Yarmouk University (YU) is the second oldest and second largest university in Jordan that was established in Irbid city upon royal decree in 1976.The University offers 65 Bachelor, 67 Masters, and 18 Ph.D. programs in its15 faculties. In addition, it has 18 research and service centers, with a total enrolment of around 40,000 students in both graduate and undergraduate programs, and more than 178.000 alumni, where the international portion reaches 10%.
Yarmouk University delivers high-quality education in the various fields of specializations at the BSc, MSc, and Ph.D. levels, making sure to partner with different international leading schools worldwide. Collaboration forms include the development and implementation of joint projects that can establish new structures and/or policies or modernize existing ones; students exchange to pursue graduate studies, academic and administrative staff exchange for knowledge transfer purposes via sharing projects development and implementations. YU is also involved in several European funded projects including Erasmus+ CBHE and ICM, ENI CBC Med, and H2020 (Previously, Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, ENPI CBC Med, and FP7). One ultimate objective is to contribute to human welfare and prosperity in its wider context.
Yarmouk University is a comprehensive university. However, it focuses more on the following study/research fields:
1- Archaeology, Anthropology, and Tourism: http://archaeology.yu.edu.jo/en
2- Translation Studies: https://arts.yu.edu.jo/index.php/depts/translation.
3- Engineering: http://hijjawi.yu.edu.jo/en
4- Information Technology: http://it.yu.edu.jo/en
5- Natural Sciences: http://science.yu.edu.jo/
6- Refugees Studies: http://rdfmsc.yu.edu.jo/en
7- Arabic Language for non-Arabic Speakers: http://langcenter.yu.edu.jo/en
8- Media Studies: https://mass.yu.edu.jo/
9- Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Development: https://mass.yu.edu.jo/
10- Medicine and Pharmacy: https://medicine.yu.edu.jo/, https://pharmacy.yu.edu.jo/
11- Princess Basma Center for Jordanian Women's Studies: https://pbc.yu.edu.jo/index.php/en/
12- Sciences: https://science.yu.edu.jo/index.php/en/
13- Economics and Administrative Sciences: https://economics.yu.edu.jo/index.php/en/
14- Tourism and Hotel Management: https://tourism.yu.edu.jo/index.php/en/
15- Geographic and Historical Studies: https://arts.yu.edu.jo/index.php/depts/geography
16- Modern Languages: https://arts.yu.edu.jo/index.php/depts/department-of-biological-sciences
17- Islamic Studies: https://sharia.yu.edu.jo/index.php/en/
18- Fine Arts and Graphic Design: https://finearts.yu.edu.jo/
19- And Physical Education: https://sports.yu.edu.jo/
Ενδιαφέρον για Erasmus+ Projects