We are happy to announce the 2nd Call of mobilities with your reputable Universities through the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Programme. For this reason please forward this e-mail to the person in charge of student mobilities.
As we have already communicated through previous correspondence, we’re currently opening the call for Students’ Mobilities (of all levels and according to our Inter-Institutional Agreements that concern the Country and not an Individual Higher Institution); a call for Staff Mobilities will follow in the next days.
The current call is for the Winter Semester 2016 (Academic Year 2016-2017) and the mobilities will have to be concluded by the end of February.
For the above reason we would like you to send us the list of your nominated students (if more than one, please place them in a ranking order). For the Partner Universities that have already sent us the nominations’ list there is no need to send it again unless the one sent isn’t in a ranking order. Please note that the current call is published for the mobilities available after the selection of the 1st call. Therefore please find attached a table of the Student available mobilities for next semester.
The nominations’ period will be: 18th of May, 2016 to 12th of June, 2016
All nominated students will be sent guidelines for the necessary documentation as well as the link to the online application.
The applications period will be: 25th of May to 20th of June.
All selected students will be sent the necessary informative material regarding their stay at AUTh and Thessaloniki. For more information please visit and also advise your students to visit the following link: https://eurep.auth.gr/en/students/international/studies
Contact details:
Erasmus+ International Programme Administrative Contact
Ms Sofia Fourlari eurep-projects@auth.gr
Erasmus+ International for Inter-Institutional Agreements & Incoming Staff mobilities:
Ms Maria Mylona eurep-projects@auth.gr
Erasmus+ International for Outgoing Staff mobilities:
Ms Anastasia Tsianopoulou eurep-projects@auth.gr
Erasmus+ International for Incoming Student mobilities:
Ms Konstantina Tolia eurep-projects@auth.gr