We are pleased to invite you and your colleagues to the 4th International Staff Teaching/Training Week organized by the Poznan University of Physical Education which will take place on 8-12 May 2023 in Poznan, Poland.
We invite the academic staff from our partner universities to come to the Poznan Physical Education University to share their knowledge, innovative ideas through lectures and practical sessions presented for students and colleagues from different study programmes.
The week is especially aimed at all teachers and staff working in the following subjects areas:
- Physiotherapy – problem Based Learning, PBL in rehabilitation, rehabilitation in geriatrics, pediatrics, telemedicine etc.,
- Physical Education & Sport – theory and methodology of Sports, didactics of teaching & learning physical education, recreational sport and wellness, methodology of improving technical and tactical elements in team games, attractive forms of teaching on physical education lessons, sports training in all sorts groups,
- Sport nutrition, dietetics - vegetarian food etc.
- Tourism and recreation – cultural & heritage tourism in the contemporary world, tourism trends, food tourism, future tourism demand, challenges for marketers and economists etc.
- Session for non-teaching staff – presentation for Polish students about home country/university with details concerning the program of studies in English etc.
This week will be a five day long experience for teaching/training staff, students and exciting social events. We would be grateful if you could forward this invitation to potentially interested professors, teachers and other staff at your institution.
All participants are expected to cover their travel, accommodation and living expenses from the Erasmus staff mobility for teaching/training grant or other funds. Participation in this week is free of charge.
For registration please send enclosed form on e-mail nawrocka@awf.poznan.pl with the following details: your name, last name, university, position, subject’s area, topics, e-mail and phone number. Number of participants is limited. The deadline for registration is 15th April 2023.
We look forward to welcome you at our International Teaching Week in Poznan.