Ordered Liberty Summer School 2021

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The Ordered Liberty School is a joint collaboration of the Ordered Liberty Program at the University of Louisville (Kentucky, USA) and Hungary’s University of Public Service.

Each summer, law professors from the United States and Hungary gather in Budapest to offer courses centered around the idea of “ordered liberty.”  The concept of ordered liberty provides that the good society depends not on utopian human constructs, but rather on the measured consideration of three time-tested values: justice, order, and freedom.  Around the world one finds challenges to the idea of ordered liberty, as political communities come to grips with new forms of technology and communication. The Ordered Liberty School helps students assess the right balance of justice, order, and freedom in their own respective nations.

Rooted in Aristotle and Cicero, the concept of ordered liberty was given its fullest articulation in the 18th Century writings of Irish statesman Edmund Burke.  Attacking the radical decadence of the French Revolution, Burke made clear the good society depends not on utopian human constructs, but instead on the measured consideration of three time-tested virtues: justice, order, and freedom.  In nations all across the world one finds challenges to the idea of ordered liberty, as political communities come to terms with new forms of technology and communication.

The Ordered Liberty School is situated on the campus of the University of Public Service.

Date: 12 July – 23 July 2021.

There is no participation fee for the summer school.

The summer school will be held online (MS Teams). If the epidemiological situation allows, students may follow the courses in presence of the professors at site while others follow the courses online.  

Contact: bartoki-gonczy.balazs@uni-nke.hu

University of Public Service
Publication date: 
Friday, 4 June 2021