State University of Novi Pazar intends to apply for funding in the following Call for Proposals within the Erasmus+ programme ‘Key Action 2 - Capacity building in the field of higher education’ of the European Commission with a project proposal entitled:
‘Capacity Building and Curricula Modernisation in the Fields of Ecology and Chemistry in Western Balkan Countries: The Shift to Learning Outcomes’
The largest universities in Serbia, Montenegro and Albania (University of Belgrade, University of Niš, University of Kragujevac, State University of Novi Pazar, University of Montenegro, University of Tirana and University of Elbasan) and up to 7 higher education institutions from the EU will take part in our project.
The project aims and objectives are attached to this email.
We have identified your organisation as potential consortium member. In that sense, we would be extremely grateful if you accept our invitation to take part in our project.
If you choose to take part and become a partner, it will be expected of your organisation to participate with 2-3 participants, of whom at least one must be higher education teacher/professor in the field of Ecology and at least one higher education teacher/professor in the field of Chemistry.
You will be expected to participate in the following activities:
- University teaching staff professional development. Participants from your institution experienced in relevant fields will be expected to participate as lecturers in training seminars. The first one will be focused on ‘Application of Learning Outcomes Approaches in Europe’ and the second one on topics in Ecology and Chemistry. The seminars will be organised in one of the participating Western Balkan countries.
- Overview and analysis of study programmes in Ecology and Chemistry at selected programme countries’ HEIs as well as comparative analysis with the corresponding programmes in WB countries.
- Organisation and implementation of one study visit of WB teaching staff to your institution
- Participation in dissemination and exploitation activities
Furthermore, you will be able to participate in the following optional activities (please highlight in your response if you are interested in any of these):
- Participation in quality assurance of project activities (optional)
- Participation in project management (optional)
- Participation in ‘Special Mobility Strand’ as host organisation for professional development of teaching staff participating in the project in the areas of Ecology and Chemistry (optional) (if yes, please provide us with the number of teaching staff members that you will be able to receive for the training activities in relevant research institutes/laboratories for a period of 2-8 weeks during 2020, not necessarily at the same time, in accordance with the applicable rules of EACEA: Guidelines for Special Mobility Strand)
If you are willing to participate in our project, after your positive response to this invitation e-mail (incl. information about the number of participantsfrom your organisation and decision on taking part in optional activities), we will prepare and send you necessary forms that need to be filled out, provisional budget, LFM, project description, planned role of your institution and Mandate to sign.
In all future steps in the application process all your opinions and suggestions will be welcomed and acknowledged.
‘Capacity Building and Curricula Modernisation in the Fields of Ecology and Chemistry in Western Balkan Countries: The Shift to Learning Outcomes’