Dear Partners, dear Students,
the Faculty of Management and Technology from the University in Esslingen/Germany will offer an Online Summer Block Seminar in
“Intensive Technical Knowledge” for International Management Students in Summer 2024.
This unique experience broadens the understanding of technical business administration in an industrial environment, at the interface between technical and business areas.
In this seminar, you will have the chance to:
- Take part in an online seminar (via Moodle) with 50% live online exercises and lectures as well as 50% self-pathed, pre-recorded contents (video, etc.)
- Improve your English language skills and acquire fundamental technical skills and engineering knowledge
- Achieve up to 6 ECTS attending all three parts of the seminar and passing the exams successfully (exams can also be passed separately with 2 ECTS each).
Registration is open on 1st of May until 31st of May.
You can find more details via the following links (including an introduction video):
Information link:
Registration link:
Questions can be adressed to christiane.hoeger-riedel@hs-esslingen.de