Due to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Erasmus in Thessaloniki, the University Campus of Kalandra- which wants to express honor to the Erasmus students of the Universities, who have chosen our city for their studies- invites them to visit it during the months of July and August, giving them the same privileges as those enjoyed by the students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
To enter and reside, you will need to: a) Demonstrate a document validating the status of an ERASMUS student at the Camp Reception Secretariat and b) Pay a fee of € 6 for an entrance card. There will be no other charges for the duration of their stay.
For further information, you could also contact the University Campus Office, either by calling at 2310-995350 or by sending an email at camping@auth.gr
Yours sincerely,
The Chair of the Camp Commission
Email: camping@auth.gr , http://camping.auth.gr .