FRANCE, BRITTANY (Sea-side town)
As from end of September 2017 ( independant accomodation-Studio flat- is offered during all the stay). The candidate must have a good level of French ( C1 at least). Please send a complete Europass CV with accompanying letter stating your competences and the duration of the Erasmus scolarship you have with your University. Months. We might add up to 2 months on your own scholarship and provide you with a 2-month paid contract of our own so long as you still have a student card from your university and a document stating you have a link with the University.
Duration required : one academic year (duration negociable but at least 6 months altogether) But negociable if we take 2 Erasmus in succession to cover the year.
WHERE : We are a non-profit popular education organisation located in the quaint sea-side town of SAINT BRIEUC, (22) Brittany (north west of France). 100 km from Rennes and 450 kms from Paris (3 hours by speed train TGV from Paris). We have 3 nearby airports : Brest 150 kms (Direct flights to Crete and Santorini between end april and october), Rennes, Dinard 70 kms (Flights to London, Stanstead Airport). 70Km from St Malo (Harbour with ferries to England), 100 km from Roscoff (ferries to England and Ireland). St Brieuc has a port for commerce, yatching and fishing, and around there are lovely beaches and many site of interest, rural or maritime.
WHO :The Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture du Plateau (www.mjcduplateau.fr) offers a post as from mid-September 2016 and will be permatently offering this post every academic year, to a greek speaking student who would come as a trainee to TEACH GREEK as a foreign language to learners, and also TEACH TRADITIONAL GREEK/ CYPRIOT DANCES. There are 35 learners in total between the Greek language classes and the greek dance classes and we expect an increase.
Apart from teaching Greek (4 levels of knowledge, plus conversation class) and Greek Dances the person will be helping the Cultural and Languages Officer prepare and implement the « Fête des Langues et des Saveurs » in December, and the exciting Dance Festival called BABEL DANCE (one week ½ in February or March).
Her/ His intiative is most welcome if she/he wants to suggest activities and especially develop the promotion of Greek Culture in all its aspects (cookery lessons, cinema, litterature, music....) according to her/his tastes and interests.
The Erasmus person will be expected to help the Erasmus+ Developper and further the links between the MJC and Greece (St Brieuc being twinned with Aghia Paraslevi near Athens)
WHAT WE OFFER : We certainly have a great deal to offer to the lucky candidate!
-We offer a nice, fully furnished and fully equiped studio flat (from oven, to towels, beddings and crockery, rolling shutters...), Bathroom with shower, hot water at all times...all charges paid for (water and electricity) with this post. The flat is very close to the MJC and very well located near the shops (Lidl supermarket, pharmacy, Press, hairdresser, minimarket, bakery open on Sundays, Post-office...). A covered Swimming pool is only 5 minutes' walk from the flat. The studio is located in a 2-storey-building mainly inhabited by students. Free private parking space for one car, at the foot of the building in the courtyard behind the building. With this comfortable studio flat we spare you all the hastle and expense of finding accomodation and paying for it.
- The Erasmus person will be offered for free all foreign language classes of her/his choice, along with all the dance, sports and media classes available at the MJC (at no extra expense).
-The Erasmus person will be offered on-line training and coaching paid by the MJC and given through distance learning system by Ms Ifigenia Georgiadou, Director of the Hellenic Culture Centre, Santorini. This training is for supporting and helping you with your task at a teacher at the MJC.
-The new trainee according to the agenda of the Erasmus + Developper, might be met at Paris Airport and enjoy a 2-days visit in Paris before coming to St Brieuc or later (but this is subject to availability and depends on several factors).
-The ERASMUS PLUS person will have at her/his disposal all pedagogical material created by former greek teachers.
-Great social life goes with the post! Visits of Brittany, invitations to families, entertainment...
-We ensure first class welcome, great social life, benevolant assistance support and guidance throughout the stay to a cheerful student respectful of procedures and people. We offer at all times technical and logistics help, support and accompaniement, professional advice and coaching with MJC staff : The Director of the MJC, but also the Culture and Language Officer).
-The insurance of the MJC will protect the Erasmus person on the workplace and during the walk between the MJC and the Studio flat. Other Private insurance must be done by yourself.
-Transportation reimboursed if travelling for professional reason on professional mission for the MJC (however transportation from GREECE or CYPRUS/FRANCE,BRITTANY/GREECE, CYPRUS cannot be reimboursed).
-The Erasmus person will have her/his own working space (desk, chair, internet connection, phone) in a shared office on the premises of the MJC.
-Christmas Break vacation (2 weeks) and Easter Break vacation (2 weeks).
-The Erasmus placement trainee is expected to attend the MJC and be in her/his office. She/he is not expected to ask for more vacation as the law stipulates that vacation is 2,5 days a month. So the 4 weeks given cover the legal obligations.
-The Erasmus Placement trainee is expected to be polite and respectfull of staff, punctual and loyal to the MJC and the requirements of the contract signed.
-The person must have a scholarship from the ERASMUS PLUS Programme, called INTERNERSHIP from her/ his University. (duration of the internship can be negociated but at least an 8 months stay is important for pedagogigal reasons).
-The person must speak excellent French and enjoy teaching language classes, greek dance classes (and French as a foreign language if you would). Our main interest is to have Greek language and civilisation classes, and Greek / Chypriot dance classes.
-The person must enjoy communicating, including communicating with the media (support, coordination and Guidance will be constantly provided by our communication specialist who would have prepared all the material) . We must ensure that Erasmus coverage and logo is well seen in leaflets, flyers and in the medias! Important : When communicating with the media, attention will be given to coordination with the Erasmus Developper, the person responsible for ERASMUS Placement and Programme at the MJC (If done on a personnal or independant basis, the contents must be complete and in conformity with the description in the Press Pack or Press Folder given by the MJC but it must also be done in coordination with the people responsible at the MJC, and not apart or aside).
-The person must be apt at reporting, that is to say inform the Erasmus+ Developper and the MJC hierarchy of her actions and activities thoroughout the year at the MJC.
The thorough description of the post is available in French, please refer to it for details.
We have a 5 year-experience in receiving Greek Teachers. The MJC has also a very long experience and deep-rooted tradition of welcoming trainees and internships.
-The person will bring her own personnal computer with her/him.
All Applications must be sent in FRENCH to Sylvie LE MOËL-PHILIPPE ERASMUS+ DEVELOPPER for the MJC. Sylvie LE MOËL coordinates the ERASMUS +Scholarship and has the intitiave of it: sylvielemoel@orange.fr
Skype : sylvie le moel-philippe
Address of the receiving structure:
MJC du Plateau 1, avenue Antoine Mazier
BP 511 22005 Saint-Brieuc cedex 1
Tel : 00 33 2 96 61 94 58 Mail : direction.mjcduplateau@gmail.com
Internet site : MJC:www.mjcduplateau.fr