Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility
3rd Call for Incoming Staff Mobilities (Teaching/Training) spring semester acad. year 2022-2023
We are happy to announce our 3rd Call of Staff mobilities through the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme (spring semester of acad. year 2022-2023).
For this reason please forward this e-mail to the person in charge of staff mobilities.
Inteterested partners can find all available mobilities for Teaching or Training, which have to be implemented between 20th March 2023 until 21th July 2023. In order to ensure the highest degree of flexibility, all mobilities are available for both teaching and training mobilities and the final allocation will depend on the nominations/application we will receive.
Nominations’ period: 12th January – 22nd January, 2023
Applications’ period: 23rd January – 3rd February, 2023
Please note the following:
1. Nominations will be submitted by the International Relations Office of the partner universities only online, through our e-form. We will not accept nominations by email.
2. Staff mobilities have to be implemented between 20th March 2023 until 21th July 2023. The starting dates depend on the arrangements between applicants/selected grantees and the host Schools/Units. However, applicants are encouraged to check the University Calendar in order to avoid applying for periods that are not eligible (e.g. official holidays).
Please note that all nominations (max 5 staff members for Teaching and max 5 staff members for Training) shall be submitted by the International Relations Office of the partner university once via the E-nomination form developed for this purpose.
In order to submit the details of your staff nominees, please follow the link below:
https://eurep.auth.gr/en/nominations/international/staff (to be used only by the International Relations Office)
Please note that nominations will be accepted only via the e-nomination form. In case of any technical issues, please inform us.
All nominated staff members will be sent guidelines for the necessary documentation after the deadline of nominations.
[Information for the Nominees wishing to apply]
1) Only nominated staff members will be sent guidelines for the necessary documentation.
2) In order that nominees submit their applications, the nominees have to prepare the following documents:
- The MOBILITY AGREEMENT for Teaching/Training KA171, which must include ONLY the mobility period EXCLUDING the travel days and be signed and stamped by the applicant and their Home University.
The latest versions of the required forms (which should be used) and all necessary information are available at:
Teaching: https://eurep.auth.gr/en/staff/international/teaching/general_information
Training: https://eurep.auth.gr/en/staff/international/training/general_information .
- A CURRICULUM VITAE(CV) in Europass format
(can be downloaded from: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/documents/curriculum-vitae/templates-instructions ).
- A LETTER OF SUPPORT from the School/Faculty of interest.
This letter is not obligatory but it contributes positively on the assessment of the application. Applicants have to contact the ECTS of the School/Faculty which they want to apply for.
A list of the ECTS Coordinators for the Erasmus+ International can be found here: https://eurep.auth.gr/en/coordinators/international .
After the deadline of applications, all applications will be assessed by the ECTS coordinators of our Schools and Units and the Selection Committee will decide who will be granted a mobility according to the criteria set for each category of applicants. For the Staff mobilities, see the criteria here: https://eurep.auth.gr/en/staff/international/teaching/assessment
Partner Universities will be sent the list of selected applicants.