Greetings from Greifswald!
SustainMV – the summer school on sustainability – will take place this year for the fourth time! In the last three years we have welcomed over 620 participants in our online format and nearly 60 on-site in the past two years. 40 different speakers presented their scientific perspective on sustainability.
SustainMV, this one of a kind event, is jointly organised by the Higher Education Institutions of our region, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The overarching theme is Sustainability in the fields of Tourism, Renewable Energies, Digital & Technological Innovations, Recycling & Waste Management, Ecosystems and Social Sustainability, showcasing opportunities for transformation through science and education for a sustainable future. Our goal is to present north-east Germany as the fantastic location for sustainability education, research and business that it is.
SustainMV on-site will take place September 3rd until September 13th. It is preceded by a three-day online introduction to the subject from August 27th until August 29th.
Thanks to government funding, we are again able to offer SustainMV 2024 tuition free. Nevertheless, for our on-site participants there will be a registration fee of 100€ charged after successful application. Accommodation is included. Attending the online + on-site programme is accredited with 4 ECTS according to the European Credit Transfer System.
We accept applications for SustainMV 2024 from advanced Bachelor as well as Master students in any sustainability related subject area. The application is open from March 1st. For detailed information please see the attached fact sheet or visit our website https://sustainmv.de/.
We are happy to answer any programme related questions: info@sustainmv.de
SustainMV 2024 is a great opportunity for students from all over the globe to share and discuss their views and approaches towards sustainability related topics. The different academic as well as cultural backgrounds are the key to this unique academic platform while getting a glimpse of what it is like to study in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.