Warm greetings from VILNIUS TECH, Lithuania. We trust you are keeping safe despite this challenging time.
Our partnership has always given fruitful results, but meanwhile, the pandemic has been disrupting many plans. Therefore, we are contacting our trustworthy partners in order to find the ways relevant to both sides in order to boost the staff exchange. We believe this is one of the best ways to join the forces and enhance the ties of international collaboration with partner institutions.
We are eager to welcome the academic staff or researchers from partner institutions for teaching visits under the Erasmus + program this spring and next autumn semesters (from mid of February to mid of May and from September to mid of December 2021).
We are sending the list of courses for the wide choice the academic staff from your institution could consider teaching. We would appreciate if you share this information with the relevant staff who might be interested in applying for teaching at VILNIUS TECH.
For more detailed information regarding lecturing topics please see the attached list of Erasmus + coordinators or contact persons in the faculties. We are open to physical or virtual staff exchanges. Any other ideas related to staff exchange will be highly valued.