bari | I BARI05 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Laopoulos Theodoros | School of Physics | Silesian University of Technology | PL GLIWICE01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsaklidis Georgios | School of Mathematics | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | École Supérieure d'art du Nord-Pas de Calais Dunkerque/Tourcoing | F TOURCOI11 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Universidad de Sevilla | E SEVILLA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsourlos Panagiotis | School of Geology | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universität Bayreuth | D BAYREUT01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universität Regensburg | D REGENSB01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Evangelinou Christina | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Palacký University Olomouc | CZ OLOMOUC01 | 1014 - Sports | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsokalidou Petroula | School of Early Childhood Education | Le Mans Université | F LE-MANS01 | 011 - Education science | 2014 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Christaras Vasileios | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Zachariadis Georgios | School of Chemistry | Technische Universität Wien | A WIEN02 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2014 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | AGH University of Science and Technology | PL KRAKOW02 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Damartzis Theodoros | School of Chemical Engineering | University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague | CZ PRAHA01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2014 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsaklidis Georgios | School of Mathematics | Université de Technologie de Compiègne | F COMPIEG01 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2014 | 2029 | | Contract |
Michailidis Athanasios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB) | RO BUCURES11 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Kovaios Dimitrios | School of Agriculture | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsokaktsidou Dimitra | School of German Language and Literature | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2015 | 2019 |  | Contract |
Moschou Dimitrios | School of Agriculture | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | E MADRID05 | 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Università degli Studi di Pavia | I PAVIA01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gklavinis Panagiotis | School of Law | Háskólinn á Bifröst | IS BORGARN01 | 042 - Law | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (former Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences) | N OSLO60 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Veglis Andreas | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Tampere University | SF TAMPERE17 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Paka Alkmini | School of Architecture | TED University | TR ANKARA18 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Moschou Dimitrios | School of Agriculture | Namik Kemal Üniversitesi | TR TEKIRDA01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Hatzinikolaou Kornilia | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Pavli Korre Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Politechnika Łódzka | PL LODZ02 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas | LT VILNIUS20 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Kakana Domna | School of Early Childhood Education | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dogani Konstantina | School of Early Childhood Education | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsitouridou Melpomeni | School of Early Childhood Education | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 011 - Education science | 2015 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatziathanasiou Vasileios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Politechnika Łódzka | PL LODZ02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatziathanasiou Vasileios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2015 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Palaiologou Souzana-Maria | School of Economics | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Palaiologou Souzana-Maria | School of Economics | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Karampela Sofia | School of Economics | Politechnika Łódzka | PL LODZ02 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karampela Sofia | School of Economics | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Université Nice Sophia Antipolis | F NICE01 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karampela Sofia | School of Economics | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Politechnika Łódzka | PL LODZ02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2020 | | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatziathanasiou Vasileios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Politechnika Łódzka | PL LODZ02 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatziathanasiou Vasileios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2015 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Chatziathanasiou Vasileios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Voutyras Emmanouil | School of History and Archaeology | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas | LT VILNIUS20 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Voutyras Emmanouil | School of History and Archaeology | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | The Maria Grzegorzewska University | PL WARSZAW04 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2028 | | Contract |
Sergkelidis Daniil | School of Veterinary Medicine | Balikesir Üniversitesi | TR BALIKES01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2015 | 2016 | | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Plovdivski Universitet 'Paisii Hilendarski' | BG PLOVDIV04 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Marvakis Athanasios | School of Primary Education | Roskilde Universitet | DK ROSKILD01 | 01 - Education | 2015 | 2028 | | Contract |
Kotsopoulos Thomas | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Milano | I MILANO01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Miliou Amalia | School of Informatics | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | E MADRID05 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Universität Rostock | D ROSTOCK01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kouidi Evangelia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 1014 - Sports | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Université Paris 13 | F PARIS013 | 0912 - Medicine | 2015 | 2021 | | Contract |
Christaras Vasileios | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIAR01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Høgskulen i Volda | N VOLDA01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pitilakis Dimitrios | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Pavia | I PAVIA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Karakostas Vasileios | School of Geology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karakostas Vasileios | School of Geology | Plovdivski Universitet 'Paisii Hilendarski' | BG PLOVDIV04 | 0533 - Physics | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0511 - Biology | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Panteris Emmanuel | School of Biology | Université de Rouen | F ROUEN01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Simelidis Christos | School of Philology | Central European University | HU BUDAPES47 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kilias Adamantios | School of Geology | Montanuniversität Leoben | A LEOBEN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | D BERLIN13 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tselekas Panagiotis | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Salerno | I SALERNO01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Universitatea din Craiova | RO CRAIOVA01 | 042 - Law | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Dimitroulia Xanthippi | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Corse Pasquale Paoli | F CORTE01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2015 | 2017 | | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Michailidis Iakovos | School of History and Archaeology | Universität Siegen | D SIEGEN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Youlatos Dionisios | School of Biology | Atatürk Üniversitesi | TR ERZURUM01 | 0522 - Natural environments and wildlife | 2015 | 2020 | | Contract |
Youlatos Dionisios | School of Biology | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 052 - Environment | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universidad San Jorge | E ZARAGOZ07 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | DeMontfort University | UK LEICEST02 | 042 - Law | 2015 | 2019 |  | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | D KIEL01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzipantelis Theodoros | School of Political Sciences | Kocaeli Üniversitesi | TR KOCAELI02 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2021 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ioannidis Konstantinos | School of Architecture | Tampere University of Technology | SF TAMPERE02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2015 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Vlachonasios Konstantinos | School of Biology | Szegedi Tudományegyetem | HU SZEGED01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourempeles Ioannis | School of Theology | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | I MILANO16 | 011 - Education | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tounta Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg | D HEIDELB01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0511 - Biology | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0511 - Biology | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 0511 - Biology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Itä-Suomen yliopisto | SF KUOPIO12 | 0511 - Biology | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Université du Luxembourg | LUX LUX-VIL01 | 0511 - Biology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vlachonasios Konstantinos | School of Biology | Technische Universität München | D MUNCHEN02 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 0511 - Biology | 2015 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Botonaki Effrosyni | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kaiafa-Gbandi Maria | School of Law | Queen Mary University of London | UK LONDON031 | 042 - Law | 2015 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Vlachos Dimitrios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Yaşar Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR05 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Theocharis Ioannis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi | TR AYDIN01 | 0321 - Journalism and reporting | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Stilianou Aristotelis | School of Political Sciences | Maastricht University | NL MAASTRI01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pitilakis Dimitrios | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Bonidis Kyriakos | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi | TR TRABZON01 | 01 - Education | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 01 - Education | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Giannakos Athanasios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universitatea Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES06 | 0111 - Education science | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Université Paris-Sorbonne | F PARIS004 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Zachou Aikaterini | School of German Language and Literature | Universitatea 'Lucian Blaga' din Sibiu | RO SIBIU01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0841 - Veterinary | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Girousi Stella | School of Chemistry | Slovenská Technická Univerzita v Bratislave (STU) | SK BRATISL01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Bitzilekis Nikolaos | School of Law | Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa | P LISBOA12 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Michailidis Athanasios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB) | RO BUCURES11 | 0715 - Mechanics and metal trades | 2015 | 2028 | | Contract |
Nanos Nikolaos | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universidad Católica de Ávila | E AVILA01 | 0521 - Environmental sciences | 2015 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Stavrakaki Stavroula | School of Italian Language and Literature | UCL Institute of Education | UK LONDON010 | 0318 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving social and behavioural sciences | 2015 | 2021 | | Contract |
Tsitsas Nikolaos | School of Informatics | Aalto-yliopisto | SF ESPOO12 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Agelopoulos Georgios | School of History and Archaeology | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 042 - Law | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Schoina Maria | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Parma | I PARMA01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gkelis Spyridon | School of Biology | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | University of Birmingham | UK BIRMING02 | 0721 - Food processing | 2015 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Université du Luxembourg | LUX LUX-VIL01 | 011 - Education | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zachou Aikaterini | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stoulos Stelios | School of Physics | FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | D AACHEN02 | 0533 - Physics | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ververopoulou Zoi | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | F LYON02 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2015 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Boutoura Chrysoula | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | HU BUDAPES01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2015 | 2028 | | Contract |
Kourempeles Ioannis | School of Theology | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | D KIEL01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ypsilantis Georgios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt | D EICHSTA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Paschalidis Symeon | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universitatea Valahia din Targoviste | RO TARGOVI01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo | I URBINO01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dimitroulia Xanthippi | School of French Language and Literature | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2017 | | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2015 | 2028 | | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2015 | 2023 | | Contract |
