Dear sir or madam,
We hope you are feeling well.
We are writing to inform you that next summer 2025 the Summer School of the European project TransMigrARTS will be held at TAI, Madrid. The aim of the TransMigrARTS project is to work through art with migrant communities to establish social connections and transform vulnerabilities.
The Summer School aims to transmit the scientific results obtained during the five years of the TransMigrARTS project and to train people who are interested in working with migrant groups through art.
There will be workshops, talks and round tables that will allow participants to learn how to carry out an artistic workshop for migrants. The language of the workshops will be Spanish.
The target audience:
* Academic community: master's students, doctoral students, teachers and researchers.
* Members of organizations linked to migrants.
* Artists who wish to get involved in workshops with migrant groups.
We kindly ask for your collaboration to disseminate the school among teachers and master's and doctoral students.The registration period is open until June 2025, but the application for grants ends in April 2025. However, we encourage you to ask your international office for Erasmus Mobilities so you can receive economical support for your time in Madrid (transportation and lodging).
You can find the application form and more information in the following link: Summer School 2025
Please find attached a flyer with all the information about the Summer School and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at transmigrarts@taiarts.com
If you do not wish to receive more information or if you think we should send it to another contact please let us know.
Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you!