We would like to remind you that we are pleased to invite guest lecturers from our partner universities to participate in International Week for academic staff at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) that takes place from April 20 to April 24, 2020.
Please apply for participation as well as choose the courses, which you would like to give through our online application form by February 9, 2020. Once you have submitted your application form, we kindly ask you to send your CV via email riina.potter@taltech.ee
Please kindly find attached the official invitation – IR colleagues, we would be very grateful if you could forward this to potentially interested professors and lecturers at your institution!
As the International Teaching Week is combined with Staff Training Week that will take place during the same week this year, the participates are invited to prepare min 4 hours of lectures/workshops.
Kindly note, the programme is subject to change!