We are delighted to announce that Le Mans Université is organising a Summer School for French language and culture this June!
This year, the program will take place from Friday, June 13 to Saturday, July 5. It will include French language, cultural classes, conferences and visits (Loire Valley châteaux, the Old Town, Paris, ...), and all this still at a very attractive price! You can find all the information (detailed program, fees, pre-requisites...) in the attached brochure (PDF document).
Registration has already opened: register quickly! Places are limited, so we won't be able to accept registration once the program is full, or after April 1st (whichever comes sooner).
Online registration is open until April 1st: https://univlemans.moveonfr.com/form/678f66074ef5d8b4290b5e32/eng
1. You must create an account using the above link, which you will then need to activate via an automatic email. The subject of the email is "Formulaire - Activation du compte / Online form - Account activation". To activate your account you should click on "Activation du compte". You have 24 hours in which to do this. You must choose a password with at least 8 characters, including at least one letter, one number and one special character (punctuation mark). The rest of the process is in English.
2. Once you have activated your account, you can fill in and submit your form.
3. As soon as your form has been processed, we will send you a pre-registration confirmation email with, amongst other information, the university's bank account details.
4. Your place will be confirmed (you will be registered) once the university has received your payment. The deadline for receiving payments (by bank transfer only) is 1st April 2025.
Please note we sometimes experience some technical problems. If this is the case for you, please contact us by email.
We remain available for any further information.
Kind regards from Le Mans,