What to do in case of a possible or verified case of Covid-19
Information on COVID-19
For information on the COVID-19 please visit the website of the World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1
When someone should get tested for COVID-19?
If they have:
Acute respiratory infection (which starts abruptly with at least one of the following symptoms: fever, cough, dyspnea) regardless the provision of medical care at a hospital.
At least one of the following epidemic criteria within the last 14 days before the beginning of the symptoms:
- Close contact with possible or verified case of SARS-CoV-2 infection (symptomatic or asymptomatic)
- Travel history in areas suffering from SARS-CoV-2 based on the current epidemic data.
Every possible case needs to be tested IMMEDIATELY in a medical lab centre for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Actions if a student shows COVID-19 symptoms during her/his stay at AUTh
- Student ought to wear a face mask, and leave the campus immediately, after informing the responsible contact person (see table below).
- Student needs to get tested (preferably at a public hospital or any other medical centre of their preference).
- If the student does not require medical care at a hospital, and while waiting for the test results, she/he needs to stay self-isolated at home, in a well-ventilated room.
If the student’s condition does not allow her/him to leave the University premises, then:
- The responsible contact person of the Covid-19 Health Committee is being informed.
- Student needs to wear a face mask and be self-isolated in a well-ventilated room, and stay away from other students/employees/ maintaining social distancing from his/her fellow students, employees, and academic staff.
- For emergence help please call 166 from a Greek mobile number, free of charge.
Actions if a student shows Covid-19 symptoms during her/his stay at home
- Student should get tested (preferably, at a public hospital or any other medical center of his/her preference).
- Student needs to inform the responsible contact person of the Covid-19 Health Committee in each Faculty (see the table below).
- If the student does not require medical care at a hospital, and while waiting for the test results, she/he needs to stay self-isolated at home, in a well-ventilated room.
If the test is positive
- Student needs to inform the responsible contact person of the Covid-19 Health Committee in each Faculty (see the table below) while also mentioning any other possible contacts in the campus (students in an auditorium, lab, library etc.).
When a student with a Covid-19 diagnosis may return back to the University?
- The student with a diagnosed positive test can return to the University 14 days after the beginning of the symptoms AND 3 days after the full remission from fever (without the use of any antibiotics medicine) and the full remission of any symptoms.
- The close acquaintances need to be distanced from the student; after receiving instructions regarding their health monitoring, they need to stay at home self-isolated; if they do not show any symptoms, they can return after 14 days.
If the test is negative
- The student may return to the University after at least 3 days from full remission from fever (without the use of any antibiotics medicine), and full remission of any symptoms.
For the responsible contact persons of the Covid-19 Health Committee in each Faculty of Aristotle University, please contact our Department at Erasmus-incoming@auth.gr