The city of Thessaloniki may be reached by plane, train or bus.
By plane:
The easiest way to get to Thessaloniki is by a direct fly to the city’s airport called “Thessaloniki Airport Makedonia” (https://www.skg-airport.gr/en) serving both international and domestic flights. Most major airline companies have direct flights to Thessaloniki or frights via Athens. The Thessaloniki airport (SKG) is the second biggest airport in Greece and it is located 14km east of the city center.
By train:
Thessaloniki’s Railway Station (https://www.hellenictrain.gr) is centrally located (28, Monastiriou str.) and is conveniently connected with the rest of the city via public transportation. If you are coming to Thessaloniki via Athens, the “Express” or “Intercity” trains are suggested in order to travel faster.
By bus:
In order to travel by bus to Thessaloniki or from Thessaloniki to any destination in Greece you may find all the necessary information by contacting the Macedonia Intercity Bus Station (KTEL) of Thessaloniki (https://ktelmacedonia.gr/). If you are coming to Thessaloniki via Athens, it is a 511km (approximately 6 hours) journey.
By ship:
Thessaloniki’s port is connected by sea with other major ports and islands (http://www.thpa.gr/).