JASSY SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 - Iasi, Romania, is now welcoming new applications!
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, is pleased to announce its 7th edition of the JASSY Summer School - a Journey through life and hArd sciences, economicS, Social sciences and the tourism industrY, to be held between 8 and 19 July 2024.
Students looking for an academically and socio-culturally stimulating learning experience are invited to sign up for one of the JASSY modules on offer:
Hard Sciences unveiled: an Interdisciplinary Tour
Strategic Human Resource Management
Eastern European Perspectives on Culture, History and Integration
Tourism at the Eastern Border of the EU. Interdisciplinary Training for Tour Guides
Should you be interested in earning academic credits while enjoying a wide range of daily recreational and networking activities, you are invited to send a resume and a motivation letter to jassy@uaic.ro by 1 June 2024.
Information on our JASSY modules is available at: http://www.uaic.ro/en/jassy/
For general inquiries, please write to jassy@uaic.ro
The JASSY team is looking forward to welcoming you in Iasi!