Seferlis Panagiotis | School of Mechanical Engineering | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tratsela Maria | School of Architecture | Latvia University of Agriculture | LV JELGAVA01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Tiktopoulou Aikaterini | School of Philology | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | PL KRAKOW01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | TED University | TR ANKARA18 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Fragkos Vasileios | School of Agriculture | Technische Universität München | D MUNCHEN02 | 0812 - Horticulture | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Üsküdar Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU46 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Istanbul Aydin University | TR ISTANBU25 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Mouratidis Antonios | School of Geology | University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy | BG SOFIA04 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Bonidis Kyriakos | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg | D FREIBUR02 | 011 - Education | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw | PL WARSZAW07 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Geronikaki Athina | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2015 | 2023 | | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 | F PARIS007 | 06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2015 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | D FRANKFU01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2015 | 2028 | | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | E MADRID04 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tounta Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Genova | I GENOVA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems | A WIEN10 | 01 - Education | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Revythiadou Anthoula | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia | I MODENA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2015 | 2021 | | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Graz-Seckau | A GRAZ08 | 01 - Education | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gkeka Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | P LISBOA07 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover | D HANNOVE04 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Universiteit Antwerpen | B ANTWERP01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nanos Nikolaos | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universitat Politècnica de València | E VALENCI02 | 082 - Forestry | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vouvalidis Konstantinos | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia | I MODENA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Lampropoulou Dimitroula | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi di Torino | I TORINO01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lampropoulou Dimitroula | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi di Salerno | I SALERNO01 | 0712 - Environmental protection technology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Palaiologou Souzana-Maria | School of Economics | Háskólinn á Bifröst | IS BORGARN01 | 0311 - Economics | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg "Stefan Zweig" | A SALZBUR03 | 01 - Education | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Middle East Technical University | TR ANKARA04 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kaiafa-Gbandi Maria | School of Law | Universitatea din Oradea | RO ORADEA01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsaklidis Georgios | School of Mathematics | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | NL EINDHOV17 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Fragkiadaki Glykeria | School of Early Childhood Education | Université de Bretagne Occidentale | F BREST01 | 011 - Education | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Avgita Louiza | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Nîmes | F NIMES15 | 021 - Arts | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sergkelidis Daniil | School of Veterinary Medicine | Balikesir Üniversitesi | TR BALIKES01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | University of Oxford | UK OXFORD01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2014 | 2015 | | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Bremen | D BREMEN01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lemonidou Angeliki | School of Chemical Engineering | Université Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies | F LILLE01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Birmingham City University | UK BIRMING03 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2021 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 011 - Education | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Kazimieras Simonavicius University | LT VILNIUS24 | 0321 - Journalism and reporting | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Ktenidis Iosif | School of Law | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 042 - Law | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | I NAPOLI09 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Youlatos Dionisios | School of Biology | Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle | F PARIS322 | 052 - Environment | 2015 | 2023 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universidad de Navarra | E PAMPLON01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kalokairinou Eleni | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Pyrgidis Christos | School of Civil Engineering | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | E MADRID05 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Bogaziçi Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Revythiadou Anthoula | School of Philology | University College London | UK LONDON029 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2019 |  | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Technische Universität Clausthal | D CLAUSTH01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsitsiou Chrysanthe | School of Philology | Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck | A INNSBRU01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Universiteit Leiden | NL LEIDEN01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Dafni Evangelia | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papademetriou Kyriakoula | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Université Catholique de Lyon | F LYON10 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zachou Aikaterini | School of German Language and Literature | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Hatzitaki Vassilia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Queen's University Belfast | UK BELFAST01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2021 | | Contract |
Kaiafa-Gbandi Maria | School of Law | Gazi Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA02 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | École Normale Supérieure | F PARIS087 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vlachonasios Konstantinos | School of Biology | Namik Kemal Üniversitesi | TR TEKIRDA01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2015 | 2020 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Edge Hill University | UK ORMSKIR01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2015 | 2021 | | Contract |
Zafranas Nikolaos | School of Music Studies | Tallinna Ülikool | EE TALLINN05 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zafranas Nikolaos | School of Music Studies | Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien | A WIEN08 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2015 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Katsilakis Aris | School of Visual and Applied Arts | University of Arts in Poznań | PL POZNAN12 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit | D MANNHEI06 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2015 | 2019 | | Contract |
Argyrakis Panagiotis | School of Physics | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | BG SOFIA30 | 0538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences | 2015 | 2022 | | Contract |
Veglis Andreas | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2015 | 2023 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Antalya International University | TR ANTALYA02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | KU Leuven | B LEUVEN01 | 023 - Languages | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Siskos Stylianos | School of Physics | École des Mines de Saint-Étienne | F ST-ETIE06 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Seferlis Panagiotis | School of Mechanical Engineering | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | S STOCKHO04 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2015 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Papagiannakis Apostolos | School of Spatial Planning and Development | École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg | F STRASBO16 | 1048 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving transport services | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Plastira-Valkanou Maria | School of Philology | University of Leeds | UK LEEDS01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2015 | 2021 | | Contract |
Stoulos Stelios | School of Physics | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0533 - Physics | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Siskos Stylianos | School of Physics | Université Nice Sophia Antipolis | F NICE01 | 0533 - Physics | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kouidi Evangelia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Università degli Studi di Brescia | I BRESCIA01 | 1014 - Sports | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papangelis (Papagelis) Konstantinos | School of Physics | Freie Universität Berlin | D BERLIN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2015 | 2028 | | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Københavns Universitet | DK KOBENHA01 | 0288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities | 2015 | 2018 | | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | University of Oxford | UK OXFORD01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2016 | | Contract |
Dogani Konstantina | School of Early Childhood Education | University of Portsmouth | UK PORTSMO01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2015 | 2020 | | Contract |
Semoglou Athanasios | School of History and Archaeology | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg | D HAMBURG04 | 021 - Arts | 2015 | 2016 |  | Contract |
Avgita Louiza | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Frederick University, Cyprus | CY NICOSIA23 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2015 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Eleni | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences | NL ROTTERD03 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lamprou Soultana | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2015 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lenakakis Antonios | School of Early Childhood Education | Universität der Künste Berlin | D BERLIN03 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2015 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Universidad de Alcalá | E ALCAL-H01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Voutyras Emmanouil | School of History and Archaeology | Latvijas Universitáte | LV RIGA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2015 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Pitilakis Dimitrios | School of Civil Engineering | CentraleSupélec | F GIF-YVE03 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatziathanasiou Vasileios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université Nice Sophia Antipolis | F NICE01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2015 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universität Bayreuth | D BAYREUT01 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2016 | 2020 |  | Contract |
Aravanopoulos Filippos | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 082 - Forestry | 2016 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vantsos Miltiadis | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Theologische Fakultät Fulda | D FULDA03 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2016 | 2022 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Szczeciński | PL SZCZECI01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | National University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale" | RO BUCURES33 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2016 | 2023 | | Contract |
Kaklamanos Dimosthenis | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universitatea din Craiova | RO CRAIOVA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Universitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din Iaşi | RO IASI05 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Hatzitaki Vassilia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Kajaani University of Applied Sciences | SF KAJAANI05 | 1014 - Sports | 2016 | 2017 | | Contract |
Chatzidoukas Christos | School of Chemical Engineering | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Paleologos Konstantinos | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Huelva | E HUELVA01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Politis Dionysios | School of Informatics | University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kokkinakis Antonios | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences | PL WROCLAW04 | 0521 - Environmental sciences | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stathis Dimitrios | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0521 - Environmental sciences | 2016 | 2020 | | Contract |
Noulis Thomas | School of Physics | Bordeaux INP | F BORDEAU54 | 0533 - Physics | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kitis Georgios | School of Physics | İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü | TR IZMIR03 | 0533 - Physics | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Voutsa Dimitra | School of Chemistry | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 0528 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving environment | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papaspyropoulos Konstantinos | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 0821 - Forestry | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Penolidis Theodoros | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Stockholms universitet | S STOCKHO01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2016 | 2020 | | Contract |
Hadjipavlou-Litina Dimitra | School of Pharmacy | University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stilianou Aristotelis | School of Political Sciences | Université de Nantes | F NANTES01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Universität Paderborn | D PADERBO01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Konstantinidis Iordanis | Medical School | Technische Universität Dresden | D DRESDEN02 | 0912 - Medicine | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Christodoulou Charikleia | School of Architecture | Technische Universität Wien | A WIEN02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Krystalli Pinelopi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | F LYON01 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Altınbaş Üniversitesi (İstanbul Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi) | TR ISTANBU38 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Varsamidou Athina | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Limoges | F LIMOGES01 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences | NL LEEUWAR03 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vouyoukas Constantinos | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 01 - Education | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Murcia | E MURCIA01 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Masaryk University | CZ BRNO05 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | ISIT - Institut de Management et de Communication Interculturels | F PARIS379 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gkelis Spyridon | School of Biology | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Neapolis University Pafos | CY PAFOS01 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2022 | | Contract |
Veglis Andreas | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0321 - Journalism and reporting | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Trieste | I TRIESTE01 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata' | I ROMA02 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mademlis Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | RWTH Aachen University | D AACHEN01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Macri Gabriella | School of Italian Language and Literature | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2016 | 2022 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) | B LOUVAIN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Politis Ioannis | School of Civil Engineering | Transport and Telecommunication Institute | LV RIGA31 | 1041 - Transport | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Cardiff University | UK CARDIFF01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2016 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Vigo | E VIGO01 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papagiannopoulou Dionysia | School of Pharmacy | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universitatea 'Stefan Cel Mare' din Suceava | RO SUCEAVA01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Thomai | School of English Language and Literature | Swansea University | UK SWANSEA01 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Alizoti Paraskevi | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Wageningen University | NL WAGENIN01 | 0821 - Forestry | 2016 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Koundouras Stefanos | School of Agriculture | Bordeaux Sciences Agro | F BORDEAU28 | 0812 - Horticulture | 2016 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw | PL WARSZAW08 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2016 | 2018 | | Contract |
Giovannopoulos Rigas | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Salerno | I SALERNO01 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Verona | I VERONA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Amiridis Ioannis | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara | RO TIMISOA01 | 1014 - Sports | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gyioka Charikleia | School of Architecture | Aalborg Universitet | DK ALBORG01 | 0619 - Information and communication technologies not elsewhere classified | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Amiridis Ioannis | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Anadolu Universitesi | TR ESKISEH01 | 0518 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving biological and related sciences | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Agis | School of Mechanical Engineering | University of Split | HR SPLIT01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2016 | 2023 | | Contract |
Gitas Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universiteit Gent | B GENT01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" | I NAPOLI02 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tsitsiou Chrysanthe | School of Philology | Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck | A INNSBRU01 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | University of Oxford | UK OXFORD01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2016 | 2017 | | Contract |
