It’s with great pleasure that I inform you that the University of Parma has launched a new project aimed to favor the European dimension of education in schools.
The TEACHING PLACEMENT experience is unique in the Italian territory and sees the strict collaboration of the University of Parma and the schools in the city and surrounding towns.
The project sees the opportunity for university students and recent graduates to assist the schoolteachers in their teaching activities, with the specific task to enhance the European awareness of pupils.
In the internationalization process this University is pursuing towards the consolidation of both European and international partnerships, the Teaching Placement call is aimed to offer our European partner institutions an interesting opportunity for their students wishing to undertake future careers that may somehow involve either teaching or pedagogy-related employments.
At the same time, your students' contribution may actively help a wider awareness of the concrete development of a "European way to education" since the very of the pupils' school experience. It's not only a contribution to their enrichment of foreign languages rather the confrontation with a different way of facing and experiencing teaching and learning.
In case you're considering this activity as part of your Erasmus+ activities, consider that the Teaching Placement scholarships are fully compatible with Erasmus+ SMP grants.
It would be wonderful if you could spread the word to you students, in order to receive their applications. The deadline for submitting the applications is next 29th November and the traineeship activities are planned for the next semester (February to May 2020).
All the information on how to access the scholarships are available at the following address: https://en.unipr.it/Teaching_Placement
Of course, feel free to contact me or our International Division for any additional clarification you may need.
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Simonetta Anna Valenti
Vice Rector for Internationalization
Università di Parma
U.O. Internazionalizzazione
Erasmus and International Home
P.le San Francesco, 3
43121 Parma (Italy)
Phone: +39.0521.904203
Fax: +39.0521.347006
University of Parma
Publication date:
Τετάρτη, 30 Οκτώβριος 2019
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