We are happy to inform you and your students about our upcoming Winter School on “Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Access to Natural Resources in a Changing World” – SustANGE, organized jointly with the UniTrento Faculty of Law and the Erasmus School of Law at the University of Rotterdam, which will take place in a blended mobility format:
- on campus in Trento from 27 January to 7 February 2025
- compulsory online follow-up workshop on 17 February 2025
Thank you for spreading the news among your senior Bachelor (from 3rd year) and all Master students by forwarding them this email and the attached flyer. PhD students are not eligible.
Please notice that the nomination on your part is NOT needed this time. All students are asked to apply directly through this online application tool by 31 October 2024 and afterwards their applications will undergo a selection process. See instructions for registration in the UniTrento system in the Downloads Box on the Winter School web page.
If applicable, they might at this stage contact you to enquire about the availability of an Erasmus+ short term mobility scholarship/contribution.
In the first week of November, we will inform applicants about the selection results and will guide admitted students in the next steps. We will of course let you know if your students have been admitted.
The reduced participation cost reserved for your students coming from our Partner Universities is € 400 instead of € 1.000 and is meant to cover the costs for meals and the socio-cultural program.
An online Info Session held for interested students by the academic coordinators and our staff will take place on 17 September during either one of two time slots: 9:00 – 10:00 or 15:00 – 16:00 (both CEST). This is to accommodate time zone differences across the world. Dates and registration zoom links are available on the Winter School webpage.
Photo galleries and testimonial videos from past Summer and Winter School editions are available on the Summer and Winter Schools page, which are excellent peer-to-peer media to share with your students! On the same page you can also find other initiatives organized by other offices at UniTrento and relevant contacts.