Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to you in my capacity as the head of International Relations Office of Khujand State University, Tajikistan. With this letter, I would like to express our interest in finding partners from your university/country to collaborate in the framework of Erasmus + KA`s projects.
First of all, I would like to give you very brief information about Khujand State University (KSU). KSU is a state Higher Education Institution. Khujand State University is the second biggest University in Tajikistan. It is 85 years old. It has made great contribution to the development of many branches of public economy specifically to education and science.
It was built in 1932 and was called Pedagogical Institute. Since it has trained about 80.000 (thousand) specialists and annually 1.600 of its graduates take jobs in different branches of public economy. Today it has 16 Faculties, 78 Chairs (Departments), and 19.500 students: 10.326-full-time, 9.174-part-time, 840 teachers: 58-doctors of science, 362-Candidates of Science (Kandidat Nauk) and Senior Lecturers (docents), 203 Senior Teachers and 217 teachers. It trains 73 skills for full-time students and 23 skills for part-time students. The Faculties are the following:
1. Geo-Ecology
2. Foreign Languages (English and German)
3. Oriental Languages (Arabic, Indian, Chinese and etc.)
4. Mathematics
5. Finance and Market Economy
6. Pedagogic
7. Art Graphics and Technology
8. Art
9. Physical Training
10. History and Law
11. Part-time education
12. Telecommunication and Information Technology
13. Physics and Engineering
14. Philology (Russian and Uzbek)
15. Tajik Philology
16. Chemistry and Biology
It also has:
· Five Research Centres
· Post-graduate degrees Department; Two Dissertation Councils
· Master Degree Department
· English & Russian Languages and Computer Sciences Centre
· “Palas” Experimental and Productive Area in terms of Life Sciences
· A Publishing House
· A Sport Complex with Facilities
· A Pedagogical College
The Department of Post graduate courses trains newly-recruited personnel in 22 specialties. It provides professional training on Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, Philology, Pedagogy, as well as on Engineering and Economy. There are two dissertation defense councils: one on Tajik History and the other on Tajik Philology.
The Department of Post graduate course cooperates with Dushanbe Chemistry Institute, the Institute of the economics at the Ministry of Economy and Trade of Dushanbe, Moscow State Geology Research University, Moscow State University of Management, the Institute of Oriental Languages of Academy of Sciences of Russian Federation, St-Petersburg State University, Novosibirsk State Teachers` Training University, Stockholm Technological University, Switzerland, Dubna United Nuclear Research University of Russian Federation, and Universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
At present, Khujand State University named after Academician B.Gafurov cooperates with North Carolina State University (USA), Agricultural University of Beiging (China), Moscow State University of Statistics, Information and Economics and statistics (Russian Federation), St-Petersburg State University (Russian Federation), University of Western Michigan (USA), Kharkov National University of Radio and electronics, Osh State University (Kyrgyzstan), Gulistan State University (Uzbekistan), Institute of Literature and Language (Uzbekistan), Mahyor Centre of Higher Education of Iran, the Department of Social Links of the USA Embassy in Tajikistan, Agha-Khan foundation Humanistic Program, Education Network Association.( EdNet), Delhi University (India), Jamia Milliya Islamiya (India), Humboldt University (German).
Students and teaching staff avail themselves of study schemes and are regularly awarded individual grants of leading international grants providers such as IREX, Fulbright, US Embassy, DAAD, JFDP, SOROS, ACTED, UNESCO, Cultural Centre of Iran, Ismailia Institute in London, Agha-Khan Foundation, EUROASIA, ACCELS, CARANA CORPORATION, OSCE, UNISEF, TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS and many others.
Several TEMPUS projects have been successfully implemented at the University as a member of consortium of universities in the Central Asia region and beyond it.
Khujand State University expresses its interest in ERASMUS + and would like to participate as a partner in projects that focus the following:
- Modernisation of curricula in academic disciplines identified as priorities by the Partner Countries, using the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the three cycle system and the recognition of degrees;
- University management and services for students;
- Introduction of quality assurance;
- Development of international relations;
- Knowledge triangle education-research-innovation;
- Development of lifelong learning in society at large;
- Qualifications frameworks.
- Testing and assessment, its validity and effectiveness
- Improving the quality of teaching content of teaching English
- Training in competence based on English teachers
- Self-organization and self-learning for women( supporting euntoprenship)
- Reducing domestic violence and educating women
- IT and digital technology in learning the languages
- Disability and equal rights to study. (Implementation of European experience in Central Asia)
- Mobility and education programs for educators and professionals
- And also our academic and administrative staff will be happy to cooperate with any offered projects as the University covers almost all sectors and fields of the society and labor market needs and demands.
- Development of educational programs in ethnology, ethno-political science and geo-ecology at universities of Tajikistan;
- The development and usage of renewable energy and other alternative energy sources: EU experience in Tajikistan;
- Development of training programs for distance learning based on the experience of higher education institutions of the EU.
On the basis of these proposal ideas Khujand State University named after academician B. Gafurov is very pleased to cooperate and be a reliable partner to give detailed information about the above-mentioned ideas with/to the universities and applicants drafting project proposals in the framework of Erasmus+ Key Actions.
Our website address is www.hgu.tj
Συνεργασία στο πλαίσιο προγραμμάτων Erasmus+ ΚΑ2