Karampas Theofanis | School of Civil Engineering | Universidade do Porto | P PORTO02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2016 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lazaridis Charalampos | School of Agriculture | ONIRIS Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation | F NANTES65 | 0721 - Food processing | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zerdelis Dimitrios | School of Law | Philipps-Universität Marburg | D MARBURG01 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Høgskulen i Volda | N VOLDA01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia | I VENEZIA03 | 021 - Arts | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Zografos Vasilios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen, Ottersberg | D OTTERSB02 | 0218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg | D HAMBURG04 | 021 - Arts | 2016 | 2017 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | National University of Theatre and Film "I.L. Caragiale" | RO BUCURES33 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Anadolu Universitesi | TR ESKISEH01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Yeni Yüzyil Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU35 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2022 | | Contract |
Kalogianni-Dimitriadi Martha | School of Biology | The University of Manchester | UK MANCHES01 | 0511 - Biology | 2016 | 2018 | | Contract |
Karakostas Vasileios | School of Geology | University of Mining and Geology 'St. Ivan Rilski' | BG SOFIA09 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2016 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Georgopoulou Eleni | School of German Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" | I NAPOLI02 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Bonidis Kyriakos | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi | TR KONYA04 | 01 - Education | 2016 | 2018 | | Contract |
Fyntikoglou Vasileios | School of Philology | Aix-Marseille Université | F MARSEIL84 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Aidona Eleni | School of Geology | Uniwersytet Opolski | PL OPOLE01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsioukas Vasileios | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Università IUAV di Venezia | I VENEZIA02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Trieste | I TRIESTE01 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pantazaki Anastasia | School of Chemistry | Université Paris Est Créteil – Val de Marne | F PARIS012 | 0512 - Biochemistry | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover | D HANNOVE04 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Mouratidou Aikaterini | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten | D WEINGAR01 | 011 - Education | 2016 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa | P LISBOA05 | 021 - Arts | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsokalidou Petroula | School of Early Childhood Education | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Liverpool Hope University | UK LIVERPO06 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2016 | 2021 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | University of Leeds | UK LEEDS01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2016 | 2017 | | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universidade do Porto | P PORTO02 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Archimandritou Maria | School of Law | University of West Bohemia | CZ PLZEN01 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Fatouros Dimitrios | School of Pharmacy | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sfoungaris Dimitrios | Medical School | Trakya Üniversitesi | TR EDIRNE01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2016 | 2022 | | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Velikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii | BG VELIKO01 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Siskos Stylianos | School of Physics | École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA) | F CERGY01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Amiridis Ioannis | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Université de Bourgogne | F DIJON01 | 1014 - Sports | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulos Dimitrios | School of Geology | Université de Poitiers | F POITIER01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Alizoti Paraskevi | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | CZ PRAHA02 | 0821 - Forestry | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gitas Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | D FREIBUR01 | 082 - Forestry | 2016 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Noli Foteini | School of Chemistry | Université de Poitiers | F POITIER01 | 0533 - Physics | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Sakantamis Konstantinos | School of Architecture | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIAR01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kalfas Anestis | School of Mechanical Engineering | Mälardalens högskola | S VASTERA01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | Universität Siegen | D SIEGEN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Macri Gabriella | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universiteit Utrecht | NL UTRECHT01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Avdi Evrynomi | School of Psychology | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0313 - Psychology | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Psaltopoulou Theodora | School of Music Studies | Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin | PL LUBLIN01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Delivogiatzis Sokratis | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 | F LYON03 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2016 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | EMUNI University | SI PORTORO03 | 0238 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving languages | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Amiridis Ioannis | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B BRUXEL04 | 1014 - Sports | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Université du Luxembourg | LUX LUX-VIL01 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Georgaca Eugenie | School of Psychology | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Zafranas Nikolaos | School of Music Studies | Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien | A WIEN08 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsormpatzoudis Charalampos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Ege Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR02 | 1014 - Sports | 2016 | 2018 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2016 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Ypsilantis Georgios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universitat Politècnica de València | E VALENCI02 | 0288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities | 2016 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Amiridis Ioannis | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Universidade da Beira Interior | P COVILHA01 | 1014 - Sports | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | Università degli Studi della Basilicata | I POTENZA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) | F GRENOBL55 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Grenoble INP (Institut polytechnique de Grenoble) | F GRENOBL22 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) | F GRENOBL55 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Litsardakis Georgios | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Grenoble INP (Institut polytechnique de Grenoble) | F GRENOBL22 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2016 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Despoina | School of Philology | Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) | F GRENOBL55 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Krystalli Pinelopi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) | F GRENOBL55 | 023 - Languages | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Université de Montpellier | F MONTPEL54 | 042 - Law | 2016 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2016 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzidimitriou Effimia | School of Chemistry | Université de Bordeaux | F BORDEAU58 | 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary | 2016 | 2023 | | Contract |
Kyriazis Doris | School of Philology | Velikoturnovski Universitet Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii | BG VELIKO01 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Trachanas Emmanouil | School of Economics | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 0311 - Economics | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzikostas Konstantinos | School of Law | University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Boutoura Chrysoula | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Palacký University Olomouc | CZ OLOMOUC01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zachou Aikaterini | School of German Language and Literature | Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem | CZ USTINAD01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kavoulakos Konstantinos | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Freie Universität Berlin | D BERLIN01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2017 | 2028 | | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSBI) | D BIELEFE02 | 021 - Arts | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Delianidou Simela | School of German Language and Literature | Technische Universität Dortmund | D DORTMUN01 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | D JENA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zachou Aikaterini | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Potsdam | D POTSDAM01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Despoina | School of Philology | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Apalagaki Charikleia | School of Law | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Teperoglou Eftychia | School of Political Sciences | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | E MADRID04 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Centro Universitario de Artes TAI - TAI University Center for the Arts Madrid | E MADRID197 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Tallinna Ülikool | EE TALLINN05 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karatzas Konstantinos | School of Mechanical Engineering | CentraleSupélec | F GIF-YVE03 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mousouri Evangelia | School of French Language and Literature | Université Lille 3 - Sciences Humaines et Sociales | F LILLE03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2017 | 2018 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense | F PARIS010 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2017 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Bintsis Thomas | School of Veterinary Medicine | Trakia University Stara Zagora | BG STARA-Z01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Niki | School of Theology | University of Ostrava | CZ OSTRAVA02 | 01 - Education | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Delianidou Simela | School of German Language and Literature | Universität Vechta | D VECHTA02 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | École Supérieure d'Art & de Communication Cambrai | F CAMBRAI05 | 021 - Arts | 2017 | 2019 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | ILERI – Institut Libre d’Etude des Relations Internationales | F PARIS429 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2017 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 0912 - Medicine | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzipantelis Theodoros | School of Political Sciences | National University of Public Service Budapest | HU BUDAPES54 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsaknaki Olympia | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale | I CASSINO01 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kyparissidis Dimitrios Alexandros | School of Chemical Engineering | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ventouris Antonios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università per Stranieri di Perugia | I PERUGIA06 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tiktopoulou Aikaterini | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsitsas Nikolaos | School of Informatics | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Universitetet i Bergen | N BERGEN01 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam | NL ROTTERD01 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Delianidou Simela | School of German Language and Literature | Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz | PL BYDGOSZ01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2028 | | Contract |
Tassis Dimitrios | School of Physics | Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU04 | 0533 - Physics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Athanasiou Evangelia | School of Architecture | Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU06 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover | D HANNOVE04 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karapantsios Theodoros | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Katsogiannis Ioannis | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi dell'Insubria | I VARESE02 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Katsogiannis Ioannis | School of Chemistry | Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi | TR BITLIS01 | 052 - Environment | 2017 | 2022 | | Contract |
Athanasiou Evangelia | School of Architecture | Mardin Artuklu University | TR MARDIN01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2017 | 2023 | | Contract |
Barkoukis Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Sheffield Hallam University | UK SHEFFIE02 | 0313 - Psychology | 2017 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Koutsogiannis Dimitrios | School of Philology | Sheffield Hallam University | UK SHEFFIE02 | 01 - Education | 2017 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Amiridis Ioannis | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 1014 - Sports | 2017 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Ypsilantis Georgios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) | E MADRID01 | 0238 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving languages | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Universitat de València | E VALENCI01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lampropoulou Dimitroula | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi della Basilicata | I POTENZA01 | 052 - Environment | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics - Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine | CY NICOSIA29 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2017 | 2022 | | Contract |
Vouyoukas Constantinos | School of Early Childhood Education | Instituto Politécnico do Porto | P PORTO05 | 011 - Education | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Eleni | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Technische Universität Dortmund | D DORTMUN01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papademetriou Kyriakoula | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universität Kassel | D KASSEL01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Koronaios Antonios | School of Geology | Selcuk Universitesi | TR KONYA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2017 | 2020 | | Contract |
Angelakeris Mavroeidis | School of Physics | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi | RO IASI02 | 0533 - Physics | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zachariadis Georgios | School of Chemistry | Technische Universität Wien | A WIEN02 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Michailidis Iakovos | School of History and Archaeology | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 | F PARIS007 | 0611 - Computer use | 2017 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Kocaeli Üniversitesi | TR KOCAELI02 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stamoulis Chrysostomos | School of Theology | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi | RO IASI02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Petkou Anastasios | School of Physics | Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | I MILANO16 | 0533 - Physics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Inglezakis Ioannis | School of Law | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kotsiopoulos Konstantinos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre | SK NITRA01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mouratidis Antonios | School of Geology | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Instituto Politécnico de Leiria | P LEIRIA06 | 0118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Leveniotis Georgios | School of History and Archaeology | Sakarya Üniversitesi | TR SAKARYA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2017 | 2022 | | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Universität Osnabrück | D OSNABRU01 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina) | School of English Language and Literature | Universitetet i Oslo | N OSLO01 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2023 | | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi del Molise | I CAMPOBA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourtis Vasileios | School of Law | Université Paris Est Créteil – Val de Marne | F PARIS012 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg | D HAMBURG04 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karakostas Vasileios | School of Geology | Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | I NAPOLI09 | 0533 - Physics | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Myronidis Dimitrios | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Eesti Maaülikool (Estonian University of Life Sciences) | EE TARTU01 | 082 - Forestry | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Vakali Athina | School of Informatics | Otto-Von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | D MAGDEBU01 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsioukas Vasileios | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Universitat Politècnica de València | E VALENCI02 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsioukas Vasileios | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft | D KARLSRU05 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti di Catanzaro | I CATANZA03 | 021 - Arts | 2017 | 2023 | | Contract |
