Dear Colleagues,
Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Masaryk University in Brno are pleased to invite you to the Joint International Staff Week Towards a Vision of Sustainable University that will be held from 10th to 14th June 2024 in Kraków.
The aim of this International Week is to gain insights into and knowledge about building and maintaining sustainable universities around the world. This is a great opportunity to network with colleagues from different countries and universities!
During the event we will dig deeper and explore together the diversity of ways to build a sustainable university in all aspects of its mission, how it is embedded in the academic society and linked to various outcomes for the entire institution.
We invite all UN colleagues that are involved in such processes at their universities and those who are willing to get experience in building a sustainable university to join us in Kraków!
If you and/or your colleague would be interested to participate, please fill out the online application form
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us:
Jan Beszlej jan.beszlej@uj.edu.pl
Izabela Zawiska izabela.zawiska@uj.edu.pl
Looking forward to receive your applications!