Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Competition Call for the Logo Design of the Programme:
S.U.C.RE., Supporting University Community pathways for REfugees-migrants
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and its Department of European Educational Programmes invites interested parties to submit their proposals on designing a Logo regarding the S.U.C.RE. Programme: Supporting University Community pathways for REfugees-migrants approved by the National Agency (IKY) and coordinated by AUTh.
S.U.C.RE. Programme:
The Consortium of S.U.C.RE. is international and consists of the following HEIs and Organisations: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Cologne, VU Amsterdam, and the Greek Council for Refugees. The programme focuses on the processes (linguistic support, knowledge level, etc.) required for the proper integration of refugees/migrants in higher education as well as on their academic support after their acceptance/entrance in a University. In addition, the programme focuses on the psychosocial integration/support of refugees/migrants and their proper information on legal and medical issues. The programme aims at creating educational/training material to be properly used by trainers for the above stated purposes.
The logo needs to reflect the Programme in accordance with the above description consisting of the visual part as well as the acronym S.U.C.RE.
1. Cover letter with the creator’s contact information (refer to the attached form).
2. Printing of proposals (designs) in color, in gray tones as well as in a black & white version
Paper format: A4, horizontal (named)
The logo should be able to be used in: cards, brochures, posters, banners, etc.
3. Detailed description of the creative thinking (concept) of the proposed logo and examples of its application in the various media: printed, electronic, etc. The dimensions of the printed presentation must be A4, horizontal (named).
4. Optical disc (named CD) that will include: the proposals (designs) in digital form, in color, in gray tones as well as in black & white version, both in Greek and English (the designs must be able to be adapted in any other language too). File types: .tiff, .jpg or .png, with an analysis of at least 300dpi, as well as in vector of type .eps, .svg or .ai. Programmes to be used: Illustrator or InDesign.
5. Design specifications: The logo will consist of the visual part and the acronym S.U.C.RE.
6. The proposals that will be prepared should also comply with the following specifications:
• Good use of illustrations, color and typography.
• There must be consistency with the theme of the programme.
• Since the logo will be used in a linear (PANTONE vector), coloured- RGB and coloured-CMYK, in the smallest and largest version, it should remain legible without any distortions in its design.
• Its application on different media such as brochures, posters, cards, etc., as well its application in single color, in English or in any other language (adaption), should be done without any problems.
Terms of the competition call:
Proposal may be submitted by students of AUTh, individually or in groups. A proposal can also be submitted by students or groups studying at Aristotle University through exchange programmes.
The proposals must be original and free of copyrights and other commitments. They should not infringe rights of third parties, including logos of registered brands.
About copyrights: The copyrights of the logo that will be selected are automatically transferred as property of AUTh. All rights of the proposals not selected, remain property of their creators. AUTh reserves the right not to accept or refuse any proposal that either falls into any of these categories or implies tendency of falling into any of these categories.
The participants, by submitting graphic patterns, designs, ideas, suggestions, etc., explicitly allow AUTh to reproduce them and display them publicly throughout the duration of the Competition, without affecting neither the intellectual nor the moral right of participants and their respective graphic patterns, designs, ideas, etc.
With the announcement of the selected logo, the winner grants to AUTh any interest in such property, including intellectual property rights.
AUTh reserves the right to use the logo for the purposes of the Programme without paying any further fees other than the prize specified in this call.
AUTh reserves the right to repeat in the future similar competition calls or expressions of interest or to directly assign the design of the Logo to another creator. The property rights of the logo chosen apply internationally and involve use and reproduction rights too. Therefore, the participant will refrain from the use or authorization to third parties to use the logo in the future.
AUTh has the right to make (a) variations, changes, improvements, modifications, configurations, translation and adaptation of the logo wherever appropriate and (b) create derivative graphic patterns, designs, ideas, etc., without the written permission of the creator.
AUTh is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from infringement by third parties on any of the rights of the graphic patterns, designs, ideas, etc., which have been published as part of the current competition call.
Submission of proposals:
The closing date is the 30th of November, 2016. The proposals will be submitted at the Department of European Educational Programmes-AUTh (Ms Maria Mylona) only between 11:00 to 13:30 (A4 dossier submission with name and content, as defined in the above specifications). For information please contact ONLY BY E-MAIL sucre@auth.gr. The submission can be made by post (postmark date) to: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of European Educational Programmes, Administration Building, 1st Floor, 54124 - Thessaloniki indicating: S.U.C.RE. Logo Competition.
The evaluation of proposals will be made by a three-member committee, faculty members of AUTh: Mr. Dimitris Fragos, Prof. of Visual Arts-Painting, Mr George Kalliris, Assoc. Prof. of Technology Media and Mr. Thanasis Pallas, Assoc. Prof. of Fine Arts-Digital Image.
After the evaluation of the proposals, the evaluating committee will rank the first three designs. The proposal to be ranked first will be used for the Programme as defined above. The name of the person or group of students who will be first in the ranking order will be explicitly mentioned on the Website and the published results of the Programme. The first three proposals will receive praise for their participation/contribution.