Venetis Christos | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti di Bari | I BARI02 | 021 - Arts | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Universitatea '1 Decembrie 1918' din Alba Iulia | RO ALBAIU01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Nenadis Nikolaos | School of Chemistry | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Mantzouridou Fani | School of Chemistry | Università degli Studi di Verona | I VERONA01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Grammenidis Symeon | School of French Language and Literature | Aix-Marseille Université | F MARSEIL84 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Universiteit Antwerpen | B ANTWERP01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2017 | 2021 | | Contract |
Lapidakis Michail | School of Music Studies | Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln | D KOLN03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2017 | 2023 | | Contract |
Papagianni Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Philipps-Universität Marburg | D MARBURG01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Aggelaki Triantafilia-Rosy | School of Early Childhood Education | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 01 - Education | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg | D BAMBERG01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) | B LOUVAIN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Københavns Universitet | DK KOBENHA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2023 | | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Durham University | UK DURHAM01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Giovannopoulos Rigas | School of Law | Burgas Free University | BG BOURGAS01 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 011 - Education | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | University of Leeds | UK LEEDS01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2017 | 2021 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsioukas Vasileios | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 07 - Engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina) | School of English Language and Literature | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 023 - Languages | 2017 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | University of Silesia | PL KATOWIC01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Centro Universitario de Artes TAI - TAI University Center for the Arts Madrid | E MADRID197 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stavrakopoulou Anna | School of Drama | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO48 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2017 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Tampere University | SF TAMPERE17 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2017 | 2024 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | University of Presov | SK PRESOV01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Trnavská Univerzita v Trnave | SK TRNAVA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre | SK NITRA01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universität Hamburg | D HAMBURG01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 011 - Education | 2017 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Karavokyris Georgios | School of Law | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zachos Dimitrios | School of Primary Education | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | HU BUDAPES01 | 01 - Education | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Thomopoulos Dimitrios | School of Architecture | Frederick University, Cyprus | CY NICOSIA23 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | D MAINZ01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tellis Nikolaos | School of Law | Stockholms universitet | S STOCKHO01 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2018 | | Contract |
Detsi Zoi | School of English Language and Literature | National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) | BG SOFIA18 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ververopoulou Zoi | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Université Rennes 2 | F RENNES02 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | University of Worcester | UK WORCEST01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2017 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | University of Oxford | UK OXFORD01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2017 | 2018 | | Contract |
Lampropoulou Dimitroula | School of Chemistry | Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School | SI LJUBLJA08 | 052 - Environment | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sevastiadis Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Politechnika Gdańska | PL GDANSK02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2017 | 2020 | | Contract |
Sevastiadis Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Politechnika Gdańska | PL GDANSK02 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lampropoulou Dimitroula | School of Chemistry | Universidade Católica Portuguesa | P LISBOA01 | 052 - Environment | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kesidou Anastasia | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | University of Humanistic Studies | NL UTRECHT34 | 01 - Education | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Norwegian University of Life Sciences | N AS03 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera | I MILANO08 | 021 - Arts | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sakallieros Georgios | School of Music Studies | Universität der Künste Berlin | D BERLIN03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2017 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Dimoulas Charalampos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Aalborg Universitet | DK ALBORG01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Zografos Alexandros | School of Chemistry | Universidad de Navarra | E PAMPLON01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolaidis Spyridon | School of Physics | Technische Universität Dresden | D DRESDEN02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2017 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Alexandra | School of Physics | Universität Bremen | D BREMEN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Lampropoulou Dimitroula | School of Chemistry | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0712 - Environmental protection technology | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsironis Christos | School of Theology | Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw | PL WARSZAW07 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rahonis George | School of Mathematics | Technische Universität Ilmenau | D ILMENAU01 | 06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Siskos Stylianos | School of Physics | ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | P LISBOA07 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universidad CEU San Pablo | E MADRID21 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2017 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Tsalampouni Aikaterini | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universitatea 'Babes-Bolyai' din Cluj-Napoca | RO CLUJNAP01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt | D EICHSTA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karatzas Konstantinos | School of Mechanical Engineering | WSB University in Gdańsk | PL GDANSK08 | 041 - Business and administration | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Georgiadis Konstantinos | School of Civil Engineering | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nouskalis Georgios | School of Law | University of Limerick | IRLLIMERIC01 | 042 - Law | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Theodorakis Nikolaos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Universidade do Porto | P PORTO02 | 1014 - Sports | 2017 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | D KARLSRU01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2017 | 2029 | | Contract |
Lapidaki Eleni | School of Music Studies | Western Norway University of Applied Sciences | N BERGEN14 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2017 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Dafni Evangelia | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universität Salzburg | A SALZBUR01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Masaryk University | CZ BRNO05 | 01 - Education | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dogani Konstantina | School of Early Childhood Education | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg | D LUNEBUR01 | 01 - Education | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Lapidakis Michail | School of Music Studies | Hochschule für Musik Freiburg | D FREIBUR03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kugiumtzis Dimitris | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 042 - Law | 2018 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Zografidis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Uniwersytet Szczeciński | PL SZCZECI01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tassis Dimitrios | School of Physics | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Bahçeşehir University | TR ISTANBU08 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | University of Birmingham | UK BIRMING02 | 0511 - Biology | 2018 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Philipps-Universität Marburg | D MARBURG01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2018 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Kazanas Athanasios | School of Economics | Philipps-Universität Marburg | D MARBURG01 | 0311 - Economics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Voutyras Emmanouil | School of History and Archaeology | Europos Humanitarinis Universitetas | LT VILNIUS20 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2018 | 2018 |  | Contract |
Paloura Eleni | School of Physics | Technische Universität Berlin | D BERLIN02 | 053 - Physical sciences | 2018 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Papathanasiou Georgios | School of Geology | Technische Universität Berlin | D BERLIN02 | 053 - Physical sciences | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Bahçeşehir University | TR ISTANBU08 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Apostolou Foteini | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Trieste | I TRIESTE01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mouratidou Aikaterini | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten | D WEINGAR01 | 011 - Education | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Penolidis Theodoros | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Fragkoulidis Stavros | School of Philology | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 023 - Languages | 2018 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Voudouris Konstantinos | School of Geology | Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse | F AVIGNON01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Giatsis Georgios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | A GRAZ01 | 1014 - Sports | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Universitat Politècnica de València | E VALENCI02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Università degli Studi di Genova | I GENOVA01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Athanasiou Evangelia | School of Architecture | Universidad de Navarra | E PAMPLON01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Vitopoulou Athina | School of Architecture | Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Montpellier | F MONTPEL14 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Paloura Eleni | School of Physics | École Polytechnique | F PALAISE01 | 0538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences | 2018 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Karamanidou Anna | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | I VENEZIA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2018 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Neapolis University Pafos | CY PAFOS01 | 023 - Languages | 2018 | 2023 | | Contract |
Vouvalidis Konstantinos | School of Geology | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Vouvalidis Konstantinos | School of Geology | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université de Nantes | F NANTES01 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2018 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Mouratidis Antonios | School of Geology | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universitat de València | E VALENCI01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences | PL WROCLAW04 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourempeles Ioannis | School of Theology | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2018 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Kazamia Vasileia | Language Center | University of Cambridge | UK CAMBRID01 | 023 - Languages | 2018 | 2021 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Moschos | School of Dentistry | Università degli Studi di Messina | I MESSINA01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2018 | 2027 | | Contract |
Penolidis Theodoros | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stefanou Georgios | School of Civil Engineering | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zanis Prodromos | School of Geology | Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | D GIESSEN01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Haute École Provinciale de Hainaut - Condorcet | B MONS23 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Anastassiadou-Velliadou Vassiliki | School of Dentistry | Medical University of Lodz | PL LODZ03 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Andreopoulou Zacharoula | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Bordeaux Sciences Agro | F BORDEAU28 | 0522 - Natural environments and wildlife | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Universidad Isabel I | E BURGOS20 | 011 - Education | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mamolos Andreas | School of Agriculture | Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | D GIESSEN01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kitsi Aikaterini | School of English Language and Literature | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kitsi Aikaterini | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Zielonogórski | PL ZIELONA01 | 023 - Languages | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Baltzis Alexandros | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | KES College | CY NICOSIA25 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2018 | 2023 | | Contract |
Papadimitriou Georgios | School of Informatics | Neapolis University Pafos | CY PAFOS01 | 06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Athanasiou Evangelia | School of Architecture | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stamelos Ioannis | School of Informatics | Universitatea din Pitesti | RO PITESTI01 | 0613 - Software and applications development and analysis | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stamelos Ioannis | School of Informatics | Universitatea din Pitesti | RO PITESTI01 | 054 - Mathematics and statistics | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kesidou Anastasia | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | Technische Universität Wien | A WIEN02 | 06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2018 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Kesidou Anastasia | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | University of Helsinki | SF HELSINK01 | 011 - Education | 2018 | 2022 | | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 023 - Languages | 2018 | 2028 | | Contract |
