Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme funds the mobility of a specified and limited number of staff and students from and to Partner Countries.
The Hellenic National Agency, following the rules of the programme set by the European Commission, awarded our University with a certain number of mobilities per Partner Country. This number is described in the Interinstitutional Agreement signed between our Universities (for the full text of the Agreement, please refer to https://eurep.auth.gr/el/internationalContract/list ).
The number of mobilities specified in the Agreement concern all the Partner Institutions of a certain country and not the specific country that the Agreement is signed with. That happens because it is not predictable how many applications will be submitted from each Partner University so as to allocate them per Institution.
Staff applicants are required to submit the following documents in order to apply:
- Mobility Agreement (Teaching or Training: according to your nomination) signed and stamped by your University.
- CV (preferably but not obligatory in Europass template).
- Letter of support or other communication proving the School or Unit has pre-accepted you.
The Letter of Support does not guarantee acceptance of the applicant because the number of applicants from each country is bigger than the number of available mobilities.
All applications are forwarded to the relevant School so that they are ranked according to the added value they may provide as well as other academic criteria that each School sets for their visiting staff. The quantative criteria are as following:
- 1. Letter of Support: 20%
- 2. Mobility Agreement: 50%
- 3. CV:30%
Please note that our Department is not authorized to interfere in the decisions taken from Schools and Faculties.
Then, the Erasmus+ International Committee gathers the evaluation forms and proceeds to the final selection taking into account:
- The evaluation score of each applicant,
- The ranking of the home institution (if any),
- The number of mobilities per country
- The balanced allocation of mobilities in each Partner University of the Partner Country,
- The balanced allocation of grantees in the Schools and Faculties of Aristotle University
All these factors need to be considered as efficiently and reasonably as possible. It is normal that not all Partners are equally satisfied due to the limited number of available mobilities. Unfortunately, our University cannot affect the number of mobilities awarded since it is decided by the National Agency. All that can be done is to ensure the fair allocation of mobilities as well as to substantiate our cooperation each time we apply for the programme.
We value our cooperation with all our Partners and work towards the best possible results of the programme. Nevertheless, there are certain rules and regulations both of the Programme and the University that we cannot ignore.
In case your University is interested to broaden the collaboration with Aristotle University, they can include in the Erasmus+ ICM report their request to increase the number of mobilities and the budget for your Country. Reports are submitted by the Erasmus+ ICM coordinators of each Partner University and they are required by the European Commission.