The National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC) on its Lleida campus invites academic (lecturers, researchers) and non-academic staff (administrative, librarians, technicians, IT managers,…) from higuer education institutions to participate in the I International Week to be held between 27th and 29th November at Lleida, Catalonia, Spain.
The overall goal is to foster internationalisation in tertiary education for faculty staff and students. During these days participants will have to engage into fruitful discussions, exchange professional and personal experiences and enjoy (physically active) social events.
All participants are expected to cover their travel, accommodation and living expenses from the ERASMUS staff mobility for training, ERASMUS for teaching grants or other funds, which should be managed by own organisations.
The language of the event will be in English. The prelimiary programme is attached to this email.
We specially invite participants to suggest topics for workshops or lectures as well as leading any of them. The final programme will be decided according to the participants’ interests and participation, ready on 31st October.
For further information or to suggest specific collaboration, please contact the Mobility Coordinator at INEFC Lleida, Dr. Cristina Torrelles, mobilitat.inefclld@gencat.cat
Warm regards,
Sebastià Mas, Deputy Director for Support and Innovation
Cristina Torrelles, Mobility Coordinator
Laura Gallego, Academic administration