Kesidou Anastasia | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Bath Spa University | UK BATH02 | 01 - Education | 2018 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Nanos Nikolaos | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universidad de la Laguna | E TENERIF01 | 0521 - Environmental sciences | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Koukounaras Athanasios | School of Agriculture | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | E SANTIAG01 | 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gitas Ioannis | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 052 - Environment | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Özyeğin Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU31 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Genova | I GENOVA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzipantelis Theodoros | School of Political Sciences | Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Kehl / University of Applied Sciences Kehl | D KEHL01 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ververopoulou Zoi | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Aix-Marseille Université | F MARSEIL84 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Panteliadou Souzana | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 01 - Education | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | I NAPOLI09 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tata Despoina | School of Psychology | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Xenidis Yiannis | School of Civil Engineering | Universidade do Minho | P BRAGA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Karamanidou Anna | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2018 | 2019 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Pagona | School of History and Archaeology | Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU06 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Detsi Zoi | School of English Language and Literature | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 0218 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rothos Vasileios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mousouri Evangelia | School of French Language and Literature | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 023 - Languages | 2020 | 2023 | | Contract |
Tsaklidis Georgios | School of Mathematics | Le Mans Université | F LE-MANS01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Paka Alkmini | School of Architecture | Kocaeli Üniversitesi | TR KOCAELI02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem | HU BUDAPES10 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karavokyris Georgios | School of Law | Syddansk Universitet | DK ODENSE01 | 042 - Law | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzipantelis Theodoros | School of Political Sciences | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kioseoglou Iosif | School of Physics | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Lyon | F LYON12 | 0533 - Physics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kavala Maria | School of Political Sciences | Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi | RO GALATI01 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Frederick University, Cyprus | CY NICOSIA23 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Barkoukis Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | E LAS-PAL01 | 1014 - Sports | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Christodoulou Charikleia | School of Architecture | Universiteit van Amsterdam | NL AMSTERD01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | Queen's University Belfast | UK BELFAST01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2018 | 2019 | | Contract |
Chatzipantelis Theodoros | School of Political Sciences | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Goudos Sotirios | School of Physics | Universiteit Gent | B GENT01 | 0533 - Physics | 2019 | 2023 | | Contract |
Koukounaras Athanasios | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi della Tuscia | I VITERBO01 | 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary | 2018 | 2029 | | Contract |
Xanthopoulou Despoina | School of Psychology | University of East Anglia | UK NORWICH01 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2018 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Kesidou Anastasia | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 01 - Education | 2018 | 2028 | | Contract |
Koukounaras Athanasios | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Torino | I TORINO01 | 0812 - Horticulture | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stefanou Danae | School of Music Studies | Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dimitrakopulos Georgios | School of Physics | Universitetet i Oslo | N OSLO01 | 0533 - Physics | 2018 | 2023 | | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 023 - Languages | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzidimou Konstantinos | School of German Language and Literature | Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg - Heidelberg University of Education | D HEIDELB02 | 011 - Education | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) | LT VILNIUS02 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2019 | 2024 | | Contract |
Stergioulas Nikolaos | School of Physics | Università degli Studi di Parma | I PARMA01 | 0533 - Physics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dimitrakopulos Georgios | School of Physics | The University of Sheffield | UK SHEFFIE01 | 0533 - Physics | 2018 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | University of Oxford | UK OXFORD01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2018 | 2019 | | Contract |
Marvakis Athanasios | School of Primary Education | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 01 - Education | 2019 | 2028 | | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2019 | 2028 | | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen | B ANTWERP62 | 0321 - Journalism and reporting | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ventouris Antonios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universitatea din Craiova | RO CRAIOVA01 | 023 - Languages | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de La Rioja | E LOGRONO01 | 023 - Languages | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Universidad de Sevilla | E SEVILLA01 | 0113 - Training for teachers without subject specialization | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Malandrakis Georgios | School of Primary Education | Karlstad University | S KARLSTA01 | 0111 - Education science | 2019 | 2023 | | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Université de Bourgogne | F DIJON01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2018 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Giannopoulos Emmanouil | School of Music Studies | Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz / Kunstuniversität Graz (KUG) University of Music and Performing Arts Graz | A GRAZ03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Istanbul Bilgi University | TR ISTANBU11 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Maghioros Nikos | School of Theology | Vytautas Magnus University | LT KAUNAS01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | NL EINDHOV17 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kontoleon Karolos-Nikolaos | School of Civil Engineering | OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University (former Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences) | N OSLO60 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2019 | 2028 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | Politechnika Warszawska | PL WARSZAW02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papamichos Euripides | School of Civil Engineering | École des Ponts ParisTech | F PARIS085 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Amiridis Ioannis | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Università degli Studi di Verona | I VERONA01 | 1014 - Sports | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kalogirou Orestis | School of Physics | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | BG SOFIA30 | 0538 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving physical sciences | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kioseoglou Iosif | School of Physics | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | NL GRONING01 | 0533 - Physics | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Nikolaidis Spyridon | School of Physics | Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | D ERLANGE01 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2019 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Stavrakakis Yannis | School of Political Sciences | Loughborough University | UK LOUGHBO01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2019 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Paka Alkmini | School of Architecture | ENSA et de paysage de Bordeaux | F BORDEAU16 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Alizoti Paraskevi | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | A WIEN03 | 082 - Forestry | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Theodosiou Nikolaos | School of Civil Engineering | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gregoriadis Athanasios | School of Early Childhood Education | Fachochschule Südwestfalen, University of Südwestfalen | D ISERLOH01 | 0112 - Training for pre-school teachers | 2019 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Lagopodi Anastasia | School of Agriculture | SLU, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet | S UPPSALA02 | 0818 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving agriculture | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Vatzias Georgios | School of Agriculture | University of Pannonia | HU VESZPRE01 | 0811 - Crop and livestock production | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Pastourmatzi Domna | School of English Language and Literature | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2019 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 023 - Languages | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | University of Malta | MT MALTA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2019 | 2027 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Ugozapaden Universitet 'Neophit Rilski' | BG BLAGOEV02 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Simelidis Christos | School of Philology | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 023 - Languages | 2019 | 2026 |  | Contract |
Vantsos Miltiadis | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universitatea 'Aurel Vlaicu' din Arad | RO ARAD01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Koukousioura Olga | School of Geology | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kostopoulos Dimitrios | School of Geology | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2019 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Syridis Georgios | School of Geology | Miskolci Egyetem | HU MISKOLC01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Thoidou Elisavet | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Università della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli) | I NAPOLI09 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2019 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Manakidou Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense | F PARIS010 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Stockholms universitet | S STOCKHO01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | University College London | UK LONDON029 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2019 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Anastassiadou-Velliadou Vassiliki | School of Dentistry | Universität Greifswald | D GREIFS01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2019 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Lentzis Dimosthenis | School of Law | Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 | F LYON03 | 042 - Law | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Paschalidis Grigorios | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | University of Malta | MT MALTA01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2019 | 2023 | | Contract |
Paschalidis Grigorios | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Kadir Has Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU16 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Damartzis Theodoros | School of Chemical Engineering | Marmara Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU05 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
GINOU ELENI | Language Center | Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) | F GRENOBL55 | 023 - Languages | 2019 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | Nottingham Trent University | UK NOTTING02 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2018 | 2021 |  | Contract |
Sarafidis Kosmas | Medical School | Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 | F PARIS007 | 0912 - Medicine | 2019 | 2022 |  | Contract |
Meditskou-Efthymiadou Soultana | Medical School | Medicinski Universitet - Varna | BG VARNA03 | 0912 - Medicine | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Aidona Eleni | School of Geology | Montanuniversität Leoben | A LEOBEN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Uppsala universitet | S UPPSALA01 | 011 - Education | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kakana Domna | School of Early Childhood Education | John von Neumann University | HU KECSKEM03 | 01 - Education | 2018 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Vlachos Dimitrios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Yaşar Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR05 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Athanasakis Dimitrios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 | F LYON03 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2018 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsokaktsidou Dimitra | School of German Language and Literature | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papandreou Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | Jyväskylän Yliopisto | SF JYVASKY01 | 0118 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving education | 2019 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ntziachristos Leonidas | School of Mechanical Engineering | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | D KARLSRU01 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Rontogianni Anthoula | School of French Language and Literature | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Krystalli Pinelopi | School of French Language and Literature | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Despoina | School of Philology | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0311 - Economics | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0313 - Psychology | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Tantsis Anastasios | School of History and Archaeology | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Zaspalis Vasileios | School of Chemical Engineering | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Krystalli Pinelopi | School of French Language and Literature | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2018 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2018 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Dimitroulia Xanthippi | School of French Language and Literature | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2018 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 023 - Languages | 2018 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Tzoannopoulou Marina | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Københavns Universitet | DK KOBENHA01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2019 | 2022 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Università del Salento | I LECCE01 | 0311 - Economics | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Drouzas Andreas | School of Biology | Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo | I URBINO01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Drouzas Andreas | School of Biology | Universidad de Salamanca | E SALAMAN02 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ganias Konstantinos | School of Biology | Universitat de Girona | E GIRONA02 | 0511 - Biology | 2020 | 2027 | | Contract |
Marvakis Athanasios | School of Primary Education | Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg | D FREIBUR02 | 011 - Education | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katartzi Ermioni | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Universidad de Extremadura | E BADAJOZ01 | 1014 - Sports | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mouratidou Aikaterini | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wroclawiu | PL WROCLAW08 | 1014 - Sports | 2020 | 2025 | | Contract |
Apostolou Foteini | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Udine | I UDINE01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2020 | 2028 | | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | Hacettepe Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA03 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Loukia | School of French Language and Literature | Universitat Jaume I (UJI) | E CASTELL01 | 0228 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving humanities | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia | I MODENA01 | 0288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kostopoulos Dimitrios | School of Geology | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2020 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Papaspyropoulos Konstantinos | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 0521 - Environmental sciences | 2020 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | College of Europe | PL WARSZAW90 | 03 - Social sciences, journalism and information | 2020 | 2023 | | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | FAKULTETA ZA MEDIJE | SI LJUBLJA20 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2020 | 2023 | | Contract |
