We would like to inform you about an excellent job opportunity especially interesting and attractive for students from your university who stay in Zaragoza, with the Association "Pansélinos" during the academic year (2024/2025) through Erasmus internships. Of course, it is fully compatible with your internship.
We think that this internship programme abroad can make an exchange stay even more interesting and enriching. The student will meet people who like Greek culture and want to learn Greek, as well as Greeks living in the region. I am sending you all the relevant information in the attached file.
If you have any questions about the programme, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Manolis Giatsidis
President of Asociación Cultural Heleno – Aragonesa “Pansélinos”
Vía Ramón Pignatelli, 5 – 2ºA
50007 Zaragoza
Teléfono: + 34 629 722726
Dir. email: infopanselinos@gmail.com
Web: https://sites.google.com/site/asociacionpanselinos/home?authuser=0