Studies Coordinators for incoming Erasmus+ students
AUTh School/Faculty | Surname | Firstname | Contact |
School of Agriculture | Koukounaras | Athanasios | thankou@agro.auth.gr |
School of Architecture | Ioannidis | Konstantinos | kioannidis@arch.auth.gr |
School of Biology | Drouzas | Andreas | drouzas@bio.auth.gr |
School of Chemical Engineering | Tsivintzelis | Ioannis | tioannis@cheng.auth.gr |
School of Chemical Engineering | Chatzistavrou | Xanthippi | xchatzist@cheng.auth.gr |
School of Chemical Engineering | Virgiliou | Cristina | cvirgiliou@cheng.auth.gr |
School of Chemistry |
Koukaras | Emmanouil | koukarase@chem.auth.gr |
School of Chemistry |
Fanourgakis | Georgios | fanourg@chem.auth.gr |
School of Civil Engineering | Efthymiou | Evangelos | vefth@civil.auth.gr |
School of Dentistry | Bakopoulou | Athina | abakopoulou@dent.auth.gr |
School of Drama | Fragkou | Marissia | mfragkou@thea.auth.gr |
School of Early Childhood Education | Michalis | Ioannis | imichal@nured.auth.gr |
School of Early Childhood Education | Dourouma | Adamantia | adourou@nured.auth.gr |
School of Economics | Papadopoulos | Konstantinos | kpap@econ.auth.gr |
School of Electrical And Computer Engineering | Andreou | Georgios | gandreou@ece.auth.gr |
School of English Language and Literature | Misiou | Vasiliki | vmisiou@enl.auth.gr |
School of Film | Adamou | Christina | cadamou@film.auth.gr |
School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Kamperidou | Vasiliki | vkamperidou@for.auth.gr |
School of Forestry and Natural Environment | Alizoti | Paraskevi | alizotp@for.auth.gr |
School of French Language and Literature | Tsaknaki | Olympia | tsaknaki@frl.auth.gr |
School of French Language and Literature | Ploumistaki | Kalliopi | ploumistaki@frl.auth.gr |
School of Geology | Papadimitriou | Eleftheria | ritsa@geo.auth.gr |
School of Geology | Karaoulis | Marios | mkaraoulis@geo.auth.gr |
School of German Language and Literature | Delianidou | Simela | simdel@del.auth.gr |
School of History and Archaeology | Triantafyllou | Sevasti | strianta@hist.auth.gr |
School of Informatics | Katsaros | Panagiotis | katsaros@csd.auth.gr |
School of Informatics | Tsoumakas | Grigorios | greg@csd.auth.gr |
School of Italian Language and Literature | Melissaropoulou | Dimitra | dmelissa@itl.auth.gr |
School of Journalism and Mass Communications | Kostarella | Ioanna | ikostarella@jour.auth.gr |
School of Journalism and Mass Communications | Dekoulou | Paraskevi | dekoulou@jour.auth.gr |
School of Journalism and Mass Communications | Kazana | Despoina | dkazana@jour.auth.gr |
School of Law | Kosmidis | Timoleon | erasmus@law.auth.gr |
School of Mathematics | Kappos | Efthimios | kappos@math.auth.gr |
School of Mathematics | Batakidis | Panagiotis | batakidis@math.auth.gr |
School of Mechanical Engineering | Andreadis | Georgios | gandread@meng.auth.gr |
School of Medicine | Haidopoulou | Katerina | haidoka@auth.gr |
School of Music Studies | Stefanou | Danae | dstefano@mus.auth.gr |
School of Pharmacy | Nikolakakis | Ioannis | yannikos@pharm.auth.gr |
School of Philology | Papadopoulou | Despoina | depapa@lit.auth.gr |
School of Philosophy and Education | Douskos | Christos | cidou@edlit.auth.gr |
School of Philosophy and Education | Athanasakis | Dimitrios | athanasakis@edlit.auth.gr |
School of Philosophy and Education | Dounavi | Katerina | kdounavi@edlit.auth.gr |
School of Philosophy and Education | Sarakinioti | Antigoni | sarakinioti@edlit.auth.gr |
School of Physical Education and Athletics in Serres | Amiridis | Ioannis | jamoirid@phed-sr.auth.gr |
School of Physical Education and Athletics in Thessaloniki | Douka | Styliani | sdouka@phed.auth.gr |
School of Physics | Tassis | Dimitrios | dtassis@auth.gr |
School of Physics | Papangelis (Papagelis) | Konstantinos | kpapag@auth.gr |
School of Political Sciences | Teperoglou | Eftychia | efteperoglou@polsci.auth.gr |
School of Political Sciences | Papastathis | Konstantinos | kpapastathis@polsci.auth.gr |
School of Primary Education in Thessaloniki | Ioannidou | Martha | mioannidou@eled.auth.gr |
School of Psychology | Tata | Despoina | dtata@psy.auth.gr |
School of Psychology | Patrikelis | Panagiotis | patrikelis@psy.auth.gr |
School of Rural and Surveying Engineering | Oikonomou | Efstathios | eoikonom@topo.auth.gr |
School of Social Theology and Christian Culture | Pepes | Evangelos | pepes@past.auth.gr |
School of Spatial Planning and Development | Papadopoulou | Eleni | epapa@plandevel.auth.gr |
School of Theology | Mitropoulou | Vasiliki | mitro@theo.auth.gr |
School of Veterinary Medicine | Mente | Eleni | emente@vet.auth.gr |
School of Veterinary Medicine | Tsantarliotou | Maria | mtsant@vet.auth.gr |
School of Visual and Applied Arts | Zografos | Vassilios | vazografos@vis.auth.gr |
School of Visual and Applied Arts | Avgita | Louiza | lavgita@vis.auth.gr |