Sevastiadis Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Gdynia Maritime University | PL GDYNIA01 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sevastiadis Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Lublin University of Technology | PL LUBLIN03 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Sabanci Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU20 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Galanis Timoleon | School of Theology | Augustana-Hochschule | D ANSBACH02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Delikari Angeliki | School of History and Archaeology | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | BG SOFIA30 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Semoglou Athanasios | School of History and Archaeology | University of Ostrava | CZ OSTRAVA02 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tounta Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Université de Nantes | F NANTES01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kotzageorgis Fokion | School of History and Archaeology | Üsküdar Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU46 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kaklamanidou Despoina | School of Film Studies | Debreceni Egyetem | HU DEBRECE01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz | PL BYDGOSZ02 | 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary | 2020 | 2023 | | Contract |
Malandrakis Georgios | School of Primary Education | TRABZON UNIVERSITY | TR TRABZON04 | 0113 - Training for teachers without subject specialization | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-Konstantinos | School of Informatics | Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet | N TRONDHE01 | 06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-Konstantinos | School of Informatics | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | S STOCKHO04 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2020 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Filiotis-Vlachavas Christos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) | B LOUVAIN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Filiotis-Vlachavas Christos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | University of Malta | MT MALTA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2021 | 2029 | | Contract |
Filiotis-Vlachavas Christos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universitatea din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES09 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manthos Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Universiteit Antwerpen | B ANTWERP01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karioti Anastasia | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karioti Anastasia | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Salerno | I SALERNO01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0111 - Education science | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zarifis Georgios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0111 - Education science | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nikolaidis Spyridon | School of Physics | Technical University of Sofia | BG SOFIA16 | 053 - Physical sciences | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Samaras Theodoros | School of Physics | University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 | 0533 - Physics | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Hatziprokopiou Panagiotis-Arion | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Kırklareli Üniversitesi | TR KIRKLAR01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Maronidis Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music | LV RIGA05 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stefanou Danae | School of Music Studies | Universitetet i Oslo | N OSLO01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2020 | 2023 | | Contract |
Giannopoulos Emmanouil | School of Music Studies | National University of Music, Bucharest | RO BUCURES03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stefanidou Maria | School of Civil Engineering | Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet | N TRONDHE01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Xanthopoulou Despoina | School of Psychology | Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Georgaca Eugenie | School of Psychology | University of South-Eastern Norway | N KONGSBE02 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | ISPA – Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida | P LISBOA17 | 0313 - Psychology | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Poznań University of Life Sciences | PL POZNAN04 | 084 - Veterinary | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stergiaki Athanasia | School of Film Studies | Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche | E ELCHE01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 023 - Languages | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sturm-Trigonakis Elke Irene | School of German Language and Literature | Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck | A INNSBRU01 | 023 - Languages | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tellios Anastasios | School of Architecture | Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart | D STUTTGA05 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi | TR TRABZON01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Vyzantiadis Timoleon-Achilleas | Medical School | Université de Rennes 1 | F RENNES01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 023 - Languages | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karamanoli Aikaterini | School of Agriculture | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Lamprou Soultana | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre | SK NITRA01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
GINOU ELENI | Language Center | Institut Supérieur de Formation de l'Enseignement catholique | F BORDEAU55 | 01 - Education | 2020 | 2023 | | Contract |
Noli Foteini | School of Chemistry | Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU04 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Theodoridis Georgios | School of Chemistry | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0512 - Biochemistry | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Daffa Agni | Language Center | Technische Universität Darmstadt | D DARMSTA01 | 023 - Languages | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | SCUOLA SUPERIORE PER MEDIATORI LINGUISTICI SAN PELLEGRINO (FONDAZIONE UNICAMPUS SAN PELLEGRINO) | I FORLI01 | 023 - Languages | 2019 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsormpatzoudis Charalampos | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Frederick University, Cyprus | CY NICOSIA23 | 1014 - Sports | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Hatzitaki Vassilia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen | D GIESSEN01 | 1014 - Sports | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Barkoukis Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universitatea Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES06 | 1014 - Sports | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sachinis Xenofon | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Academia di Belle di Bologna/Fine Arts Academy of Bologna | I BOLOGNA 03 | 0212 - Fashion, interior and industrial design | 2020 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Psyrrakis Lampros | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2020 | 2029 | | Contract |
Psyrrakis Lampros | School of Visual and Applied Arts | École supérieure d'art Annecy Alpes (ESAAA) | F ANNECY13 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2020 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kaiafa-Gbandi Maria | School of Law | Københavns Universitet | DK KOBENHA01 | 042 - Law | 2020 | 2023 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universidad de Granada | E GRANADA01 | 042 - Law | 2021 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Youlatos Dionisios | School of Biology | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | BG SOFIA30 | 052 - Environment | 2021 | 2029 | | Contract |
Paparnakis Athanasios | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Theological School of the Church of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA34 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2021 | 2029 | | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | Hochschule Esslingen | D ESSLING03 | 06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2021 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg - Heidelberg University of Education | D HEIDELB02 | 01 - Education | 2021 | 2029 | | Contract |
Oikonomou Maria | School of German Language and Literature | Universität zu Köln | D KOLN01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2021 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Xanthopoulos Konstantinos | School of Pharmacy | Universitat Ramon Llull | E BARCELO16 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2021 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | UNIVERSITÉ DE LILLE | F LILLE103 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2021 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Foinitsis Stefanos | Medical School | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0912 - Medicine | 2021 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 023 - Languages | 2021 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Rennes | F RENNES10 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2021 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Drouzas Andreas | School of Biology | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2021 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzipantelis Theodoros | School of Political Sciences | ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | P LISBOA07 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2021 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Paka Alkmini | School of Architecture | Politechnika Gdańska | PL GDANSK02 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2021 | 2023 | | Contract |
Pepes Evangelos | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Universitatea '1 Decembrie 1918' din Alba Iulia | RO ALBAIU01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2021 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kehagia Fotini | School of Civil Engineering | Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB) | RO BUCURES11 | 1041 - Transport | 2021 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stavrakakis Yannis | School of Political Sciences | Bogaziçi Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2021 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2022 | 2027 | | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | D JENA01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Universidade de Coimbra | P COIMBRA01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi | RO IASI02 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo | I URBINO01 | 0314 - Sociology and cultural studies | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulos Moschos | School of Dentistry | University of Usak | TR USAK01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Poulopoulos Athanasios | School of Dentistry | Meditcinski Universitet - Sofia | BG SOFIA11 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Bakopoulou Athina | School of Dentistry | Università degli Studi di Siena | I SIENA01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | Universidade Da Coruna | E LA-CORU01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Università degli Studi della Tuscia | I VITERBO01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Alexiou Evangelos | School of Philology | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 023 - Languages | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Varelas Lampros | School of Philology | Istanbul Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU03 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Athanasiou Evangelia | School of Architecture | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Triantafyllou Sevasti | School of History and Archaeology | Bilkent Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA07 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2022 | 2026 |  | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Université de Nantes | F NANTES01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse | F AVIGNON01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Boumpara Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Evangelou Konstantina | School of Italian Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2022 | 2028 | | Contract |
Sarakinioti Antigoni | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | A GRAZ01 | 011 - Education | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sarakinioti Antigoni | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Hatziprokopiou Panagiotis-Arion | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kostarella Ioanna | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Universitat de València | E VALENCI01 | 0321 - Journalism and reporting | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Barkoukis Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Syddansk Universitet | DK ODENSE01 | 1014 - Sports | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiaki Athanasia | School of Film Studies | Rome University of Fine Arts | I ROMA25 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2022 | 2026 | | Contract |
Belimpasakis Ioannis | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie | PL SZCZECI15 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Liani Tatiana | School of Drama | Universität der Künste Berlin | D BERLIN03 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Liani Tatiana | School of Drama | Universität Wien | A WIEN01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Liani Tatiana | School of Drama | Universidade do Minho | P BRAGA01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Institut de Etudes Politiques de Paris | F PARIS014 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stilianou Aristotelis | School of Political Sciences | Middle East Technical University | TR ANKARA04 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Teperoglou Eftychia | School of Political Sciences | Universidad de Deusto | E BILBAO02 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2022 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Loukas Athanasios | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Loukas Athanasios | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Slovenská Technická Univerzita v Bratislave (STU) | SK BRATISL01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sakallieros Georgios | School of Music Studies | UNIVERZITET UMETNOSTI U BEOGRADU | RS BELGRAD01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2022 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Noulis Thomas | School of Physics | Universitatea 'Transilvania' din Brasov | RO BRASOV01 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ioannidou Alexandra | School of Physics | Afyon Kocatepe Universitesi | TR AFYON01 | 0533 - Physics | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Universität Trier | D TRIER01 | 042 - Law | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | I FERRARA01 | 042 - Law | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stergiou Angelos | School of Law | Hochschule Fulda-University of Applied Sciences | D FULDA01 | 042 - Law | 2022 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Pitilakis Dimitrios | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Pavia | I PAVIA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsikaloudaki Aikaterini | School of Civil Engineering | BUILDERS ECOLE D’INGENIEURS | F EPERON01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2022 | 2025 |  | Contract |
Zachariadis Georgios | School of Chemistry | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2022 | 2027 |  | Contract |
Karapantsios Theodoros | School of Chemistry | Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin | PL LUBLIN01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2022 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Patikas Dimitrios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Universite Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne | F ST-ETIE01 | 1014 - Sports | 2022 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Molasiotis Athanasios | School of Agriculture | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | D FRANKFU01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2022 | 2028 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Università degli Studi di Sassari | I SASSARI01 | 0311 - Economics | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Antoniadis Theodoros | School of Philology | Università degli Studi di Siena | I SIENA01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2024 |  | Contract |
Vlachonasios Konstantinos | School of Biology | Université Paris Saclay | F PARIS481 | 051 - Biology and biochemistry | 2022 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Université Côte d’Azur | F NICE42 | 071 - Engineering and engineering trades | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kostopoulou Styliani | School of Economics | Université Côte d’Azur | F NICE42 | 0311 - Economics | 2022 | 2024 | | Contract |
