We are proud to inform you that the applications for the XI edition of the "Summer School on European and Comparative Company Law: Capital Markets", are now open.
As indicated in the Academic Regulation, herein attached for your convenience, the School will take place from July 12 to July 20, 2024 and lectures will be held in Rome, from Monday to Friday (2 - 8 pm) and on Saturday (8.30 am - 1.30 pm).
Courses will specifically focus on IPOs, Takeover Bids, Market Abuses, Shareholders' Rights, Bond Issuance, with a comparative view on the EU framework.
The students will have the possibility to attend the lessons both in presence and via streaming through the platform Cisco Webex.
Luiss University will also provide for a limited number of accommodations at a discounted rate.
Should you need further information, please find attached our Regulation and visit our website.