My name is Daniel Moura from the Sport & Physical Activities’ Office at NOVA University of Lisbon and I am responsible and the main contact regarding the admission of internships through the European mobility programme Erasmus +, at NOVA’s Sport & Physical Activity Department.
At NOVA, we have been accepting Undergraduate students, in order to complete working placements at Nova University of Lisbon sports’ department, since 2018 and it has been a really enthusiastic experience for all of them.
The position is ideal for sport lovers with high interest in social media, photography and travelling with teams to sport competitions and we currently have positions available.
This way, we would kindly like to ask you if it would be possible to share this position with students from your University, who could possibly be looking for working placement opportunities.
Please find the placement advertisement attached, containing specific information about this role.
If there is any further information required, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail to desporto@unl.pt or visit our social media networks on Instagram/Facebook to find more information about NOVA Desporto.