Ploumistaki Kalliopi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Côte d’Azur | F NICE42 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Konsta Anna-Maria | School of Law | Université Côte d’Azur | F NICE42 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2022 | 2028 | | Contract |
Siozios Konstantinos | School of Physics | Université Côte d’Azur | F NICE42 | 0533 - Physics | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Dimitroulia Xanthippi | School of French Language and Literature | Université Gustave Eiffel | F PARIS483 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2022 | 2023 |  | Contract |
Kamtsidou Ifigeneia | School of Law | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | HU BUDAPES01 | 042 - Law | 2022 | 2028 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Malaga | E MALAGA02 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy | SF TAMPERE06 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Pagkalos Ioannis | School of German Language and Literature | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | D KARLSRU01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Maronidis Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Lithunian Academy of Music and Theatre | LT VILNIUS05 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina) | School of English Language and Literature | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Alexandru Maria | School of Music Studies | Universitatea de Arte 'George Enescu' din Iaşi | RO IASI01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara din Cluj-Napoca | RO CLUJNAP04 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | National University of Ireland Maynooth | IRLMAYNOOT01 | 0428 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving law | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Giannakos Athanasios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universitatea 'Transilvania' din Brasov | RO BRASOV01 | 1014 - Sports | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Pallas Athanasios | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma | I ROMA06 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Dekoulou Paraskevi | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 | 0414 - Marketing and advertising | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Lithuanian University of Health Sciences | LT KAUNAS13 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papagianni Eleni | School of History and Archaeology | Univerza na Primorskem - Università del Litorale | SI KOPER03 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Vitopoulou Athina | School of Architecture | Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette | F PARIS126 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Semoglou Athanasios | School of History and Archaeology | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Firat Üniversitesi | TR ELAZIG01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stergiaki Athanasia | School of Film Studies | Universitatea 'Babes-Bolyai' din Cluj-Napoca | RO CLUJNAP01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria | I REGGIO01 | 0311 - Economics | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Pagona | School of History and Archaeology | Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi | TR TRABZON01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Liani Tatiana | School of Drama | Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet | N TRONDHE01 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Hatzitaki Vassilia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet | N TRONDHE01 | 1014 - Sports | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourouni Kyriaki | School of English Language and Literature | University of Malta | MT MALTA01 | 023 - Languages | 2022 | 2029 | | Contract |
Maronidis Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Instituto Politécnico do Porto | P PORTO05 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mouti Anna | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universita per Stranieri di Siena | I SIENA02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Delikari Angeliki | School of History and Archaeology | Ibn Haldun University | TR ISTANBU66 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Psyrrakis Lampros | School of Visual and Applied Arts | Satakunnan Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy | SF PORI08 | 0213 - Fine arts | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stergiaki Athanasia | School of Film Studies | Filmova Akademie Miroslava Ondricka v Pisku, O. P. S. | CZ PISEK01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Ewangelikalna Wyzsza Szkola Teologiczna | PL WROCLAW21 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Rapatzikou Tatiani | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Universität der Künste Berlin | D BERLIN03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chasiotis Loukianos | School of History and Archaeology | Universiteit Antwerpen | B ANTWERP01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Ioannis | School of Primary Education | Debreceni Egyetem | HU DEBRECE01 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Giannopoulos Emmanouil | School of Music Studies | Hacettepe Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA03 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Universitat de Girona | E GIRONA02 | 042 - Law | 2023 | 2027 | | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universitatea de Stiinte Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara Bucuresti | RO BUCURES12 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Università degli Studi di Torino | I TORINO01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 01 - Education | 2023 | 2024 | | Contract |
Kakderi Christina | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' | I ROMA01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Uniwersytet Warminsko Mazurski w Olsztynie | PL OLSZTYN01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie | PL LUBLIN04 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsantarliotou Maria | School of Veterinary Medicine | Afyon Kocatepe Universitesi | TR AFYON01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | E MADRID03 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papangelis (Papagelis) Konstantinos | School of Physics | Technische Universität Dortmund | D DORTMUN01 | 0533 - Physics | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | South East European University Tetovo | MK TETOVO02 | 0288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina) | School of English Language and Literature | Vilniaus Universitetas | LT VILNIUS01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Bakogiannis Michail | School of Philology | UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU | RS BELGRAD02 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 042 - Law | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kyparissidis Dimitrios Alexandros | School of Chemical Engineering | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 0711 - Chemical engineering and processes | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Hatzitaki Vassilia | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Università degli Studi di Verona | I VERONA01 | 1014 - Sports | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universiteit Gent | B GENT01 | 084 - Veterinary | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stergiaki Athanasia | School of Film Studies | Fachhochschule Dortmund | D DORTMUN02 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Georgianos Panagiotis | Medical School | Università degli Studi "Magna Graecia" di Catanzaro | I CATANZA02 | 0912 - Medicine | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Aptim | F LYON108 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Thoidou Elisavet | School of Spatial Planning and Development | Leibniz Universität Hannover | D HANNOVE01 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Topintzi Ioanna (Nina) | School of English Language and Literature | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Loupaki Elpida | School of French Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsangalidis Anastasios | School of English Language and Literature | Université Paris Cité | F PARIS482 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Université Paris Cité | F PARIS482 | 0611 - Computer use | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gkeka Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | CY Cergy Paris University | F CERGY-P11 | 011 - Education | 2023 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stavrakaki Stavroula | School of Italian Language and Literature | Freie Universität Berlin | D BERLIN01 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kamtsidou Ifigeneia | School of Law | Université Catholique de Lyon | F LYON10 | 042 - Law | 2023 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Semoglou Athanasios | School of History and Archaeology | Universidad de Vigo | E VIGO01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2024 | 2026 |  | Contract |
Pastourmatzi Domna | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Szczeciński | PL SZCZECI01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Voudouris Konstantinos | School of Geology | University of Mining and Geology 'St. Ivan Rilski' | BG SOFIA09 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara | RO TIMISOA04 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Hacettepe Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA03 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sioupi Athina | School of German Language and Literature | Université de Lorraine | F NANCY43 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kamperidou Vasiliki | School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Poznań University of Life Sciences | PL POZNAN04 | 0821 - Forestry | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Melissaropoulou Dimitra | School of Italian Language and Literature | Bogaziçi Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Frederick University, Cyprus | CY NICOSIA23 | 01 - Education | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kavoulakos Konstantinos | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Anadolu Universitesi | TR ESKISEH01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsioumis Konstantinos | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien | A WIEN04 | 0841 - Veterinary | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Noulis Thomas | School of Physics | Technical University of Sofia | BG SOFIA16 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ventouris Antonios | School of Italian Language and Literature | Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Prospero Moise Loria | I MILANO27 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadimitriou Eleftheria | School of Geology | KONYA TEKNIK UNIVERSITESI | TR KONYA05 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Malandrakis Georgios | School of Primary Education | HOGSKOLEN I INNLANDET | N ELVERUM02 | 0111 - Education science | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Penolidis Theodoros | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | FERNUNIVERSITAT IN HAGEN | D HAGEN01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Schoina Maria | School of English Language and Literature | Charles University | CZ PRAHA07 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Gyioka Charikleia | School of Architecture | Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma | I ROMA06 | 02 - Arts and humanities | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts (NATFA) | BG SOFIA18 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Comenius University in Bratislava | SK BRATISL02 | 042 - Law | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Ioannidou Alexandra | School of Physics | University of Silesia | PL KATOWIC01 | 0533 - Physics | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Moschos | School of Dentistry | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourdis Evangelos | School of French Language and Literature | Tallinna Ülikool | EE TALLINN05 | 0288 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving arts and humanities | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Boutsouki Christina | School of Economics | HOCHSCHULEN FRESENIUS GEMEINNUTZIGE TRAGERGESELLSCHAFT MBH | D IDSTEIN01 | 0414 - Marketing and advertising | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Universitatea Tehnica 'Gheorghe Asachi' din Iaşi | RO IASI05 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tzika Eleni | School of Veterinary Medicine | Universidade do Porto | P PORTO02 | 0841 - Veterinary | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Peonidis Filimon | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | D KARLSRU01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kavala Maria | School of Political Sciences | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | D KARLSRU01 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Conservatorio Superior de Musica "Manuel Castillo" de Sevilla | E SEVILLA04 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Patikas Dimitrios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | UNIVERSIDAD DE LEON | E LEON01 | 1014 - Sports | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gioti Labrina | School of Primary Education | Université François Rabelais (Tours) | F TOURS01 | 0111 - Education science | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Dinas Konstantinos | Medical School | Universitatea 'Transilvania' din Brasov | RO BRASOV01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Liampas Anastasios | School of Primary Education | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0111 - Education science | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-Konstantinos | School of Informatics | Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB) | RO BUCURES11 | 061 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Barkoukis Vasileios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Uludag Üniversitesi | TR BURSA01 | 1014 - Sports | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Univerza v Mariboru | SI MARIBOR01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2024 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Dourouma Adamantia | School of Early Childhood Education | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0111 - Education science | 2024 | 2028 | | Contract |
Pastourmatzi Domna | School of English Language and Literature | Universidad de Málaga | E MALAGA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zachos Dimitrios | School of Primary Education | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 01 - Education | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kostopoulos Dimitrios | School of Geology | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | I FERRARA01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2024 | 2028 | | Contract |
Mourtzinos Ioannis | School of Agriculture | Univerza v Mariboru | SI MARIBOR01 | 0721 - Food processing | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Institut National Superieur des Arts du Spectacle et des Techniques de Diffusion (INSAS) | B BRUXEL96 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Universitat de Barcelona | E BARCELO01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2028 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology | IRLDUBLIN38 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Symeonidis Vladimiros | School of Music Studies | HOCHSCHULE FUR MUSIK UND THEATER FELIX MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY LEIPZIG | D LEIPZIG05 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Nikolakakis Ioannis | School of Pharmacy | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | I FERRARA01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manthos Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Technische Universität Wien | A WIEN02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna im. Leona Schillera w Lodzi | PL LODZ23 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Pechlivanidou Sofia | School of Geology | Universitetet i Bergen | N BERGEN01 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rothou Kyriakoula | School of Early Childhood Education | Cyprus University of Technology | CY LIMASSO02 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ioannidou Martha | School of Primary Education | Freie Universität Berlin | D BERLIN01 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | Tartu Ülikool | EE TARTU02 | 0321 - Journalism and reporting | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Mourtzinos Ioannis | School of Agriculture | SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO | PL WARSZAW05 | 0721 - Food processing | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Ntziachristos Leonidas | School of Mechanical Engineering | Ecole Superieure des Techniques Aeronautiques et de Construction Automobile | F LEVALLO01 | 0716 - Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | ASSOCIATION DES EVEQUES FONDATEURS DE L'INSTITUT CATHOLIQUE | F PARIS052 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | VYSOKA SKOLA MUZICKYCH UMENI V BRATISLAVE | SK BRATISL05 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | ENS Louis-Lumiere | F PARIS247 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès | F TOULOUS02 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Filmová a televizní fakulta, Akademie múzických umění v Praze (FAMU) | CZ PRAHA04 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manthos Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stilianou Aristotelis | School of Political Sciences | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2023 | 2024 | | Contract |
