The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree CLE “European Literary Cultures” which is being coordinated by the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna and by the following full partner Universities:
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Greece)
- University of Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France)
- University of Haute Alsace ( Mulhouse, France)
- University Cheikh-Anta-Diop Dakar (Dakar, Senegal)
announces the second call for applications for the academic year 2018-2019 WITH financial support from the Universities of the Consortium.
Applications open: 16/04/2018 – 17/06/2018.
For more information:
- Maria Litsardaki, Associate Professor at the Department of French Language and Literature and Coordinator of the Program, Office 103, Old Building of the Faculty of Philosophy, tel: +302310997515, email: lima@frl.auth.gr
- Elisavet Lada, Local Administration of the Program, Office 103, Old Building of the Faculty of Philosophy, tel: +302310997506, email: ladaelisavet@frl.auth.gr
Official website of the Erasmus Mundus Master CLE Program: www.cle.unibo.it