Athanasakis Dimitrios | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0223 - Philosophy and ethics | 2023 | 2025 | | Contract |
Vougiatzis Georgios | School of Physics | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | HU BUDAPES01 | 0533 - Physics | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Schoina Maria | School of English Language and Literature | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Koliouli Flora | School of Early Childhood Education | Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès | F TOULOUS02 | 01 - Education | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Sakantamis Konstantinos | School of Architecture | UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU | RS BELGRAD02 | 0731 - Architecture and town planning | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Manthos Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Czech Technical University in Prague | CZ PRAHA10 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Arampatzis Christos | School of Theology | Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris (EHESS) | F PARIS057 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zervogianni Eleni | School of Law | Universite Savoie Mont Blanc, IUT Annecy | F CHAMBER01 | 042 - Law | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | Örebro universitet | S OREBRO01 | 0613 - Software and applications development and analysis | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Stefanou Danae | School of Music Studies | Universitetet i Bergen | N BERGEN01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Kontaxakis Dimitrios | School of Architecture | Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes -- COFAC | P PORTIMA02 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2024 | 2025 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | D WURZBUR01 | 0311 - Economics | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Konstantinidis Avraam | School of Civil Engineering | Politecnico di Torino | I TORINO02 | 0788 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving engineering, manufacturing and construction | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Drouzas Andreas | School of Biology | Philipps-Universität Marburg | D MARBURG01 | 051 - Biological and related sciences | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Rothos Vasileios | School of Mechanical Engineering | Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig | D BRAUNSC01 | 0588 - Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics and statistics | 2024 | 2028 | | Contract |
Teperoglou Eftychia | School of Political Sciences | Universität des Saarlandes | D SAARBRU01 | 031 - Social and behavioural sciences | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Vantsos Miltiadis | School of Pastoral and Social Theology | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | A GRAZ01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Fragkou Maria | School of Drama | Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo | I URBINO01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2024 | 2026 |  | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | American University in Bulgaria | BG BLAGOEV03 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum' | I BOLOGNA01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | D MAINZ01 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2025 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Koulountzos Vasileios | School of Primary Education | AKSARAY UNIVERSITY | TR AKSARAY01 | 0114 - Training for teachers with subject specialization | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Batakidis Panagiotis | School of Mathematics | Galatasaray Universitesi | TR ISTANBU02 | 0541 - Mathematics | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Salifoglou Athanasios | School of Chemical Engineering | Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara | RO TIMISOA01 | 0531 - Chemistry | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Technická Univerzita v Kosiciach | SK KOSICE03 | 0311 - Economics | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Melissaropoulou Dimitra | School of Italian Language and Literature | Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v Kosiciach | SK KOSICE02 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem | HU BUDAPES01 | 0311 - Economics | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Bakopoulou Athina | School of Dentistry | Ankara Üniversitesi | TR ANKARA01 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 042 - Law | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Zachos Dimitrios | School of Primary Education | Pedagogical University of Cracow | PL KRAKOW05 | 01 - Education | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen | B ANTWERP62 | 042 - Law | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Hatzipantelis Emmanouil | Medical School | University of Cyprus | CY NICOSIA01 | 0912 - Medicine | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Noulis Thomas | School of Physics | Fachhochschule Dortmund | D DORTMUN02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Valamoti Soultana-Maria | School of History and Archaeology | Universitetet i Oslo | N OSLO01 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Kosmides Timoleon | School of Law | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | D BERLIN13 | 042 - Law | 2025 | 2027 | | Contract |
Chouvarda Thomai | School of Theology | AKSARAY UNIVERSITY | TR AKSARAY01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Athanasopoulou Maria | School of Drama | Univerza v Ljubljani | SI LJUBLJA01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Gioti Labrina | School of Primary Education | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 01 - Education | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Leontaridi Eleni | School of Italian Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza | PL POZNAN01 | 0232 - Literature and linguistics | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Amiridis Ioannis | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia | I MODENA01 | 0915 - Therapy and rehabilitation | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Alexiou Thomai | School of English Language and Literature | Pedagogical University of Cracow | PL KRAKOW05 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Vryzas Zisis | School of Agriculture | UNIVERZITET EDUCONS U SREMSKOJ KAMENICI PRIVATNE USTANOVE | RS NOVISAD04 | 081 - Agriculture | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Università degli Studi di Pisa | I PISA01 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Karakasis Apostolos | School of Film Studies | Université Côte d’Azur | F NICE42 | 0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Ioannis | School of Political Sciences | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B BRUXEL04 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2025 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main | D FRANKFU01 | 0311 - Economics | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Chatzopoulos Alkiviadis | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) | LT VILNIUS02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Rokas Konstantinos | School of Law | Università degli Studi dell'Insubria | I VARESE02 | 042 - Law | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Douka Styliani | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universidade de Lisboa | P LISBOA109 | 1014 - Sports | 2025 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Zachos Dimitrios | School of Primary Education | Uniwersytet Warszawski | PL WARSZAW01 | 01 - Education | 2025 | 2027 | | Contract |
Kamtsidou Ifigeneia | School of Law | Universite de Namur | B NAMUR01 | 042 - Law | 2024 | 2025 | | Contract |
Noulis Thomas | School of Physics | Universitatea 'Politehnica' din Bucuresti (UPB) | RO BUCURES11 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulou Triantafyllia Lina | School of Law | Pamukkale Universitesi | TR DENIZLI01 | 042 - Law | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Katartzi Ermioni | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | UNIVERZITET U NISU | RS NIS01 | 1014 - Sports | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Bamidis Panagiotis | Medical School | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | D KARLSRU01 | 091 - Health | 2024 | 2025 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES08 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | ISTANBUL GEDIK UNIVERSITESI | TR ISTANBU42 | 0311 - Economics | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Teperoglou Eftychia | School of Political Sciences | UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA, SL | E VALENCI91 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Poulopoulos Athanasios | School of Dentistry | Biruni Universitesi | TR ISTANBU55 | 0911 - Dental studies | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Aidona Eleni | School of Geology | ISPARTA UYGULAMALI BILIMLER UNIVERSITESI | TR ISPARTA02 | 0532 - Earth sciences | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Mitropoulou Vasiliki | School of Theology | Eesti Evangeelne Luterlik Kirik | EE TALLINN18 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | UNIWERSYTET EKONOMICZNY W KRAKOWIE | PL KRAKOW04 | 0311 - Economics | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Zacharis Konstantinos | School of Pharmacy | SIVAS CUMHURIYET UNIVERSITESI | TR SIVAS01 | 0916 - Pharmacy | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ENNA KORE | I ENNA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Universidade de Aveiro | P AVEIRO01 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii din Bucuresti | RO BUCURES08 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Tsiatsos Thrasyvoulos-Konstantinos | School of Informatics | Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca | RO CLUJNAP05 | 0619 - Information and communication technologies not elsewhere classified | 2025 | 2027 | | Contract |
Douka Styliani | School of Physical Education and Sports Science | Universidade de Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro | P VILA-RE01 | 1014 - Sports | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Katartzi Ermioni | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Universidad de Cádiz | E CADIZ01 | 1014 - Sports | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Dounavi Katerina | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | AKADEMIA ZAMOJSKA | PL ZAMOSC03 | 01 - Education | 2025 | 2027 | | Contract |
Agelopoulos Georgios | School of History and Archaeology | Sofiiski Universitet 'Sveti Kliment Ohridski' | BG SOFIA06 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Vlachokostas Christos | School of Mechanical Engineering | FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | D AACHEN02 | 0712 - Environmental protection technology | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Arampatzidou Eleni | School of Philology | University of Malta | MT MALTA01 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2025 | 2027 | | Contract |
PANTAZI XANTHOULA IRINI | School of Agriculture | Universiteit Gent | B GENT01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Peramos Soler Natividad | School of Italian Language and Literature | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2025 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck | A INNSBRU01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2025 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Gkeka Maria | School of Early Childhood Education | CY Cergy Paris University | F CERGY-P11 | 01 - Education | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Triantafyllidis Alexandros | School of Biology | Uniwersytet Łódzki | PL LODZ01 | 0511 - Biology | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Panagiotou Nikolaos | School of Journalism and Mass Media Studies | University of Split | HR SPLIT01 | 032 - Journalism and information | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Antonopoulos Christos | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Fachhochschule Dortmund | D DORTMUN02 | 0713 - Electricity and energy | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Papageorgiou Dimitrios | School of Music Studies | Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Aragon | E ZARAGOZ05 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Nikolaidis Spyridon | School of Physics | Politecnico di Torino | I TORINO02 | 0714 - Electronics and automation | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Giagkazoglou Paraskevi | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University | TR CANAKKA01 | 1014 - Sports | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Aggelaki Triantafilia-Rosy | School of Early Childhood Education | Malmö University | S MALMO01 | 01 - Education | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Grammatikopoulou Evgenia-Christina | School of Political Sciences | ISIT - Institut de Management et de Communication Interculturels | F PARIS379 | 0312 - Political sciences and civics | 2025 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Konstantinidis Avraam | School of Civil Engineering | Universiteit Twente | NL ENSCHED01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Theodosiou Nikolaos | School of Civil Engineering | Université d'Orléans | F ORLEANS01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Katsaros Panagiotis | School of Informatics | Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Brest | F BREST07 | 06 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Fappas Ioannis | School of History and Archaeology | KOC UNIVERSITY | TR ISTANBU17 | 0222 - History and archaeology | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Tsakalidou Venetia | School of Architecture | Università IUAV di Venezia | I VENEZIA02 | 073 - Architecture and construction | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Athanasiadis Athanasios | School of Theology | UNIVERZITET U BEOGRADU | RS BELGRAD02 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Vlahos Konstantinos | School of Law | Università degli Studi di Bari 'Aldo Moro' | I BARI01 | 042 - Law | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kourouni Kyriaki | School of English Language and Literature | Uniwersytet Jagielloński | PL KRAKOW01 | 0231 - Language acquisition | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) | D KARLSRU01 | 0311 - Economics | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Dounavi Katerina | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | UNIVERSIDAD DE CORDOBA | E CORDOBA01 | 01 - Education | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Kellis Eleftherios | School of Physical Education and Sports Science (Serres) | UCLAN CYPRUS LIMITED | CY LARNACA02 | 1014 - Sports | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara | RO TIMISOA01 | 0311 - Economics | 2025 | 2026 | | Contract |
Manthos Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Università Politecnica delle Marche | I ANCONA01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2024 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Sachoulidou Athina | School of Law | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | P LISBOA03 | 042 - Law | 2025 | 2027 | | Contract |
Zachou Aikaterini | School of German Language and Literature | FRANKFURT UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES | D FRANKFU04 | 022 - Humanities (except languages) | 2024 | 2025 | | Contract |
Stefanou Danae | School of Music Studies | Gustav Mahler Privatuniversitat fur Musik | A KLAGENF06 | 0215 - Music and performing arts | 2025 | 2026 | | Contract |
Sachoulidou Athina | School of Law | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | P LISBOA03 | 042 - Law | 2025 | 2027 | | Contract |
Gonida Sofia-Eleftheria | School of Psychology | University of Helsinki | SF HELSINK01 | 0313 - Psychology | 2024 | 2025 | | Contract |
Efthymiou Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | HR ZAGREB01 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |
Stogiannidis Athanasios | School of Theology | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | D BONN01 | 0221 - Religion and Theology | 2025 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Doulgeraki Agapi | School of Agriculture | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | I NAPOLI01 | 081 - Agriculture | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Dounavi Katerina | School of Philosophy and Pedagogy | Universidad de la Laguna | E TENERIF01 | 01 - Education | 2025 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | UNIVERSITE CLERMONT AUVERGNE | F CLERMON02 | 041 - Business and administration | 2025 | 2028 |  | Contract |
Manthos Evangelos | School of Civil Engineering | Politechnika Gdańska | PL GDANSK02 | 0732 - Building and civil engineering | 2024 | 2029 | | Contract |
Papadopoulos Konstantinos | School of Economics | UNIVERSITE CLERMONT AUVERGNE | F CLERMON02 | 041 - Business and administration | 2025 | 2029 |  | Contract |
Arsenos Georgios | School of Veterinary Medicine | AGRICULTURAL ACADEMY | BG SOFIA33 | 08 - Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary | 2025 | 2028 | | Contract |